Incantation Review: Taiwanese Ghost Movie That’s Really Scary That Available on Netflix Ratings: 3/5 (three stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Incantation is a Taiwanese movie that will hit theaters in March 2022 and earned high Before Netflix bought and broadcasted it all over the world now. Tell the story of a cursed mother who tries to save her child by sharing stories through online clips. It’s a really scary ghost movie. Real-footage scenes are good (even though they look a lot fake), but there are major problems. with the intersecting narrative that makes the story seem difficult and not make sense if counting the similarity with the plot of The Ring as well, the Ring fans may not be very pleased with this story.

Incantation Review

Incantation Review: The Story

The story is made into a fictional story through real footage from the camera to look like a real thing. Whether it’s the medium or the old, The Blair Witch Project mixes with the idea of ​​the ring, the curse of death via videotape. If someone who hasn’t watched The Ring before will be awed by the plot that begins to warn people that this is a curse. If you look and know, there will be a possibility. Which has resulted in provoking the audience to want to see for sure. But for those who have seen The Ring before, the beginning of the story is directly copied. This was something that immediately felt flinched. And not just starting like at the end unravel the knot Still coming to the ring again make that real and this is not a plot or a new idea at all. But just bringing real footage mixed with the ring to come out to be this story only.

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Let’s say that if the plot is cut like the ring out as for the highlight of this story, it exists. by creating a real-life scene with horror, a lot of things It is a movie called focusing on cutting real footage of scary scenes. Mysteries are scary to see especially. the frustration of what was taken like a lot of worms Smudged lymph fluid on the body. The scene of self-harm because of being cursed by a terrible curse. Or a ghost style that only children can see, they use it often. The Chinese-Asian shrine scenes that are the main mainstay of the story are terrifying at first, adding even more horror. Tung Chae scene can do better than other stories. Called anyone who is terrified to see this, may not be able to accept it at all. It’s a movie that makes and serves this selling point with real footage that comes out so well that it’s a must-see.

Incantation Review and Analysis

Even cutting the spooky footage to serve the audience continuously will come out well. But the story itself is back to the problem from this point as well. because it becomes confusing for the sequence of stories It’s hard to understand like it shouldn’t make it look this hard at all. The story starts from the present where the child’s mother heroine tells the story of the origin of the video that is about to be released to the public online. and then recount where the curse came from in a short scene of her former ghost-hunting gang that invaded a tunnel in a shrine Intersect with the events of her adoptive child who has been cursed as well.

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Combined with trying to tell the story when playing this tape. And there is also footage of CCTV in various events. with additional characters for the story all of which are short scenes Cut back and forth without a point telling what time or what time, let the audience think for themselves. which was not confusing at the time, But I’m confused about the story that jumps back and forth. making things seem difficult to understand without reason a bit of a headache You must think about the matter yourself.

In addition, the attempt to make the story look like real footage turned out to be a lot of scenes that looked awkward. will give like a kid holding a video camera to take pictures there the mother found something and never stopped taking pictures. Even the haunted scene will have to hold the camera again. Which looks so fake that it makes real footage that becomes the part that hurts the movie itself as well

The film tries to add drama to the mother-daughter relationship she adopts and tries to raise a good mother, with the male character who built an orphanage as another caring father. But with the story, focuses on cutting scenes to make it scary all the time. The ghosts are very deceitful. good relationship drama So these things don’t make me feel that much. It’s like it’s just the part that tries to make the ending of the story more sensible to the mother. But it’s not a difficult ending at all. Accidentally, the audience already knew from the beginning that it would end like this.

Incantation Review: The Last Words

Let’s just say that overall, Incantation is another Taiwanese ghost film that has been at the podium as this year’s masterpiece by default. Although the elements may not be fresh. And it has the same old aura typical of Taiwanese ghost movies that often play with beliefs and connections. But this movie has a story that is strong enough to support the audience. It also has a good vision from the director. who knows the pace and what the audience expects And that’s exactly the answer to the synopsis of an ambitious and memorable movie as well.

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Starring: Tsai Hsuan-yen, Huang Sin-ting, Kao Ying-hsuan

Director: Kevin Ko

Streaming Platform: Netflix (click to watch)

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