I Know What You Did Last Summer: Episode 6 Recap and Ending Explained “Least You Had a Spare”

I Know What You Did Last Summer Episode 6 opens by displaying “12 hours ago”, where we assume someone has been seriously injured. The group flees Clara’s domain, but it’s a fight. Riley enters the main road and sends a message to the team explaining that she is out, but someone in a truck tries to run over her. She gets hit by the truck, so she hides in the woods; Riley tries to call her mother for help. But it’s too late. A blade impales him from behind.

I Know What You Did Last Summer

Episode 6 then turns into a flashback with Riley and Dylan at a house party, but he is distracted by the twins. Riley senses his distraction. In the present, concern begins to spread as Riley’s and Dylan’s mother has no idea where Riley is. The mother goes to the police station because she is worried. There is nothing official that can happen unless she is missing for 48 hours. In addition, the police are overly concerned about native spiders. In a flashback, Riley sees Dylan going up with Lennon to the party, and she is out of breath. Nowadays, friends get together and worry about Riley.

While searching for Riley, Dylan tells Lennon (Allison) that he was in love with her on graduation night, but that he loves Allison. But before they can continue the conversation, they’re shocked to find Riley’s arm, but not her body, which means she might still be alive. Meanwhile, Bruce confronts Clara and tells her that the police know about her spiders. Clara tells Bruce that he has no authority here and that his secrets will still be there even if she’s not there.

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The friends know they have to return to the estate to find Riley, but they receive a location ping from Riley’s phone. Meanwhile, the mother continues to look for her. The mother finds Riley’s phone, but it’s a trap, and she is dangled by the neck from a backhoe. Another one that bites the dust. The friends are nuts at a different place near the sea, then they get a text taunting them. They assume the worst – that Riley is dead. However, the episode flies off for Riley. At this point, she is still alive. The police head to Clara’s domain regarding the spiders, but they soon find Riley’s mother dead. The situation is more serious than they thought.

Secrets are revealed in Episode 6, which deals a devastating blow to Allison. Bruce confronts Allison, and he knows she knows he was married to Clara. He then reveals that his mother is alive in a shock bomb. Bruce doesn’t want any more secrets between them. Allison has lived her whole life believing her mother committed suicide and is distraught. Bruce thought it was better to lie back then because his mother didn’t want to be part of the family. Bruce mentions the cult and how Fred Phillips came into contact. Allison puts the pieces together – what her sister knew, is why they had an argument that night at the party. Bruce then reveals that he threw his sister out of his car the night she was run over.

The Ending Explained

In a flashback, Riley kisses Dylan at the party, and he acts weirdly about it. Riley tells him that she doesn’t want him to be a loser for college, but Dylan reminds her that they are best friends. He doesn’t want to give her the wrong idea. The couple end up arguing over Allison again. Riley was saving herself for him. In the present, Riley continues to struggle with his injuries. Clara eventually finds her and she is dead.

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Allison sends a message to Fred Phillips and asks for her mother. Margot then tells her that Dylan is gone – she has suspicions about him and thinks he is “known”. Allison isn’t convinced Dylan is the killer. Meanwhile, Dylan is in the cave and he writes “Riley” on the wall. Clara then hangs out in Riley’s body and tells him that the tide is rising. The culprits are starting to form.

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