I Hate Christmas Season 2: Will the Second Season Happen? Here’s What We Know

After the great success of the first season, will I Hate Christmas Season 2 be made? Here’s what we know about the series that is making a splash on Netflix and starring Pilar Fogliati. This is because she manages to tell the magic of this period from another point of view, that of someone who has to find himself explaining in front of relatives why he hasn’t brought his girlfriend for another year. Will it be different this time or maybe not?

I Hate Christmas Season 2

At the moment Netflix has not officially renewed the series for a second season but given the resounding success and the cliffhanger with which the first season ends, there really seem to be no doubts: we are sure that I Hate Christmas 2 will arrive on our screens. Furthermore, another clue is linked to the fact that the series from which it was taken, the Norwegian Christmas with a stranger by Per-Olav Sorensen, takes place in two seasons of six episodes each. This suggests that the series with Pilar Fogliati has also been studied in this way.

I Hate Christmas Season 2: Will the Second Season Happen?

But back to the season 1 cliffhanger of I Hate Christmas, many of you may have wondered what that means. It is a technique that literally translates as “hanging from a precipice” and which wants to lead to a suspension of the plot with a great secret from which we expect an answer. Gianna (Pilar Fogliati) in fact reveals that her love came knocking on her door on Christmas day, but she has not revealed the face of what remains a mysterious man.

See also  I Hate Christmas Review: Christmas, A Difficult Time For Many | Odio il Natale Netflix

Probably therefore that also to reveal the mystery there will be a second season, for the particular theme covered, however, we will have to wait for next Christmas when perhaps we will really find out if the beautiful Gianna will have a happy future. Speaking of Christmas, if you want to avoid uncomfortable situations in the coming weeks, then we recommend this handbook on ten things to do to avoid family conflicts during the holidays.

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