I Hate Christmas Ending Explained: Who’s Coming to Dinner? Who Is Responsible for The Fire At The Shop?
Among the Christmas productions released by video platforms, I Hate Christmas has stood out. First, because it’s a series and most productions aimed at this time of year are movies. At the same time, the plot itself is attracting attention. The story accompanies Gianna, one of those romantics who no longer exists. After all, it is very rare to hear about eternal love. She is still in love with Francesco, even though time has passed and his life is on a completely different level than when they were a couple. Gianna’s dilemma will be precisely those inconvenient questions from family members on Christmas Eve. Everyone will feel the lack of a partner for her and the solution to overcome this discomfort will be just one: Gianna finds a suitor. Let’s understand a little about the series finale. Follow:

I Hate Christmas Review: The Story
Gianna is a 30-year-old girl who lives in Chioggia, professionally made, with a large family and faithful friends always by her side. It would seem that she lacks for nothing, yet, like every year, the approach of Christmas pushes Gianna to take stock of her life. Or rather, it pushes the people around her – especially her obsessive mother Marta (Sabrina Paravicini) – to carefully analyze her sentimental situation. And the answer is always the same: single. During the holiday season, everything seems to speak of love, and the fact that she is the only one unmarried and childless within her family certainly doesn’t make life easy for the girl. The only place that doesn’t matter is where she feels most comfortable about herself: the hospital where she works as a nurse.
Here Gianna takes care of her patients with passion and feels that she is being judged solely on her professional skills. Outside the hospital, however, the girl has the impression of always being under the magnifying glass of all those who think that she will be alone forever. This is how, during the umpteenth family reunion in which she is overwhelmed by advice on how she should manage her life, Gianna decides to surprise everyone with her: in fact, she announces that she is engaged to her and that she will be accompanied to the Christmas Eve dinner. Too bad it’s just a lie; Thus, the girl will have only 24 days to find a partner, between unlikely acquaintances, blind dates, and bitter disappointments. A journey in search of love that will prove to be a path to self-discovery.
Gianna’s Ordinary Life
We begin by highlighting that Gianna has an ordinary life, one of those excellent professionals, owner of a normal routine, who manages to reconcile her schedule very well as a nurse and as a good friend and companion. Among her circle of friends is precisely her older sister. In the story, Gianna will be single for three years. As she reached her 30s, her family began to exert pressure to prevent her from ending her life without a partner. The pressure she receives from her family will end up leaving her in great sadness, to the point that she decides to create a story. Gianna tells everyone that she will introduce a boyfriend on Christmas Eve. The dinner is known for the atmosphere around these topics about her love life. The problem is that, despite her saying this, there are no suitors in sight and this will start a stalemate.
The Solution
The trio Caterina, Margherita and Titti will discuss a solution with Gianna. After all, she is known for always taking care of everyone, always and in various parts of her life, but she doesn’t usually take the time to take care of herself the way she should, especially about her love life. Interested in showing up with a date for Christmas, Gianna will have several dates. All disastrous and with unknowns, while a co-worker takes a keen interest in her. Umberto wants to get to know her better, but her shyness doesn’t allow her to go further.
But, by an irony of fate, one of the suitors with whom Gianna had a disastrous encounter, Mario, ends up having a relationship with Titti. This confuses Gianna, who may be dealing with an eye-piercing friend case. Afterward, Margherita ends up approaching Gianna’s other suitor, Thomas. But Caterina was also interested in Thomas. Finally, it remains for Caterina to get involved with another suitor of Gianna Diego. At the beginning, Caterina will face some difficulties in communicating with Diego, since he is deaf, and his dialogues take place through sign language. Meanwhile, Gianna is increasingly unable to get involved with someone and, to make matters worse, discovers that even her parents are having extramarital affairs. Gianna understands that the only way is to continue giving love to others, even though she is single.
Gianna is Surprised
Finally, the long-awaited day of the Christmas dinner arrives when Gianna would introduce her boyfriend to the family. Umberto declares himself to her, who comes to understand that the ideal is to invest in real feelings and leave appearances aside. When night comes, Gianna appears alone. On the other hand, she sees everyone accompanied and with a partner. She is the only one with no one by her side. In the final scene, the doorbell rings. Gianna goes to the door and shows a surprise to the guest. The camera focuses only on her, without revealing who she is. The revelation should stay for the second season.
How Does Gianna Find A Boyfriend Before Christmas?
Gianna doesn’t have a real strategy to find a boyfriend before Christmas Eve. She simply relies on her instincts and the advice of her friends, trying to seize every opportunity her life throws her way. The first one she goes out with is Nicola (Giovanni Anzaldo), an Italian professor who met by chance outside the cooking class that the girl had started attending to try to meet people. The one with Nicola is a relationship that immediately founders, as the man soon reveals himself to be presumptuous and misogynistic. It is then the turn of Mario (Alessio Praticò), a fisherman who met at the port of Chioggia and who works at the fish market. Even this story, however, will be short-lived: Mario is excessively prone to anger and morbidly attached to his mother.
After talking to his sister, the latter introduces her to Carlo (Marco Rossetti), a successful wine entrepreneur in a wheelchair who immediately makes a very good impression on Gianna. Too bad that at her proposal – a bit insistent – of him to fly on her seaplane, the girl runs away, terrified as she is from her height. The next day, in the hospital, she meets the former deputy Dante Crisanti (Andrea Di Stefano), an interesting man several years older than her, but whom Gianna immediately sets aside as soon as she discovers that, as a young man, he had had an affair with her mother. Finally convinced by a friend to download her Tinder, our protagonist makes the acquaintance of a nice and thoughtful boy, who immediately shows a great interest in her. There’s just one problem: Davide (Nicolas Maupas) is 18 and still in high school.
I Hate Christmas Ending Explained: How Do I Hate Christmas End?
As it was easy to imagine, Gianna arrives on the fateful Christmas Eve without having found a partner to take to dinner. In reality, however, this does not seem to be a problem anymore. Speaking with her friends and family, our protagonist realizes that individual happiness cannot be measured only based on a single variable, in this case, the presence or absence of a partner. Many elements contribute to outlining a person’s identity and there are many forms of love to which it is possible to aspire: love for family, for friends, for one’s job, or a hobby.
The true meaning of Christmas is that we are all looking for love but the only thing to receive it is to give it.
Now free from the burden of having to go accompanied to Christmas dinner, Gianna is preparing to spend the evening with her family, her partners, and her host of grandchildren. There is a surprise, however, in store for her: her work colleague just before the girl detaches from her shift, confesses that he is in love with her. But an emergency in the hospital forces the two to interrupt the conversation they had just begun. Thus evening arrives at Gianna’s house and the whole family gathers around the table, in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere. As soon as she sits down, she begins with:
I’m waiting for an important person, someone who taught me that we are often full of preconceptions and that we should all put some poetry into our lives.
In reality, however, during the evening we only see her friends arrive, accompanied by their partners that Gianna had introduced to them in the days leading up to Christmas. Thus, it would seem that once again they are all coupled except her but, unexpectedly, someone knocks at the door.
Who Rings at Gianna’s Door On Christmas Eve?
If you have already reached the finale of I Hate Christmas, you will know that the show does not reveal who the man who shows up during Gianna’s family dinner on Christmas Eve is. The viewer is only shown the protagonist opening the door and smiling; so we can imagine that, whoever it was, it was just the person she hoped to see. After a cut scene, we observe Gianna walking through the streets of Chioggia and, breaking the fourth wall, as usual, confessing to the viewer that, at least for the moment, she will not reveal the identity of the mysterious visitor. The show thus seems to leave us a bit dry-mouthed; for what is the development of the plot, however, we can try to hazard a couple of guesses. The most well-founded hypothesis is that it belongs to her work colleague, who came to her as soon as the shift was over to continue the conversation so abruptly interrupted.
However, it could also be Carlo, whom Gianna had met by chance in the days leading up to Christmas, and who would respond to the description of the person who taught her to free herself from her preconceptions. More probable but not impossible, it could finally be Davide, who regrets having put his plans ahead of his relationship with Gianna. As much as we can speculate, however, a clear answer is not provided to us and we can only wonder if we will discover the identity of this mysterious man in the second season of I hate Christmas. whom Gianna had met by chance in the days leading up to Christmas and who would respond to the description of the person who taught her to free herself from preconceptions.
More probable but not impossible, it could finally be Davide, who regrets having put his plans ahead of his relationship with Gianna. As much as we can speculate, however, a clear answer is not provided to us and we can only wonder if we will discover the identity of this mysterious man in the second season of I hate Christmas. whom Gianna had met by chance in the days leading up to Christmas and who would respond to the description of the person who taught her to free herself from preconceptions. More probable but not impossible, it could finally be Davide, who regrets having put his plans ahead of his relationship with Gianna. As much as we can speculate, however, a clear answer is not provided to us and we can only wonder if we will discover the identity of this mysterious man in the second season of I hate Christmas.
What Can We Expect from I Hate Christmas 2?
Before asking ourselves what we can expect from I Hate Christmas 2, however, we must ask ourselves if there will be a second season of the Italian Netflix TV series. And the answer is yes. This is because, just like the original Norwegian title from which it is inspired – Christmas with a stranger by Per-Olav Sørensen – the Italian show also has two seasons. It is therefore assumed that the new episodes will be released on Netflix in a year, before the 2023 Christmas holidays. We can also hypothesize that, on that occasion, the identity of the mysterious man will be revealed to us: it could be, then, of an already finished story, thus continuing Gianna’s single adventures, or of a relationship currently in progress, showing us new nuances of our protagonist.