I Came By Review: Investigation Thriller Through Ordinary People Who Became Essential Heroes

Stars: Antonio Aakeel, Alicia Ambrose-Bayly, Percelle Ascott

Director: Babak Anvari

Streaming Platform: Netflix

Filmyhype.com Ratings: 3/5 (three and half stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

I Came By British thriller Netflix tells the story of two graffiti men who hope to change the world by storming into a rich man’s house as a symbol against I CAME BY but finds a terrifying secret that has been hidden. In the history of the Seventh Art of directors who got lost along the way there are an infinite number of them and at all latitudes. Directors like the Iranian-British Babak Anvari, who after his dazzling and award-winning debut in 2016 with the horror Under the Shadow seem to have lost the compass and consequently the right path, collecting one hole in the water after another. After having convinced us that he is a promising author to keep an eye on with a truly noteworthy debut work, endowed with undoubted talent, something that we continue to support without fear of denial, Anvari threw everything to the wind with a second test behind the disappointing camera titled Wounds.

I Came By Review

In that case, it was useless to continue on the already beaten path of horror cinema, relying among other things on reliable actors such as Armie Hammer and Dakota Johnson, because the results, in addition to leaving much to be desired, have questioned the good had managed to do previously. In our hearts, we thought and hoped that he had run into a bad day, in that physiological slip that everyone, even the most famous and illustrious authors, sooner or later make during their career. Unfortunately, however, the next film did not represent the answer that we and many like us hoped would arrive, because with I Came By, even if showing some timid signs of recovery, Anvari seems to have not found the compass yet.

I Came By Review: The Story

The third feature film he signed, released on August 31, 2022, on Netflix, tells of a graffiti artist who sneaks into the homes of the rich and powerful to leave his work on a house wall with the clear intention of demonstrating that the golden shelters of the wealthy they are not inviolable, but also to send clear political and social signals to public opinion. In his targeting of the homes of London’s wealthy elite, he ends up sneaking into the mansion of a prestigious former judge, uncovering a dark secret in his basement.  Thus begins a dangerous game, which pits the two against each other and which risks involving even the people closest to the young protagonist. We will not reveal what secret it is, even if a few seconds after the raid in the basement it becomes easy to guess what it could be.

Having learned of Pulcinella’s secret, from that moment on, the thriller dress falls away to make way for a crime with a horrific vein that has no few precedents. This will trigger a series of déjà-vu in the minds of the usual patrons of the trend in question which, in addition to making the project lose its originality, push the user to gradually lose interest in the plot and the characters. In I Came By we are faced with a series of déjà-vu which, in addition to making the project lose its originality, push the user to gradually lose interest in the plot and the characters

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The vision on the stars and stripes platform, therefore, needs inertia, accompanied by the hope of the viewer on duty that a sudden twitch or twist will occur on the timeline, changing the fate of the film. Unfortunately in I Came By this does not happen, with the accumulation of tension and the curiosity about what the fate of the protagonist may have been, which are not enough to bring the film back to altitude. The script was co-written by the director with Namsi Khantry with a switch to change register and color, but the change in the race to move the waters does not have the desired results. It starts with the traditional and now worn-out Hitchcock thriller atmospheres and then changes the cards on the table veering towards horror, with an escalation of violence that calls into question torture porn and slasher. This move, however, pushes the narrative and the dramaturgy towards the quicksand of the already seen and the predictable, dragging with it the characters and the story that populate it.

I Came By Review and Analysis

A thriller that doesn’t go directly into the police investigation. Because in this story, the protagonist is a young man who still has problems taking care of his own life. And his intentions to change the world are an anonymous crime but found a crime bigger than his own. Therefore, the story is not a detective chase. Rather, it’s about trying to find a way to deal with excess problems with his abilities. Be a hero who needs to be a good citizen. which the story is focused on the decisions made by each person Both young people have a problem with one person not wanting to join because they have to take care of their family. The other is believing in his actions until he does not listen to anyone and only his being involved in this incident makes the story gradually. Follow the sequence of problems for each person until complete. Which then reverts to the title as an important message in the last episode again.

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The movie tries to show how brave it takes for normal people to get up and do something that is beyond their own for the sake of society which may seem like a heroic ending. But it doesn’t sth the main story. Because the story tries to make a hero a normal person. The official investigation into the matter was easily cut off unreasonable Even if the villain is a former judge with many connections to help. But many things are unlikely. Until then, there are always questions as to why the British police are so deficient in their work. Or even the villain’s house with an alarm system in the whole house, there is not a single surveillance camera outside the house that looks very unusual. Even claiming that there is no evidence to record it still doesn’t make sense.

Until then, there are always questions as to why the British police are so deficient in their work. Or even the villain’s house with an alarm system in the whole house, there is not a single surveillance camera outside the house that looks very unusual. Even claiming that there is no evidence to record it still doesn’t make sense. Until then, there are always questions as to why the British police are so deficient in their work. Or even the villain’s house with an alarm system in the whole house, there is not a single surveillance camera outside the house that looks very unusual. Even claiming that there is no evidence to record it still doesn’t make sense.

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But in the thriller part of the story, this is well done the story gradually Ajar shows us the actions of the former judge, who looks good and moral on the outside. But behind it, it’s ruthless and perverted like a devil. The actors played well so there was a bit of a Hannibal Lecter-like mood in them. It allows us to see his patterns of behavior and the origins of his perversions through conversations with the victims. But there is no brutal scene to see directly. It’s a pity that the script is warp, but it’s just a passive presentation. Only let the audience understand what he’s doing.

All this to say that I Came By leaves nothing significant except a bitter taste in the mouth for what it should have been and instead was, that is, the getting up to fight of a boxer who went to the mat shortly before. During this match, Anvari did not once again exploit his technical qualities but smothered them in favor of an academic and tame direction. Just as he did not take advantage of those made available by well-known actors such as George MacKay (1917), Hugh Bonneville (Downton Abbey), Percelle Ascott (The Innocents) and Kelly MacDonald (Boardwalk Empire), on the contrary, it forces them to work half-service with fluctuating performances that are not suited to them. But it is all a direct consequence of a project that was born badly and ended even worse due to a fragile script, poor initiatives and also rather banal when it points the finger at the ruling class to denounce its rot.

I Came By Review: The Last Words

A thriller that is not a direct investigative chase. But trying to do it in a hero is a normal person who encounters something bad and tries to deal with it himself until bad problems followed. In the thriller part, the evil spirit can come out gradually revealing the source but there is no brutal scene to see anything. It may seem disappointing that the story is not presented to the fullest. In this line, the way it should be. And the normal heroic presentation also makes the script try to cut off the official investigation from the story in a very unreasonable way.

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