I Am Groot: The Trailer For Is Adorable Here Is When Disney+ Series Coming

I Am Groot Trailer: If you thought that Baby Yoda with her boundless cuteness was a cheap shot, get ready for the worst, or perhaps the best: it depends on your point of view. What is certain is that Groot is called “a hero of few words”. in the trailer dedicated to the animated series he is hilarious, sweet, and irresistible. We filmed a very young Groot, one of the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, relating to a people of tiny creatures, with an obvious visual parallel to Gulliver’s Travels. After some hesitation, Groot manages to conquer them, giving them a leaf with which the beings dine.

I Am Groot

I Am Groot: The Trailer and Release Date

In the following quick montage, we have a taste of the adventures that will see him protagonist in I am Groot. The first season of the animated series will consist of five short shorts, but a second season with additional episodes has already been announced. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) films, Groot has the voice of Vin Diesel, obsessively repeating the one sentence he utters, which is “I am Groot”. We saw it in Teenage Thor: Love and Thunder, while this series feels like it is set earlier, with a much younger Groot. Nicknamed Baby Groot, we will see him struggling with various adventures in different places in the galaxy, before meeting the Guardians and joining them.

Also in the Diesel series, he will voice the character and will be joined by actor Bradley Cooper, who in the MCU gives the voice to Rocket Racoon. With the raccoon-like appearance, Rocket Racoon is another member of the Guardians of the Galaxy and is very attached to Groot, from whom he never separates. He is also able to understand what Groot is saying, interpreted his recurring phrase of him in all shades of him. I Am Groot will arrive on Disney+ starting August 10, 2022. You can find out everything there is to know about it in the dedicated in-depth study.

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