House Of The Dragon: Will Be Full Of Sex And Nudity, Warns Matt Smith

The expectation that exists around House of the Dragon is sky high. and it is that the fans and critics of the series are still waiting to know if the prequel to Game of Thrones will live up to the mythical series. The drama, the suspense, the violence and of course, the high sexual content, made GOT one of the most successful HBO series of all time. And although fans are still wondering if the new HBO Max production will have the same doses of these categories, at least for now, it seems that the last aspect is more than covered.

House of The Dragon Prince Daemon Targaryen

House Of The Dragon: Will Be Full Of Sex And Nudity

The creators have been very insistent that the nude scenes and sex are necessary elements to follow the story. However, more than one is not entirely convinced by this argument. In a recent interview, Matt Smith, who played Prince Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon, questioned whether the many sex scenes he filmed were necessary.

“You find yourself wondering, ‘ Do we need another sex scene? ‘ And they say, ‘Yes, we do. I guess you must ask yourself, ‘What are you doing? Are you representing the books, or are you watering down the books to represent the time we are living in?’ And I think it’s your job to truthfully and honestly represent the books as they were written.”

When asked if his character has too many sex scenes, the actor replied: Matt Smith isn’t the first member of the House of the Dragon crew to weigh in on the debate over the number of sex scenes, though on the other side one of the series showrunners, Miguel Sapochnik, told Variety that the spin-off had no intention of moving away from depictions of sexual violence.

“We are not scared. In any case, we intend to shed light on that aspect. The violence that men perpetrated against women at that time cannot be ignored. It should not be minimized and it should not be glorified.”

Sapochnik emphasized in the interview that he and fellow showrunner, Ryan Condal, approached cases of sexual violence on the new show with “care” and “thoughtfulness”. Game of Thrones has previously attracted much criticism for its depictions of sexual violence, including the controversial rape of some of its female characters, for example when the series portrayed the rape of Sansa Stark (played by Sophie Turner) by Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon) on their wedding night.

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Although many critics considered that the scene was gratuitous, even Rheon said in a later interview that filming the brutal scene was the “worst day” of his career, Turner herself assured that she does not agree with the criticism, since the multiple episodes of the aggression and cruelty her character faced on the popular show inspired her to become a real-life advocate for women’s rights.

“I think the negative reaction (from the audience) was wrong because those things happened. We can’t write that off and not put it on a TV show about power, which is a very powerful way to show that you have power over someone.”

Once again, on the other side of the coin, Emilia Clarke, who played Daenerys Targaryen, shared that she felt uncomfortable with nudity and felt unprotected during the filming of the first seasons, as HBO did not order that intimacy coordinators be hired. on the sets until 2018. What will House of the Dragon hold for us in that regard? We will only know until the series arrives on HBO Max next Sunday, August 21.

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