House of the Dragon: Who is Misarya and Why Is She Important? Mysaria and Her Key Role Explained

The second chapter of House of the Dragon was full of tension, mainly between Viserys I Targaryen, his brother Daemon and the powerful men who wanted to have control over the election of the next queen. King Viserys, who seems to have a mysterious disease that is going to take him to the grave, decided from the first chapter that Daemon Targaryen was not going to be his heir, instead, he chooses his daughter Rhaenyra as his successor, but he knows very well. Well that a woman has never sat on the iron throne and that the decision she made can cause problems.

Who is Misarya

Viserys is pressured to marry and produce a male heir (although Rhaenyra remains his first choice), and the process of choosing is accelerated when he hears that his younger brother, who has settled in Dragonstone, is getting married and his future wife is pregnant. Of course, all this turns out to be Daemon’s deception (which pushes Viserys to decide on Alicent Hightower), but it ends up introducing a very interesting character to the fight for power.

House of the Dragon: Who is Misarya and Why Is She Important?

Daemon Targaryen frequently visits the brothels of Flea Bottom, and it is there that he meets a prostitute named Mysaria, who is to him something like Shae was to Tyrion Lannister in House of the Dragon. When Rhaenyra arrives at Dragonstone mounted on her dragon and determined to retrieve her brother’s egg, she discovers that Daemon is not expecting a baby, but there is a woman by his side who, up to this point, has only the role of the lover, but which is much more important.

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According to the history of George RR Martin’s books, Mysaria comes from the city of Lys in Essos, which is a city that has a connection to Valyria (where the Tragaryens and dragons come from), and she eventually comes to be known as The White Worm and plays a key role in the Targaryens’ civil war. In the books, she does get pregnant by Daemon, but Viserys doesn’t allow the union between them, or her child to have a dragon in its cradle (which is something the Targaryens do to ensure that each dragon has an Imprint on it). Each new baby in the family, so that the bond between them is unbreakable), so he orders her to return to her hometown and her son dies on the journey, but she and Daemon remain connected.

Over time, Mysaria becomes something of a spy, with connections throughout the kingdom, and becomes a powerful ally to Daemon and Rhaenyra, who becomes his wife and queen, and becomes Daemon’s former lover in his mistress of whisperers (similar to Lord Varys in Game of Thrones). According to Inverse, Mysaria is even the one who orchestrates a hit in which an assassin infiltrates the Red Keep to assassinate Aegon’s eldest son, Rhaenyra’s half-brother who is up against her for the crown.

Mysaria finds out many secrets and reveals them to Rhaenyra, some of them cause tension and problems, and even lead to important figures being accused of treason and ending up being killed, so she also makes many enemies and that leads her to have a tragic and violent ending, which we are not going to reveal so as not to steal its impact when it appears in the series.

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