House of the Dragon: Who Does Rhaenyra Marry In The Series And Who Does She Really Love?

In the intro of House of the Dragon the fate of Rhaenyra Targaryen is hidden and this has been confirmed by her complicated love life and the events that have happened to her during the HBO Max series. Ever since her father King Viserys Targaryen named her heir to the throne, she has been expected to marry to form alliances between the most powerful families in the Seven Kingdoms. However, Rhaenyra’s adventurous and free personality makes her resist being a woman who only serves as decoration and is locked in a castle procreating children.

Rhaenyra Targaryen

Rhaenyra rejects all royal suitors and then arouses her sexual and passionate desires with her uncle Daemon Targaryen. Faced with the helplessness of her uncle, she goes on to take what she wants and seduces her guard Ser Criston Cole. Seen in a brothel with Daemon, the king becomes fed up with his daughter’s actions and forces her to fulfill her obligation as a princess and marry her cousin Laenor Velaryon, to strengthen the power of both houses in Westeros. Thus, Rhaenyra’s love life is complicated in House of the Dragon, having feelings for both Daemon Targaryen and Criston Cole, in addition to having to marry Laenor Velaryon.

Who is Laenor Velaryon, Rhaenyra’s Husband in House of the Dragon?

Before the marriage between Laenor and Rhaenyra, the latter’s presence in the series had been small. He appeared as a child when King Viserys held games and was later seen riding his dragon Seasmoke in the battle against the Crab Feeder. Laenor Velaryon is the eldest son of Lord Corlys Velaryon ‘The Sea Serpent’ and Rhaenys Targaryen the ‘The Queen Who Never Was’, so on his mother’s side, he is Rhaenyra’s cousin.

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In the books when Laenor and Rhaenyra get married she discovers that he is attracted to men, so their marriage is the perfect front to keep up royal appearances and protocols. Within this marriage, Rhaenyra has three children: Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey, but none have silver hair, so rumors about her husband’s homosexuality and that Rhaenyra has one or more lovers grow.

Which Actor Plays Laenor Velaryon In House of the Dragon

Laenor Velaryon in HBO Max’s House of the Dragon is played by Theo Nate as a child and John MacMillan as an adult. If things continue as in the books, his screen time is numbered.

How Many Lovers Does Rhaenyra Targaryen Have In House of the Dragon?

The one who seems to be the main lover of Rhaenyra Targaryen is Ser Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel), the commander of the Royal Guard and with whom she lost her virginity. Though in the books Rhaenyra’s wedding to Laenor drives them apart. Criston confesses his love to Rhaenyra but is rebuffed. At her wedding he is aggressive in a competition, angering everyone (including Rhaenyra) except Queen Alicent Hightower, who keeps him by her side as her guard.

Another of Rhaenyra’s lovers in the books is Ser Harwin Strong and during the third episode of House of the Dragon he made his appearance by being happy when Rhaenyra hunts a boar. Ser Harwin Strong is a captain in King’s Landing and eventually becomes close to Rhaenyra. Also dubbed the Bonebreaker, the character in the series is played by Australian actor Ryan Corr. Last and perhaps most important is Daemon Targaryen, Rhaenyra’s uncle, who has shown from the beginning of the series that he has a deep connection with her and they have even had moments of intimacy.

Who Does Rhaenyra Targaryen End Up With?

According to the book ‘Blood and Fire’ by George RR Martin, after the death of her first husband, Rhaenyra carries on the Targaryen tradition and marries her uncle Daemon. Although it seems that this union is another strategic move to annoy his father Viserys and to bring Daemon closer to the throne, the attraction between the two is true and from their marriage Aegon III, Viserys II and Visenya Targaryen are born.

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