House of the Dragon: Where is Cannibal Dragon? The Most Dangerous Dragon in History?
The Cannibal is one of the largest and oldest dragons still alive in the House of the Dragon. Dragons can help win the war in House of the Dragon. Rhaenyra, Aegon II, and Aemond all know that it takes armies to fight, but having large, powerful, battle-experienced dragons is what can tip the balance in their favor. At the end of Season 2, Episode 5, Jace and Rhaenyra are talking about the riderless dragons that are on Dragonstone. The prince talks about Vermithor and Silverwing, who are dragons whose riders died and who could be claimed for the Black side, and that Seasmoke is still in Driftmark. But these are not the only dragons alive at the time of the Dance of the Dragons, the books also speak of Sheepstealer and Grey Ghost, and of one more dragon named Cannibal, who is even more powerful than Vhagar and who, according to rumors, lived on Dragonstone even before the Targaryens arrived.
House of the Dragon: Where is Cannibal Dragon? Who is The Cannibal?
It was Aenar Targaryen who arrived at Dragonstone with 5 dragons after being exiled, including Sheepstealer and Grey Ghost, but it is believed that Cannibal was not among them and that the dragon has a different, mysterious origin, and could predate the destruction of Valyria. According to Game Rant, Cannibal is the oldest of Dragonstone’s wild dragons, but he’s also one of the most dangerous. The Cannibal’s name is a reference to the fact that he eats other dragons, which is something the others don’t seem to do and which we haven’t seen so far (Vhagar does bite Meleys, but only to kill). This is one of the dragons that is attempted to be claimed during The Sowing, where bastards and Targaryens belonging to other families are called upon to become dragonriders, but several of the potential riders decide not to go near it for fear of ending up like the same dragons that gave Cannibal his name (who is accused of having killed Grey Ghost at one point, though that was not this dragon’s doing).

Where is The Cannibal in House of the Dragon?
Not all of the dragons featured in the books have been seen in the series – Sheepstealer, Grey Ghost, Vermithor, Silverwing, and Cannibal have not appeared yet – but all of them are known to be found on Dragonstone, in the caves beneath the castle, where Rhaenyra’s Syrax, Jace’s Vermax, Daemon’s Caraxes, and Rhaenys’ Meleys are also found at different points in the story. If Cannibal is on Dragonstone, then we could see him appear during The Sowing, which began to take shape in Chapter 5 when Jace tells Rhaenyra that not all Targaryens ruled and not all are in the same family, but there’s a chance they have dragon blood and could become riders.
Now, it’s unknown if we’ll actually see Cannibal or if he’ll be written out of the story due to him not being claimed and not being part of the battle, but he’s certainly a huge element that speaks to the history of the Targaryens and dragons, so he’ll surely be mentioned at some point in the story. Game Rante says that there’s a character named Sylver Denys, the bastard son of Maegor Targaryen, who attempts to approach Sheepstealer during The Sowing, but things don’t end well for him or his children, who accompanied him in the attempt to claim the dragon, as the dragon leaves him wounded and Cannibal takes the opportunity to kill him and his offspring.
This is Caníbal, the Untamed Wild Dragon!
In The House of the Dragon, there will be three wild dragons, which no one has been able to tame: Sheepstealer, Gray Ghost, and the most dangerous of all, Cannibal. His name is not in vain and is that he is a completely black dragon with green eyes and a taste for feeding on the flesh of other dragons. Even so, he only used to attack others smaller than him, even being considered a scavenger, not being a particularly prolific dragon hunter, and also being able to devour eggs and newborn creatures. According to the legend of George R. R. Martin’s work, Cannibal lived on Dragonstone even before the arrival and founding of House Targaryen. Before the Dance of Dragons, Denys Argent (a man who claimed to be a bastard descendant of the Targaryens) attempted to tame Sheepstealer, but Cannibal interfered in the process, driving the dragon away and devouring Denys and his children. The fear of Caníbal was such that the fishermen asked to assemble an army to kill him, a request that was denied because if he was left alone he would not cause any problems. Fishing was simply prohibited in the waters east of Montedragón, the place where Caníbal frequented most.