House of the Dragon: What Happens To Daemon Targaryen After Being Banished, According To The Book?

In the fourth episode of House of the Dragon, Rhaenyra Targaryen was forced to drink a strange potion, but she was not the only one who suffered the consequences of her nocturnal adventure. Before you continue reading, keep in mind that you will find spoilers for the characters and the plot of episode 4 of House of the Dragon, the new HBO MAX series.

What Happens To Daemon Targaryen After Being Banished

House of the Dragon: Prince Daemon and His Fight With King Viserys

In the episode called ‘The King of the Narrow Sea’, Prince Daemon and Rhaenyra leave the castle one night for an adventure in the streets of King’s Landing. Daemon takes his niece to a brothel, where motivated by the passionate atmosphere, he kisses her. Before they get any further, the prince walks away from her, leaving Rhaenyra alone there. To the bad luck of the heiress to the Iron Throne, one of Otto Hightower’s spies discovers her and tells everything to the Hand of the King. He immediately goes to inform Viserys, who angrily sets out to confront those involved.

While he lectures his daughter and forces her to drink a concoction known as Moon Tea, he is not so kind to his brother. She orders a couple of guards to bring Daemon into her presence and greets him with a kick to the ribs. After berating Daemon for his lack of respect for the family, Viserys banishes his brother from his city and forbids him from ever appearing before him again.

House of the Dragon: What Will Happen To Daemon Targaryen?

Daemon had already been exiled from his kingdom in the past when he celebrated the birth and death of his brother’s son by calling him “heir for a day”. The feud between the chieftains of the Targaryen clan was resolved with the younger brother bringing the crown of the Stone Steps to Viserys. But this time, the offense seems much more serious, since Daemon even suggested marrying Rhaenyra, so the monarch may not forget the grievance so easily.

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In the book ‘Fire & Blood’, on which the House of the Dragon series is based, Daemon decides to go to the Stepping Stones after being expelled from the kingdom for trying to seduce Rhaenyra. Without his brother’s inheritance and with a nearly broken relationship with the princess, Daemon’s only option is to find another way to amass power in Westeros: join Corlys Velaryon, the “sea serpent.”

If the series follows the events of the novel that inspired it, Daemon will be on the Stepping Stones for a few months, until he learns of the death of his wife Rhea Royce. Following that event, the prince uses this opportunity to meet with the Velaryons. Some weeks later, he falls in love with Laena, the daughter of Corlys and Rhaenys. But as seen in the fourth episode of ‘House of Dragon’, this girl was already engaged to one of the sons of House Braavos, the most powerful family in the Free Cities.

It has already been confirmed that in the fifth episode the series will have another time jump, a time that will be used by Daemon to convince Corlys to break his daughter’s engagement. In the novel ‘Fire & Blood’, Corlys reveals to Daemon that he had already tried to break the marriage pact, so he asks the prince to challenge the Braavos to an owner for Laena’s hand. Thanks to his great skill in combat, Daemon wins and manages to marry the Velaryon heiress, with whom he has two children. It is possible that after that, the series will advance its plot at least 10 years in the future, showing the beginning of the war that will be known as the Dance of the Dragons.

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