House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 Ending Explained: Who Rode Seasmoke?

On Sunday, July 21, House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 came out on streaming, which everyone now knows is the prequel series to Game of Thrones. If you are here, in particular, it is because you want to be sure you have not missed any details (or because you are our loyal readers). So follow us in our episode summary-explanation, the most read in Westeros from King’s Landing to Dragonstone (at the bottom you will find the links to the summaries of the previous episodes). At the beginning of the chapter, we can see Jason Lannister (Jefferson Hall) arriving at Golden Tooth, a settlement located among the mountains that stands out in the novels for being one of the most important territories for House Lannister. Upon arriving, the inhabitants of the fortress reaffirm that they are willing to march for him, to which Jason responds by stating that he will begin his journey when Aemond Targaryen (Ewan Mitchell) joins the cause alongside Vhagar.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 Spoilers
House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 Spoilers (Image Credit: HBO)

House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 Summary

After this request reaches Aemond, his fury is visible, and he turns against Tyland Lannister (Jefferson Hall), whom he tells that he should remind his brother, Jason, that he is the Prince Regent and that he cannot summon him in this way. He also states that they should ally with The Triarchy, a group formed by Myr, Lys, and Tyrosh, some of the free cities that survived the catastrophe of Old Valyria, to terrorize and send a warning to Corlys Velaryon (Steve Toussaint), who is renowned for sailing the seas and conquering them. Ser Criston Cole’s (Fabien Frankel) concern continues to grow as he confesses that if Daemon’s (Matt Smith) army continues to advance, he will reach a point where it will be difficult to confront him. To confront Aemond’s irrational decisions, Alicent (Olvia Cooke) decides to talk to him and share what she thinks, but in an act of tyranny that shows us a fragment of what is coming for the future of the Green Council, the prince tells his mother that it is no longer necessary for her to be part of the council and that from that moment on, he would remove her seat within it so that she only focuses on domestic tasks.

Across the valley, Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy) calls the Black Council together for a meeting focused on expressing her anger at not being able to do anything and the losses this has caused to her team. During the meeting, she also revisits what was discussed in the previous chapter and shares her desire to find new riders for Vermithor, Silverwing, and Seasmoke — the latter also known as Silverwing and Mist respectively — the dragons that have been left under guard with no one to command them. In an act of bravery, Ser Steffon (Anthony Flanagan), a member of Viserys I Targaryen’s (Paddy Considine) Kingsguard, accepts the queen’s offer to try to tame Seasmoke despite the warnings, and although at first, the ceremony to ride him seemed to be going well, a carelessness causes the dragon to react and ends up incinerating him to death. Meanwhile, the visions in the bowels of Harrenhal continue to torment Daemon, who slowly loses his sanity. Alarmed by what is happening to him, he goes to Alys Rivers (Gayle Rankin) to understand his situation, to which the sorceress responds with a prophecy warning him not to do anything for the next three days.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6
House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 (Image Credit: HBO)

In King’s Landing, the situation also escalates when the people begin to revolt over the lack of food, pointing out the feasts that were taking place within the walls of the Green Council’s castle while most of the inhabitants fought for crumbs. The annoyance reaches such a point that it manages to unleash the fury of the inhabitants, who, between protests and shouts that recognize Rhaenyra as the true queen, enter the castle in protest mode, forcing the Royal Guard to hide Alicent and Helaena Targaryen (Phia Saban) after being pursued by the revolutionaries, a scene that reveals the discontent that exists against the crown and the desire for the Black Council to triumph in this war. The episode continues its natural course to show us Aemond demanding the return of Otto Hightower (Rhys Ifans) as Hand of the King and visiting Aegon II (Tom Glynn-Carney) upon awakening. At this point, we know that Aemond was the one who burned Aegon II in an attempt at regicide, and while this didn’t go according to plan, the conversation between the brothers makes it clear that Aemond is the one who holds the power now and seems to threaten the king not to say a word about what happened.

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House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 Ending Explained: Who Rode Seasmoke?

As the episode draws to a close, the focus shifts to a conversation between Rhaenyra and Mysaria (Sonoya Mizuno) where the queen reveals that she is not sure she can win this war, and though this thought often plagues her, Mysaria takes it upon herself to encourage her and tell her that she should be the queen. Soon, the words turn to silence and the silence turns to a passionate kiss that reveals Rhaenyra ‘s true feelings for her confidant, but this discovery is interrupted by a member of the Black Council who assures her that on his most recent outing from the castle, Seasmoke was seen sailing through the air with a new rider on his back. Rhaenyra is shocked and mounts Syrax to go on an adventure to find the possible tamer who could be a new ally in this war for the throne. Mysaria suggests that it could have been the Greens, however (and if history lines up with George R.R. Martin’s novels), the rider of Mist is Addam Velaryon, bastard son of Corlys Velaryon, who will be legitimized as a member of House Velaryon after being recognized as the man capable of taming said the dragon. This would give Rhaenyra an advantage in her quest for the throne.

Aemond Decides on the Plan of Attack and Fires Alicent!

Predictably, the Regent takes it badly: “That freak of a brother of yours dares to hastily summon me” he says to Tyland, who responds by quietly pointing out that Daemon is in those parts with his Caraxes, but he won’t listen to reason (not even from his mother) and orders Tyland to go beyond the Narrow Sea to ally with the Triarchy that governs the three Free Cities of Myr, Lys and Tyrosh to put an end to the naval blockade operated by the Velaryon fleet. Again they try to dissuade him from his intentions by emphasizing the danger of such an alliance but he does not intend to listen to anyone now that he has absolute power. His goal is to occupy the Velaryon fleet in battle to loosen the blockade and in the meantime send a reluctant Criston Cole to attack with the surviving forces Daemon from the east while Lannister arrives from the west, to then show up at the right time with his dragon.

Alicent preaches caution and asks about the messages sent to the Greyjoys (Theon’s ancestors), but Orwyle replies that “The Red Rain”, Dalton Greyjoy ‘s nickname, is hesitating because he aims to marry Alicent, who obviously refuses (unlike Cersei will do with Theon’s evil uncle). Criston also tries to suggest patience but Aemond has no intention of listening to him. While he’s at it, he “fires” his mother from the small council, with squalid words like “You were precious when you were needed, now the need is gone and you can devote yourself to your womanly things”. “Have the wrongs you suffered as a child not been avenged enough?” asks his mother, caressing his face, but Aemond pushes her away without batting an eyelid with a “You have the gratitude of the crown”.

Rhaenyra Proposes To Steffon Darrklyn To Ride A Dragon?

At Dragonstone, Corlys has accepted Rhaenyra’s “hand” and awaits the others at his first small council. Rhaenyra also brings in Ser Steffon Darklyn, who we met in the first season when he was effectively forced by Daemon to choose the Black faction after Aegon usurped the throne. It is to him that Rhaenyra wants to be granted the chance to ride a dragon, as she had planned to do, in the last episode together with Jacaerys, with someone who had some Targaryen blood, and he has a great-great-grandmother named Aeriana Targaryen. Darklyn accepts the honor, aware of the risks, and prepares to try to convince a dragon.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Ep 6
House of the Dragon Season 2 Ep 6 (Image Credit: HBO)

Daemon’s Latest Real Nightmare at Harrenhal: Viserys is There?

At Harrenhal Daemon has, as always, tormented nights: this time his co-protagonist is his deceased brother Viserys, who appears to him in a dream sitting on the Iron Throne and reproaches him for the joke about the “heir for a day” (Baelon, the male child born to Aemma who died in the first episode of the series and died after a day). Daemon defends himself but the king reproaches him bitterly for that joke and for all the times he threw in his face the gifts and honors that his brother had given him because he believed he deserved the inheritance on the throne. Daemon leaves the throne room and Simon Strong opens the door for him, to whom Daemon reproaches all his sick dreams of these nights. But Simon, rightly, denies every charge and every accusation of being in the pay of Larys or the Hightowers or Rhaenyra or anyone else.

Alys Explains Many Things to Daemon and Offers Him Help?

In doubt, he packs up and leaves, but on the way out he meets Alys who stops him to talk to him and explain a few things. He says he is convinced he is poisoned; she assures him that the fault lies with the spirit of Harren the Black, the one who finished building that castle and who now torments his guests. He says he is tired of these things; she reproaches him for always running away when he is tired, demonstrating that she knows him particularly well, and explains to him that in the world there are things older than any living being and people are just pieces of a large chessboard.

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House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 Ending Explained
House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 Ending Explained (Image Credit: HBO)

Daemon talks about Rhaenyra, how she didn’t want the crown, and Alys explains that that’s why Viserys named her: because he didn’t want it either but he knew how to handle it better than someone who wants it too much like Daemon. Now that he trusts her, he asks her advice on how to solve his mission to raise an army, and she tells him that basically, the problem to solve is that Grover Tully is dying but the locals answer only to him. Alys volunteers to solve the problem: who knows how this healer will do it when an owl lands on her arm…

Steffon Darklyn Gets Burned By the Dragon!

And so here we are at Ser Steffon Darklyn’s test. The chosen dragon is Seasmoke, the dragon still orphaned by the supposedly deceased, but in reality, escaped, Laenor Velaryon, who we saw restlessly crossing the sky a few episodes ago (the dragon, not Laenor). Steffon is fearful at first and the dragon seems to sense it, so he takes courage and Seasmoke seems to bow his head. But just when he says “I did it” the dragon gets annoyed and to make a long story short he burns him with a powerful breath of fire that leaves him no escape and not much hope for the queen either.

Corlys Orders Alyn to Accompany Him at Sea!

Corlys is back at the port, where Alyn supervises the preparations to go and reinforce the blockade “which will be challenged by lions or octopuses” that is by Targaryens or Greyjoys. And that’s why Corlys went to tell Alyn that he wants him at his side in the fight at sea. They still pretend nothing is happening: Alyn says “But you have men more experienced than me”, and Corlys answers “But you saved me at the Stepstones”. Luckily this charade will soon end, which also annoys Adam who is watching from afar. But first…

Ulf Listens to an Anti-Verdi “Rally” At the Bar!

In an inn, we see Ulf again, who we had seen notice the hanging rat-killers and then brag to his friends about being a Targaryen bastard. He is again in an inn, complaining about the fact that there is only fish to eat and nothing else, and a woman at the next table makes the typical bar speech against the government that does nothing while there is a naval blockade and the people only have fish while they feast on lamb. The speech makes a dent in Ulf’s heart, we understand it immediately from how he speaks with regret of Viserys.

Rhaenyra Slaps and is Cheered Up By Rhaenyra!

Rhaenyra is once again scolded by her people, this time by Lord Bartimos, who accuses her of sending a good soldier like Darklyn to die when there is already a shortage of men. Finally, the queen loses patience and slaps him in front of the guards who, of course, are watching. She then goes to her chambers and grabs a sword, being interrupted by Mysaria. Who first reassures her about the risk gone wrong, and then tells her that the rumors spread by her contacts, like the one we have witnessed, are actually convincing the people that the usurpers are terrible rulers. A move, that of Mysaria, that will lead the Greens to have to deal with internal turmoil as well as external wars.

House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 Ending
House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 6 Ending (Image Credit: HBO)

Aemond Doesn’t Listen to Anyone and Orders Larys to Find Otto!

People don’t appreciate it when the stalls are empty and carts full of sheep to be fed to the dragons pass by. But when Larys tries to explain this to Aemond in the council – made even smaller after the departures of Criston, Tyland, and Alicent – he is surprised that the people are against him and not Rhaenyra. Larys tries to propose himself as the first knight since Cole is not there, but in response, the contemptuous Aemond orders him to go and find Otto Hightower to propose that he return to help the family.

Aemond Goes to the Awakened Aegon and Attacks Him!

At that point Orwyle arrives, reporting that as we had seen Aegon has woken up and even if he is not in great shape he has hopes of making it. Aemond badly pretends to be happy but shortly after we see that he goes to see him and presses the marble sphere on his wounds while asking him if he remembers what happened and poor Aegon (hopefully) swears he doesn’t among screams of pain. Luckily Orwyle arrives and Aemond leaves wishing his brother a long recovery.

Rhaena Discovers a Dragon in the Vale!

In the Vale Rhaena chats and walks with her half-brother-cousin Joffrey Velaryon, who Rhaenyra has asked her to look after, but while she talks about how small and unlucky she feels they find scorched earth, a sign that some big dragon has been in those parts (we don’t find any evidence of this in the books). Certainly not the little dragons that roam the corridors of the castle where the two boys are being hosted, and where Jeyne Arryn arrives to say that Prince Reggio has agreed to host them in Pentos, across the Narrow Sea. Rhaena then asks about the dragon tracks found, and Jeyne explains that there have long been rumors of a dragon in those parts, but that it is wild and no one rides it. In any case, Rhaena will have to sail east.

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Adam and Alyn Finally Say It: They Are Corlys’ Sons1

Here we are at last. We see Alyn shaving his short blond hair, and Adam reproaching him for his now useless subterfuges. “You ignore the fact that Corlys wants you by his side,” he scolds his brother, before complaining that he is continually ignored. And then Alyn says it clearly: “The Sea Serpent will leave High Tide to the sea rather than call us his sons.” There he said it: Adam and Alyn are sons of Corlys (although in the books they were probably sons of Laenor).

Rhaenyra and Mysaria Send Ships Full of Food to King’s Landing!

Jace also goes to console his mother, who repeats her frustration at feeling unable to act and forced to watch others fight for her. While Jaceerys also tells her that Daemon is needed, Mysaria arrives to tell her that “our gift has been sent” to which the queen replies hoping for the favorable current of the Blackwater. Indeed, in the next scene, we see a boat and indeed ships sent to the port of King’s Landing, loaded with meat and every food that the inhabitants of the capital can only dream of during months and months of blockade.

Alicent Inquires About Children and Father!

At the bedside of her wounded son, Alicent asks Orwyle about the chances of Aegon recovering, Orwyle makes her understand that it will certainly not be the same anyway. Then Alicent also asks about her father, but the Grand Master informs her that the ravens sent by Larys have not received an answer because perhaps the Hightowers are busy in some war with the Beesburys still furious about how their lord Beesbury had been massacred by Criston. Alicent goes out to ask her brother Gwayne about her father, but he also says he knows nothing and that he is confident that Otto is doing well. And while she is at it, finally Alicent also asks about her third son, whom Daeron sent by the Hightowers who fortunately is growing up to be a kind boy even at sixteen, unlike his brothers who remained at the Red Keep at their mother’s side.

The Crowd Chases the Food and Alicent with Helaena!

After that Alicent goes back inside and goes to Helaena, who is noticing that one of her birds is not singing anymore: we are curious to understand what this sentence of hers will be a metaphor for. Perhaps Aegon’s fate? Hugh also learns that boats full of food have arrived and he pounces on them like an all-you-can-eat buffet, beating up the first person he comes across with a package of supplies. The commotion causes Helaena and Alicent, who have gone to the temple to pray, to flee quickly to avoid being lynched by the crowd chanting Rhaenyra. Alicent preaches calm to her soldiers, but it is only by pure luck that mother and daughter escape the crowd and manage to escape.

Larys Explains his Future to Aegon!

Larys Strong has now arrived at Aegon’s bedside, ordering the nurses to limit the use of poppy to keep him lucid and talking to him. She gives him a nice speech about how he will never run again, he will never be whole again and only his mind will remain the same. “And I don’t say that with pleasure,” Larys says wickedly. He then tells his own story, how he was born with a deformed foot and his father accused a relative of witchcraft. “People will pity you and stare or look away and underestimate you. And that will be your advantage.” And finally, the real reason he’s there: to let him know that he knows Aemond wants him dead; Aegon cries for help.

Second Daemon Dream with Viserys, Alys Killed Grover Tully!

Another night at Harrenhal, another hallucinated dream for Daemon, who this time sees his brother (welcome back, Paddy Considine) with his dying wife Aemma in his arms. This time Daemon feels compassion and says he is sorry for not being there when he was needed. He wakes up with Simon who brings him the news that Lord Grover died at Riverrun, “despite the strenuous efforts of our healer Alys”. Who evidently did what she promised to pave the way for Daemon, who now only has to convince the very young Lord Oscar Tully who we have already seen two episodes ago.

Grand finale: Rhaenyra and Mysaria Kiss, Adam Rides the Dragon Seafire!

And here we are at the exciting finale of the episode: on one hand the long-awaited investiture of Adam as a dragon rider, on the other a completely new romantic turn compared to the books, that between Rhaenyra and Mysaria. First, we see Adam on the beach, who is spotted by the dragon Seafire and even tries to escape but it finds him and corners him. Then we move on to Mysaria who reports to Rhaenyra that the people have taken her banners from the boats full of food, proving that they have the popular favor. The queen is tired, however, and for the first time says she is unsure of her chances of victory. Mysaria tries to reassure her, but Rhaenyra is frustrated by not having the support of her husband Daemon who does things for himself, nor of her son Jace who does not trust his mother’s abilities.

“You have me,” Mysaria replies, then explains that she self-mutilated after being raped by her father, so that she could not have children: a story that contrasts with when Mysaria explained to Daemon in the first season that she had voluntarily undergone surgery so as not to have children “after being sold more times than I can count.” Anyway, Rhaenyra hugs Mysaria, and from that hug comes a passionate and long kiss that is interrupted by a guard who brings the news that Seasmoke has been seen flying with someone riding him. The episode ends with Rhaenyra fearing that it is someone from the Greens and she takes her Syrax to go and find out for herself, but we already know that evidently Seasmoke has chosen Adam.

Rhaenyra’s Kiss and Sterility: Mysaria’s Differences From the Books!

As anyone who has read George R.R. Martin’s literary works, or even just character bios on fan wikis, or even our own summaries, knows, the character of Mysaria has seen significant changes in the transition to the TV series. In the books, in fact, not only was Mysaria not sterile after surgery, but she had actually been impregnated by Daemon, only to lose her son on the journey to Pentos. Furthermore, there is no evidence of her relationship with Rhaenyra, but with Daemon.

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