House of the Dragon Season 1 Summary: What What Happened Till Now In First Season

The first season of the TV series House of the Dragon concludes after ten episodes full of content, inserted mainly through the time jumps between one episode and another of House of the Dragon. This of the time jumps is a narrative device that allows you to briefly tell long events of the story, showing only the essentials on the screen.

During these time jumps that occurred in the episodes of the TV series House of the Dragon, there have been weddings and new births that are not always easy to locate. In addition, some of the protagonists of House of the Dragon change actors more than once. Action is necessary to justify the physical growth of the characters, which takes place precisely during the time jumps of House of the Dragon. In addition to our House of the Dragon review, find the Season 1 recap below for a complete picture of all the aforementioned passages. But also, as a useful reminder while waiting to see the second season of House of the Dragon.

House of The Dragon

House of the Dragon Season 1: Preface 

The first episode of House of the Dragon begins with a flashback (telling of a past event). The Old King Jaehaerys I Targaryen proclaims his successor to the Throne, through the decision made by the Great Council. Although the closest heir turns out to be Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, as a woman she is rejected as a candidate. Her cousin Viserys I Targaryen, one of the main protagonists of House of the Dragon, is elected in her place.

After this brief flashback accompanied by the narrative voice of Rhaenyra, the daughter of Viserys, the plot is projected into the present. King Viserys and his wife, Queen Aemma Arryn, are expecting their second child and everything is ready to celebrate the unborn child. During labour, the pregnancy presents complications: these lead first to the death of the Queen and then to that of the child, Baelon, a few hours after her birth. A very strong scene that is criticized by viewers of House of the Dragon.

Viserys as King has always continued to carry on his dynasty and wants to do it through a son. But his wish is not fulfilled, because his wife already loses four other children before Baelon. Only after the death of his great love Aemma, which occurs precisely in an attempt to give an heir, Viserys realizes that he has done everything wrong. And he carries that weight on his conscience forever. A detail that Paddy Considine revealed, who plays Viserys in House of the Dragon.

The Future King of The Seven Kingdoms

The Eldest Daughter of The King

After the death of his wife Aemma and son Baelon, Viserys proclaims his eldest daughter Rhaenyra as his heir. She is the only daughter who has always been in front of her eyes, but whom he has never considered for that role due to royal traditions. To avoid repeating past mistakes, Viserys reveals the secret prophecy of their ancestor Aegon I the Conqueror to Rhaenyra. The King reminds his daughter that for the sake of all mankind, there must always be a Targaryen on the Throne to keep the Kingdom together. And that task falls to her first, the death of her father.

The King’s Second Son

Viserys proves to be a ruler willing to defer certain strict rules, but he is often persuaded by third parties to act in a certain way. For example, after he is widowed, the ruler is pressured by his Small Council to find a new wife right away. Among these there is also his Hand Otto Hightower, who takes advantage of the situation to induce her daughter Alicent, still a teenager, to enter into the good graces of the King. So if the young girl becomes queen, she can procreate heirs for the throne.

The King’s Brother

Another member of the royal family aiming for the Iron Throne is Daemon Targaryen, the younger brother of Viserys. That precisely because of their blood relationship, he believes he is the rightful heir. This leads to contrasts between the two men, which worsen after a revelation made by Otto to the King: Daemon is seen in the city’s brothels, making fun of little Baelon’s fate. In Daemon’s view, the death of Viserys’ last and only male heir gives him more chance to be the future king. For this reason, Viserys banishes him from the Red Keep, the abode where their family resides.

Problems in the Strait Sea

Also, present on the King’s Small Council is the Lord of Driftmark Corlys Velaryon. He is best known in House of the Dragon as Lord of the Tides due to the prestigious naval fleet he possesses. Corlys warns all members that there is ongoing trouble in the Narrow Sea at the Stepstones Isles. Due to an alliance known as the Triarchy founded by the so-called Free Cities, the maritime trade of Westeros is in danger of being damaged. For this, an immediate solution is needed, but the problem detected by Corlys is not considered a priority; for this, he takes second place.

The First Time Jump and Staging Of Daemon

In the second episode of House of the Dragon, there is a first-time jump of six months. During this time it is revealed that after being banished by Viserys, Daemon lives on Dragonstone. In this place, he also takes his lover Lady Mysaria to live with him. As per Targaryen tradition, each unborn child has placed a dragon egg near the cradle: Daemon steals one of these eggs because he pretends that Mysaria is expecting a child from him.

Otto arrives at Dragonstone with soldiers to get the egg back. Daemon replies that Mysaria is pregnant and will soon be his wife. In reality, Daemon is already married to Lady Rhea Royce, although he has never considered the latter either as a woman or as her wife. So, Daemon can’t perform a new wedding. Later, Rhaenyra also arrives on the scene riding her dragon Syrax, the first specimen to appear in House of the Dragon. The Princess convinces her uncle to return the egg and avoid unnecessary bloodshed.

The Alliance Between Corlys and Daemon

The Small Council members featured in the House of the Dragon story do not view Daemon favorably as a potential candidate for the Throne. The theft of the dragon egg by Prince Targaryen only accentuates these negative impressions. However, this thoughtless behavior does not intimidate Corlys Velaryon. Who takes advantage of the opportunity, proposing to Daemon an advantageous agreement for both.

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Since the situation in the narrow sea has worsened in the meantime, Corlys asks Daemon to help him beat the Triarchy to protect maritime trade. In this way, Daemon can instead become a hero, in the eyes of those who do not currently consider him worthy of becoming king.

The Battle Against Craghas Drahar and The Second Time Jump

In the third episode of House of the Dragon, it is revealed that three years have passed since Corlys and Daemon set off to fight in the Stepstones islands. The battle turns out to be more difficult than expected because at the head of the Triarchy there is an unscrupulous man: Prince Craghas Drahar, the first villain of House of the Dragon.

The latter is nicknamed the crab feeder because he leaves his victims to be eaten by the crabs that arrive on the beach. In the end the Velaryon soldiers, thanks also to the help of Laenor, the son of Corlys, riding his dragon Seasmoke, have the upper hand on the Triarchy. While Daemon kills with his hands Craghas Drahar, the man in charge of everything.

Viserys’ Second Marriage

During the three-year time jump that occurs in the third episode of House of the Dragon, Viserys and Alicent got married. The couple has one son, Aegon II, while Alicent is expecting their second child. In this period, the relationship between Alicent and Rhaenyra, who grew up together as sisters, inevitably cracked. Especially since the young Regina marries the father of her best friend. In the meantime, the celebrations for little Aegon’s second birthday are underway. Rhaenyra, who has always had a rebellious temperament, acts childish to get attention.

This is because since Viserys has a new family, the girl believes that her father no longer cares about her as before. Some of those present at the party because of Rhaenyra’s behavior begins to doubt that she is fit to be queen. Someone insinuates doubt even to Viserys, who, however, cares a lot about her daughter and has no intention of denying her as her heir. Otto also takes the opportunity to put new pressure on Alicent and tries to convince her that it must be Aegon who becomes her future king.

The Third Time Jump

In the fourth episode of House of the Dragon, there is another time jump of a year; a period during which Helaena, the second child of Alicent and Viserys, was born. Also, this year, Daemon after the battle against Craghas Drahar remains in the Stepstones islands. He later returns to the Red Keep as King of the Narrow Sea; a title he receives after defeating the Triarchy.

Rhaenyra now of marriageable age, is travelling to the Seven Kingdoms to meet the suitors who want to ask for her hand. For her part, Viserys allows Rhaenyra to choose her future husband. However, the Princess soon gets bored of the candidates who come before her. So she decides to go home early, despite her father’s orders.

Rhaenyra Loses Her Virtue Before Marriage

When she sees her uncle Daemon at the Red Keep after four years away, Rhaenyra confides her qualms about marriage and children. Thoughts that come from what happened to his mother Aemma. Daemon considers the marital union only as a facade bond, which can be circumvented according to one’s wishes.

To make her understand better what he means, Daemon sneaks Rhaenyra into the slums of King’s Landing at night. In those places, he shows her the carnal pleasures of others, even with some practical demonstrations on his part. When the Princess returns home, she is still shaken by her new emotions. In the heat of the moment, she spends the night with Ser Criston Cole, her bodyguard, with whom she loses her virginity.

Viserys Banishes Otto From The Red Keep

Rhaenyra’s effusions with Daemon in the city slums are noticed by a child who reports to Mysaria, Daemon’s former lover. She the latter has created a network of spies throughout King’s Landing, with which she exploits the secrets of others in exchange for compensation and favors.

In this case, the news of the intimacy that takes place between Rhaenyra and Daemon is reported to Otto who wastes no time telling everything to Viserys. The more Rhaenyra is cast in a bad light with her father, the more the chances of Aegon taking her place on the Throne increase. Viserys is very angry at these accusations, so he banishes Otto from the Red Keep and revokes his role as Hand.

Choosing A Husband For Rhaenyra

Daemon makes Viserys believe that Rhaenyra has lost her virginity to him, then asks his brother to marry her. Daemon is already married to Lady Rhea, but in any case, Viserys does not agree to give his daughter to a man who does questionable acts. Since he doesn’t know what’s true in this story anyway, Viserys eventually forces Rhaenyra to marry her cousin Laenor Velaryon. In this way, the houses have the advantages of their union, while any possible scandal remains in the family.

The Agreement Between Rhaenyra and Laenor

The future spouses Rhaenyra and Laenor while discussing the arranged marriage, they make confidence in each other. Rhaenyra wants to continue her adolescence in freedom, without having the obligations attached to marriage. Laenor, on the other hand, is homosexual and has an affair with Ser Joffrey Lonmouth. So, the two boys by mutual agreement decide to continue their current lives, even after getting married.

During the journey to the home of Velaryon, Criston Cole, after the night spent together, proposes a romantic elopement to the Princess. Criston wants to marry Rhaenyra but in King’s Landing, he can’t do so. So, he wants to reach distant lands, where even a simple knight can have value for him like the nobles. Rhaenyra, however, does not agree but makes Criston understand that they can continue to have fun without commitment. A solution that the latter does not like. Because he has the utmost respect for the female figure and does not approve of the role of the lover.

The Marriage of Rhaenyra and Laenor

In the fifth episode of House of the Dragon, Ser Criston feels that he has dishonoured the role he fills, due to the night he spent with Rhaenyra. So, he confesses it to the Queen to take responsibility for her. Alicent had previously believed in Rhaenyra’s good faith when she swore to her that she is still a virgin. Criston’s revelation then sends Alicent into a rage, because she realizes she has been fooled. This becomes a reason for resentment both towards Rhaenyra and towards Viserys, who at the time had driven Otto away to protect her daughter.

The Birth Of The Greens

The first celebrations for Rhaenyra and Laenor’s wedding are underway at the Red Keep, but not everything goes as planned. Alicent after what she learned from Criston Cole, she shows up at her ceremony dressed in green like the color of her house, the Hightowers. This gesture is to implicitly stand against the Targaryens in front of all present. Indeed in the original House of the Dragon story, the Greens are the ones who support Alicent. Viserys, who has been battling a particular disease for some time, is visibly tired. The entry of his wife on a war footing only debilitates him even more. So much so that during the wedding vows of the two spouses, he has an illness and loses consciousness.

The Death of Lady Rhea Royce

Lady Rhea Royce, Daemon’s wife, runs into her husband while hunting. The mere presence of the latter makes the woman’s horse nervous, which unseats her. Rhea falls to the ground and is paralyzed by the blow. Daemon then wields a large stone to finish her off, though the cutscene is not shown. The murder takes place offscreen (a scene not visible during the episode). Daemon later shows up at Rhaenyra and Laenor’s wedding feast, where he tries to convince the Princess not to marry. This suggests that perhaps Prince Targaryen kills his wife, Rhea, to be free to marry her niece. As we explained in our article Daemon Targaryen in the fifth episode, who kills and why?

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The Murder of Ser Joffrey Lonmouth

During Rhaenyra’s wedding reception, while Daemon tries to convince his niece not to marry Laenor, a tragic event occurs that interrupts their conversation midway. Among the guests, there is also Joffrey Lonmouth, Laenor’s lover. Who notices some looks from Ser Criston and understands that there was something between him and Rhaenyra. Joffrey approaches Criston and explains that he is aware of the situation. At that point, he advises him to keep it between the two of them and the newlyweds since he and Laenor are also having an affair.

Criston takes those words badly because he feels teased by Rhaenyra; so, in a fit of rage, he lashes out at Joffrey and butchers him to death. Cole later walks away from the ceremony and tries to commit suicide but is stopped by Alicent. From that moment Ser Criston ceases to be Rhaenyra’s bodyguard and swears allegiance to Queen Alicent.

The Fourth Time Jump and The Birth Of New Heirs

In the sixth episode of House of the Dragon, there is a fourth time jump in ten years. A span of time during which there are several changes.

The Birth of Aemond and Daeron

Alicent and Viserys have two other sons, Aemond and Daeron. The latter does not physically appear in House of the Dragon, but his presence is revealed by the theme song of the series, as we explained in our article The theme song of House of the Dragon, meaning an easter egg. Daeron ‘s character is shown later in House of the Dragon as revealed by George RR Martin.

Rhaenyra’s Children

In the last ten years that passed in the House of the Dragon timeline between Episodes 5 and 6, Rhaenyra had children. Jacaerys known as Jace, and Lucerys known as Luke and Joffrey, were born right in the sixth episode of House of the Dragon. All three are not children of Laenor, Rhaenyra’s current husband; despite the couple trying to procreate over time, even if the two spouses have different sexual orientations.

The biological father is instead Ser Harwin Strong, the Captain of the City Watch of King’s Landing and Rhaenyra’s lover. As well as the son of the King’s Hand, Lyonel Strong and brother of Ser Larys Strong, Alicent’s confidant. After Joffrey’s birth, Rhaenyra’s betrayal is increasingly evident. As none of his three children has the typical Targaryen or Velaryon appearance. But they all look like their real father Harwin Strong. At that point the situation gets heavy and Rhaenyra and Laenor decide to move with the children to Dragonstone.

The Assassination of Lyonel and Harwin Strong

When the relationship between Rhaenyra and Harwin is now on everyone’s lips, Lyonel Strong in shame chooses to leave the role of Hand. He also decides to leave with his son Harwin to return to their home in Harrenhal. But once they reach their destination, father and son are trapped in their castle and are overwhelmed by a fire that suddenly broke out.

The architect of everything turns out to be Larys Strong. After having cut out the tongues of some criminals, he offers them their freedom and in exchange gives them the task of starting the fire. In this way, Larys becomes Lord of Harrenhal and also helps Alicent, although the latter only learns the truth after things have already been done. In Larys’ view, Rhaenyra without Harwin ceases to dishonour the family, while Otto can resume his role as Hand of the King with the death of Lyonel.

Daemon’s Wedding and Laena’s Death

During the ten-year time jump that takes place in the sixth episode of House of the Dragon, Daemon has a new family. He married Laena Velaryon, Laenor’s sister, with whom he has twin daughters, Rhaena and Baela. At the moment the couple is guests in Pentos, but Laena wants to return to Driftmark to raise her daughters there.

Meanwhile, Laena is expecting a third child. But when she goes into labour, her pregnancy becomes complicated and there is little chance of survival for her and her unborn child. To avoid unnecessary suffering to both her and her child, Laena heads to her dragon Vhagar where she begs the animal to burn her with her flame.

The Union of the Targaryens

In the seventh episode of House of the Dragon, the families involved are all gathered at Driftmark to celebrate Lady Laena’s funeral. In this context, Rhaenyra and Daemon see each other again for the first time in many years. Between them, the old spark is triggered which leads to a night of passion. A scene that House of the Dragon fans has been waiting for for a long time but that has sparked protests. Due to the poor lighting due to the nocturnal setting, the darkness allowed us to see very little.

The Clash Between The Children

During the night after Laena’s funeral, Aemond who still doesn’t have his dragon decides to tame Vhagar. In the end, he succeeds, but his gesture does not go unnoticed: Laena’s daughters notice it and argue with Aemond, as their mother’s dragon belongs to them. Meanwhile Jace and Luke, Rhaenyra’s sons, come to the twins’ aid and a fight breaks out. In an attempt to defend herself with a knife, Lucerys inadvertently stabs Aemond and gouges out his eye.

When Alicent finds out about it, he goes beside himself and tries to gouge out Luke’s eye, to even the score. But Viserys calls everyone to order before a tragedy occurs. This only increases Alicent’s hatred towards Rhaneyra, because her husband always puts his daughter first. And also, for this reason, Alicent becomes increasingly determined to get her son Aegon on the Throne. An ever-growing jealousy has led us to believe that Alicent is the true antagonist of House of the Dragon.

The Marriage of Rhaenyra and Daemon and The Escape Of Laenor

Due to the quarrels between the children, during which Rhaenyra’s children are again called bastards by the Greens, the Princess makes a decision. To strengthen her house, he proposes to Daemon to marry her. Rhaenyra, however, is still the wife of Laenor, while the latter for her part has an affair with Ser Qarl Correy. Then by mutual agreement, the two couples stage Laenor’s death. A novelty introduced in House of the Dragon unlike what happens in the books by George RR Martin on which the series is based. In this way, the young Velaryon can flee elsewhere to live his relationship with Qarl freely. While Rhaenyra pretends to be widowed, she can marry Daemon.

The Rightful Heir To Driftmark And The Fifth Time Jump

A fifth six-year time jump occurs in the eighth episode of House of the Dragon. During this time Daemon and Rhaenyra have two children, Aegon III and Viserys II and are expecting a third child. Also, during the six years of the time skip Aegon II, Alicent’s son, marries his sister Helaena with whom he has children: the twins Jaehaerys and Jaehaera and a third child, Maelor. The latter does not appear in the first season episodes of House of the Dragon. But his existence is confirmed in the opening credits of the series, in the same way as his uncle Daeron.

Corlys Disease and Its Successor

For the past six years, Corlys Velaryon has returned to the Narrow Sea because the Triarchy has reformed. During the clashes he is seriously injured, so the chances of him returning home safely are very slim. Meanwhile, his wife Rhaenys takes his place on the Wooden Throne of Driftmark. Vaemond, the brother of Corlys, begins to claim rights to the Throne in view of the possible death of Lord Velaryon. But Rhaenys reminds him that her husband has proclaimed his nephew Lucerys as successor: although the young Luke is not Laenor’s son, he still bears his surname. Vaemond then decides to go to King Viserys to assert his blood rights, since for him Lucerys is not a true Velaryon.

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Rhaenyra and Daemon Return to King’s Landing

Rhaenyra learns that Vaemond wants to claim the Throne that belongs to his son, so he sets off with his family to reach the Red Keep. The Princess has not returned home for six years: when she sees her father again, she finds him in a terminal phase due to her long illness. During the night Rhaenyra goes to Viserys’ chambers and reminds him of Aegon I’s prophecy, which her father had revealed to her years before. The Princess needs support and reassurance, but the King doesn’t have the strength to answer her questions.

The Death of Vaemond Velaryon

Vaemond comes to King’s Landing to reclaim the Wooden Throne and presents his case to Otto Hightower. Who, since Viserys’ health has considerably deteriorated, takes the place of the King. But shortly after, to the enormous surprise of all present, Viserys reaches his throne and fulfils his duties as sovereign for one last time. An emotional scene and much appreciated by fans of House of the Dragon. That night Viserys heard Rhaenyra’s speech but was too weak to answer Rhaenyra; so the next day he forces himself only for her.

Once on the Throne, he reminds Vaemond that successions have been decided for some time and are not revocable. Rhaenys who is present supports Rhaenyra in turn, although earlier proves hostile when the Princess offers her a deal. Left alone to plead his case, Vaemond flies into a rage and seriously offends both Viserys, Rhaenyra and her children. But before he can say anything else, Daemon quickly intervenes and decapitates him with a sword blow.

The Newfound Family and The Last Words Of Viserys

At Red Keep, the whole Targaryen family is gathered together for dinner. For Viserys this is a moment of great joy. So he asks everyone present to put aside disagreements and be a real family. All the members spend a nice evening, Alicent also proves more humane towards Rhaenyra almost as if the old friends had returned. But during the night, another event takes place that calls everything into question.

After Viserys is taken to his chambers to rest, Alicent visits him before taking his leave. The King who is almost in agony and a confused state mistakes his wife for Rhaenyra: so he confirms what her daughter had asked of her the previous night. He or he reminds her that Aegon I’s prophecy is true and only she can keep the Kingdom together. Alicent is unaware of the prophecy, so she misunderstands the King’s words. She believes the man is referring to her and Aegon II. As a result, she becomes convinced that Viserys has decided to proclaim their son as his successor to the Throne.

The Death of Viserys and The New King Of The Seven Kingdoms

In the ninth episode of House of the Dragon, the servants report Viserys’ death during the night. The Small Council meets to decide what to do. Alicent announces to those present that the King, before dying, chose Aegon II as his successor. Not everyone agrees with these statements. Among these Lord Beesbury, who had known Viserys for many years and does not believe those words. His accusations are taken by Ser Criston Cole as disrespect to the Queen. For this in a fit of rage, Criston kills Lord Beesbury by smashing his skull on the table.

The Alliances Of The Greens

After Lord Beesbury’s death, the rest of the Council must decide on Viserys’ successor. Otto pressures the remaining members, to make them understand which side to take. Otto later does the same thing to the other guests in the Red Keep. The house is also armored, to prevent anyone from warning Rhaenyra of her father’s death and her consequent ascent to the Throne.

Rhaenys is also present in the Keep and is kept locked up in her chambers. She is later joined by Alicent, who tries to manipulate her into taking her side but to no avail. Members of other houses who remain loyal to Rhaenyra are executed, as we explained in our article Who died in House of the Dragon? All Season 1 Deaths.

Aegon’s Disappearance and His Coronation

While false papers are being made at the Red Keep to elect Aegon II as the new King, the latter disappears. Otto instructs the two Cargyll soldiers, twin brothers, to find his nephew and bring him home. While Alicent relies on Criston Cole and Aemond. During the search, the Cargyll brothers discover that it was Lady Mysaria who had Aegon kidnapped. Who learned from her spy Talya of her about the death of Viserys. The girl is Alicent’s lady-in-waiting, who doesn’t imagine anything. After a deal made between Otto and Mysaria, known as the White Grub, Aegon is brought home.

The prince is later escorted to the Dragon Pit, where in front of all the people of King’s Landing he is proclaimed as the new King of the Seven Kingdoms. At the end of Aegon’s coronation ceremony, Rhaenys arrives riding his dragon. She escaped earlier from the Red Keep with the help of Erryk Cargyll. Who, unlike his brother, does not want to betray the old oath made to Rhaenyra. Rhaenys could burn anyone with a flame from her dragon. But she only shows Alicent that she is playing with fire; later she flies away.

Rhaenyra Dramas and Black Support

The tenth episode of House of the Dragon continues the story where it ended in the previous episode. Rhaneys after Aegon II’s coronation flies to Dragonstone. Here he informs Rhaenyra of the death of Viserys and the new King of the Seven Kingdoms. The Princess is still pregnant, and she feels bad about this news. So, she loses the baby she is carrying, as she is still premature.

Meanwhile, Daemon convenes the Council of Blacks and takes stock of the situation. First of all to protect the castle, and second to prepare for war. Indeed, Rhanyes points out that the Greens will surely come to kill everyone. Just as they have already executed those who kept their oath to Rhaenyra. In addition to men and resources, it is also important to use the support of dragons: in this regard, Daemon goes to visit one of the most majestic specimens ever.

Loyalty to Rhaenyra

During the funeral ceremony for little Visenya, the child of Rhaenyra and Daemon who died prematurely, Erryk Cargyll arrives on the spot. The soldier who helped Rhaenys escape the Red Keep. Erryk renews his allegiance to Rhaenyra, so he presents her father Viserys’ crown as a gift. Daemon crowns Rhaenyra in front of everyone as the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Those present bow before him, taking the side of the Blacks.

The Return Of Corlys And The Support Of Velaryon

On Dragonstone, the Blacks try to figure out who their allies might be. Meanwhile, news arrives that Corlys Velaryon has recovered from his wounds sustained in the Narrow Sea. The man arrives at Dragonstone where his wife Rhanenys informs him of the latest news. Eventually, the two spouses agree that the important thing is to protect their grandchildren. Lord Velaryon then presents himself before Queen Rhaenyra, to whom he swears allegiance and offers her alliance.

The Death of Lucerys

In the course of the various frictions between the Greens and the Blacks, some houses have not yet manifested on which side their loyalty hangs. As a result, both factions send messengers to try to make deals. Jacaerys the eldest son of Rhaenyra, is sent to go to the Starks and Arryns. While the second-born Lucerys must go to the Baratheons. Arriving at his destination, Luke discovers that Lord Borros Baratheon has made a deal with the Greens thanks to an offer from Aemond. The latter takes the opportunity to annoy Lucerys: after the boy sets off again, she chases him in flight on his dragon.

Things take a turn for the worse as Arrax, the dragon of Lucerys, gets nervous due to an ongoing storm. So he ends up using the blaze against Vhagar, Aemond’s dragon. Both animals do not respond to commands from their riders. When Vaghar is hit by fire, she reacts instinctively and devours Arrax and Lucerys in one bite.

The Dance of the Dragons

In the final scene of House of the Dragon, Daemon is seen giving Rhaenyra the terrible news of Lucerys death. A tragic event takes place a few hours later in which his wife has already lost their child, her father and the Throne. The House of the Dragon TV series concludes with Rhaenyra’s fiery gaze. Which heralds the beginning of the real battle between Greens and Blacks: The Dance of the Dragons.

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