House of the Dragon: Episode 2 All 15 Easter Eggs Of The Second Episode! That You Didn’t Noticed

With the second episode, House of the Dragon delves even further into the world of Game of ThronesIf the first episode has served to place the prequel on the timeline, the second begins to delve into the history of some particularly relevant characters. To do this, the series cannot ignore the world of Game of ThronesIn a universe as large as that of House of the Dragon it is easy to insert Easter eggs and elements already known to fans. Whether it’s dragons, the history of House Targaryen, or more generally the Occidental continent, let’s discover all the references of this second episode

House Of The Dragon Episode 2 Spoilers

House of the Dragon: Episode 2 All The Easter Eggs

After a long wait, House of the Dragon debuted on screens all over the world, collecting more than positive acclaim. House of the Dragon broke all viewing records on the HBO platform, earning the renewal for House of the Dragon season 2 ahead of time. In all likelihood, keeping the premises shown in the first episodes, the show by Ryan Condal and George RR Martin will have the opportunity to further raise the bar thanks to a solid and courageous structure. Showcasing a caliber worthy of the biggest seasons of the parent series, with a lot of emphasis on visual effects and directing, our first impressions of House of the Dragonthey were encouraging. While waiting to provide a more complete view of the product seen in its entirety, let’s analyze the second episode of House of the Dragon, where the game of the throne begins to show the first alleys of a maze of intrigues and machinations.

1. The Death Of The Mythical Ser Ryam Redwyne

Episode 2 of House of the Dragon opens with the death of the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Ryam Redwyne. In A Song of Ice and Fire, the character is mentioned several times. As a child, Jon Snow pretended to be Ryan. Also, Bran dreams of being a knight like him and characters like Jaime Lannister to Varys speak of Ryam as an exemplary knight.

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2. The Silent Sisters Take Care of Ryam’s Body

In the series, it is said that the Silent Sisters are preparing Ser Ryam ‘s body for his funeral. The Silent Sisters are seen multiple times in Game of Thrones. They are an order linked to the Faith of the Seven and are responsible for the dressing of corpses. They looked after Jon Arryn ‘s body and guarded Joffrey Baratheon’s after his death.

3. The Stepstones

In the second episode of House of the Dragon, a war breaks out in the Stepstones in which Daemon Targaryen and Corlys Velaryon team up against Crab Feeder. The Stepstones are not only important to Corlys but to the history of the whole Western Continent. According to the myth, the West and East Continent were once joined by a land bridge, the Dorne arm. Dorne’s arm served the first men for their invasion. It is said that later the children of the forest used magic to break the bridge, leaving only small islands of land, the Stepstones.

4. The Free Cities of Game of Thrones return in House of the Dragon

In House of the Dragon, the power and wealth of free cities are a threat to King Viserys. The free cities of the Eastern Continent are well known to Game of Thrones fans and include Braavos, Lorath, Lys, Myr, Norvos, Pentos, Qohor, Tyrosh, and Volantis. Three of these cities can be seen in Game of Thrones. Pentos appears in the first episode but Braavos is perhaps the most important and most cited one. Also, in the fifth season, Varys and Tyrion Lannister visit Volantis.

5. Other Game Of Thrones Houses In House Of The Dragon

In House of the Dragon, a “Ser Mallister” is mentioned among the knights who want a place in the Kingsguard. House Mallister has already been mentioned a couple of times in Game of Thrones. This is a true Tullys Riverland home. In the original series appeared the body of Ser Jaremy Mallister, killed with other prisoners in Harrenthal by Gregor Clegane. Also, Game of Thrones often talks about Seagard, the home of House Mallister.

In House of the Dragon, there is also mention of House Dondarrion, who is in Game of Thrones and is represented by Beric Dondarrion. In the scene of the selections for the Royal Guard, other houses are also seen: the Tarlys, the Corbrays and a seal that could belong to the Marbrand or the Rowan (both families play an essential role in the Dance of the Dragons).

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6. Crakehall House and Tyrion Lannister’s Joke

When Rhaenyra and Otto Hightower discuss the choice of Ser Criston Cole, it is said that the Mallisters and Crakehalls are key allies in the crown. In the scene, a symbol can be seen on the far-right side of the room that alludes to the Crakehall house seal (in the original story the seal is a black and white boar on a brown background, but it may have been changed for House of the Dragon).

There aren’t too many references to House Crakehall in Game of Thrones, but there is a famous Tyrion Lannister joke about the head of the house at the time, Lord Desmond Crakehall. Tyrion says, “Anyone named Desmond Crakehall must be a pervert”.

7. The Dornish Marshes Before The Seven Kingdoms

Ser Criston Cole says in House of the Dragon that he fought for a year in the Paludi Dorniane, an area of ​​land between Dorne, the Stormlands and Reach. We know from Game of Thrones that Dorne was never conquered by Aegon. Also, the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are missing from the prequel timeline. That said, the Dornish Marshes can easily be used as battlefields.

8. The Blood Wizards

The mention of “Blood Wizards” in House of the Dragon is an Easter egg referencing Daenerys Targaryen. The blood mages of Valyria are incredibly powerful and practice the darkest forms of witchcraft. Most of them die out with the Valyrian Disaster, yet blood magic remains a widespread practice. For example, Mirri Maz Duur who is responsible for the death of Daenerys son and Khal Drogo’s vegetative state use knowledge learned from a blood mage to her advantage.

9. 1000 Dragons In Valyria

In the second episode of House of the Dragon, King Viserys says that, at the height of his power, the Free Fortress of Valyria could house up to 1,000 dragons. This is a surprising claim, given that a total of 17 dragons will appear in House of the Dragon and Aegon only used three to conquer Westeros. Still, the claim is plausible. At the time, there were 40 noble houses, most of which owned dragons. Additionally, it appears that the Valyrians sent about 300 dragons during the Rhoynish Wars. By doing a quick calculation, the accounts add up.

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10. Vhagar Is The Last Dragon Of Aegon’s Conquest

An Easter egg from the second episode of House of the Dragon alludes to a dragon that we will see soon on the show: Vhagar. Along with Balerion the Black Terror and Meraxes, Vhagar is one of the three dragons used by the Targaryens during Aegon’s conquest. In particular, Vhagar was ridden by Visenya. At the time of the show, Vhagar is the last survivor of that trio and is the largest dragon left in Westeros.

11. In House Of The Dragon The Same Methods Are Used As In GOT

Things between King Viserys and Daemon Targaryen have reached breaking point, but   Viserys doesn’t know how to behave. Among the impossible options, is the option to send Daemon to the Wall or to put his head on a peak. Both methods have already been used in Game of Thrones: Jon Snow and many other characters have been sent to the Wall and as regards the heads on the peaks, we cannot forget the fate of Ned Stark.

12. Dreamfyre and Daenerys Targaryen

The dragon egg that causes the conflict between Daemon and Rhaenyra in the second episode of House of the Dragon belongs to Dreamfyre. Character is important to both past and future events. Previously, Dreamfyre belonged to Rhanea Targaryen, grandson of Aegon the Conqueror.  Also, at the start of Game of Thrones, it is said that Elissa Farman stole three Dreamfyre eggs to give to Daenerys. The connections are varied and confusing, but one thing is certain: Dreamfyre plays an important role in the history of House of the Dragon.

13. House of the Dragon returns to Dragonstone

The second episode of House of the Dragon brings viewers back to Dragonstone. The last time the location was seen was in Game of Thrones season 8 when Daenerys decided to attack King’s Landing. Also, the setting of the long walkway leading to the castle is reminiscent of season 7 where Jon Snow met Tyrion Lannister before having an audience with Daenerys. Surely, leaping into the past, in House of the Dragon we will be able to see Dragonstone at the time of its splendor.

14. Otto Compares Daemon To Cersei

In episode 2 of House of the Dragon there is an Easter egg that alludes to a famous phrase said by Cersei Lannister in Game Of Thrones, In season 6, Cersei tells the Militant Creed  that she “chooses violence.” Otto Hightower states something similar but changes the pitch. Alarmed by Daemon, he says that Daemon “would choose violence.” From this sentence, we deduce that Daemon is one of the most complicated and powerful characters in House of the Dragon.

15. Corlys & Daemon Are The Realm’s “Second Sons” (Like Stannis)

Corlys tells Daemon that they are “the second sons of the kingdom”. The phrase creates a couple of connections with Game Of Thrones. “Second Sons”, in addition to being the name of the company led by Daario Naharis, is the title of episode 8 of the third season of Game of Thrones. In it, Tyrion Lannister (a second son) marries Sansa Stark. Corlys ‘s words also recall another second son, Stannis Baratheon: like Daemon, Stannis was also the brother of a king and, if the reference is premonitory, the story of Daemon will not end well.

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