House Of The Dragon: Daemon and Rhaenyra’s Plan Explained! Why Did They Fake That Death?

In House Of The Dragon Episode 7, the identity of the true father of Rhaenyra’s children calls into question her ability as heir to the throne, so the princess devises a plan to strengthen herself. The death of Laena Velaryon, Daemon Targaryen’s wife in House Of The Dragon sets all the pieces for the looming civil war in Westeros between factions supporting Rhaenyra and Queen Alicent Hightower. With the entire royal family gathered for Laena’s funeral, several encounters occur. Like how Rhaenyra and Daemon were intimate in a brothel, after 10 years without seeing each other.

Laenor Velaryon's Fake Death Explained

Their desire has not diminished over the years and with Daemon a widower and Rhaenyra in a fake marriage, the two Targaryens have relationships on the beach, but beyond the physical, there is also a political reason for being together. As it is an open secret that Rhaenyra’s children are not her husband Laenor Velaryon’s, this gives more power to Queen Alicent’s group, her children, and the Hand of the King, while the questions against Rhaenyra increase.

House Of The Dragon: Daemon and Rhaenyra’s Plan Explained

Tension within House Targaryen is at an all-time high, with Alicent and Rhaenyra’s children at odds with each other, the Velaryons seeking to form a legacy, and King Viserys’s health in increasingly critical condition. Rhaenyra and Daemon show that they really love each other and their other relationships have been merely by a protocol; however, to be together Laenor would have to die and leave Rhaenyra a widow. Their union would not only be based on the love they have for each other, but it would also mean a strong political blow by strengthening the blood bond of the Targaryens, increasing their military forces, and dispelling doubts that Rhaenyra is the next queen.

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As Rhaenyra Targaryen explains to her uncle Daemon, she cannot face the Greens and their forces alone, so she needs their support and the power of her dragon Caraxes. They both plan to kill Laenor and marry in secret with a ritual that unites their blood. This murder generates rumors and suspicions that Rhaenyra is willing to do anything to sit on the Iron Throne. But it is just what the couple wants their enemies to think and consider them as a latent danger so that they do not dare to question or attack them thinking that there will be no consequences.

Laenor Velaryon’s Death and Fate in House Of The Dragon

Although Laenor had realized that he had not fulfilled his part of the bargain with Rhaenyra (to take on the role of husband and father of her children), his repentance came too late and his service was no longer required. But instead of having him assassinated as everyone believes, Rhaenyra and Daemon reach an agreement with him and his lover Ser Qarl Correy, to fake a fight in front of witnesses, burn a body and pass it off as Laenor. The faked death leaves the door open for Rhaenyra and Daemon to marry and for Laenor and Correy to self-exile with lots of gold to live together where no one criticizes their relationship.

This happy ending for Laenor and Correy does not occur in George RR Martin’s ‘Fire and Blood’ books and is one of the changes the HBO Max series makes to the story to give it more depth and surprise readers of the novels. Laenor’s death in the books occurs when he visits a fair in Spicetown and is stabbed to death by his friend and partner Correy. This is because Correy believes that Laenor fell in love with another gentleman and is cheating on him.

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According to the text, the merchants told Corlys Velaryon, Laenor’s father, that his son and Correy had argued before the incident and the killer already had a boat waiting for him to make his escape. Following his escape, Ser Qarl Correy was never seen again and some people believe Daemon paid him off and then threw him into the sea. In the series, Laenor and Correy could appear again and the lie about his death generate even more tension for Rhaenyra.

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