Hellbound Ending Explained: Is Leader Jung Jinsu Dead? Why Would Jinsu Lie? The Rebirth Of Park Jungja?

Are Youngjae and Sohyun Dead? The Escape From Hyejin And The Message From Hellbound Park Jungja Comes Back To Life

Hellbound is available from November 19, 2021 on the Netflix streaming service with its 6 episodes which, rather than answers, offer the public a series of questions and interesting topics for discussion. The South Korean show created by the director of Train to Busan is set in the center of Seoul where some people are sentenced to death and hell by a supernatural presence. After having sentenced the day and time of execution, three enormous creatures emerge from nowhere, massacring the intended victim with unprecedented violence and, once dead, they burn her from the inside.

The first season of Hellbound is basically divided into two parts of three episodes each. The 3 initial episodes narrate the first cases concerning the prophecy (including that of Park Jungja), the introduction of the leader of the New Truth or Jeong Jin-soo, the lawyer Min Hye-jin and the streamer with the skull mask.


Episodes 4, 5 and 6 are set 4 years after the events narrated in the first block of episodes and focus on a couple whose newborn is condemned by prophecy, on the political and social ramifications of the New Truth and on the Sodo organization, led by the Attorney Min Hye-jin, who seeks to safeguard the privacy of the families of those who receive the prophecy in good faith.

Hellbound: Ending Explained 

The third episode represents in effect the ending of the story of the leader Jung Jinsu , who for personal purposes has exploited the dramatic story of the policeman Jin Kyunghun and his daughter Jin Heejung. In a meeting with Jin Kyunghun, the chief founder of the New Truth reveals that he received a prophecy 20 years earlier and that its end will materialize within minutes. After knowing the date of his death, Jinsu says he tried to find out more about the prophecies and created his cult. This, however, was based on a lie to make more grip on men or on the fact that whoever received a prophecy must necessarily be a sinner, but Jinsu himself knew that this was not the case, since he himself – a victim of the prophecy – admits that he has never sinned.

Why would Jinsu lie? According to Jinsu, the connection between prophecies and hell understood as in the various religions or as eternal damnation could be the only way to exploit those events for a greater good: in short, Jinsu argued that the fear of death and hell would have stopped people from doing evil / criminal sins and gestures. Time has not proved him right but his cult has grown out of all proportion in a short time, so he has kept that lie. When policeman Jin Kyunghun discovers Jinsu’s deception, it is too late as the leader of the New Truth had already “framed” Jin Kyunghun by involving his daughter in the murder of her mother’s killer.

In short, if Jin Kyunghun had revealed the fact that the cult was based on a lie, he would also have had to blame his own daughter for a murder, which had previously been cleverly disguised as a consequence of a divine act. Eventually the policeman Jin Kyunghun decides to safeguard his daughter by hiding the remains of Jung Jinsu’s burnt corpse and thus his death from the whole world.

The Ending Is The Child’s Salvation

The fourth episode of Hellbound picks up the story by making a time jump forward of 4 years. In this period of time, the cult of the New Truth has assumed more and more political and economic power within society and the new president (chosen by Jinsu when he was still alive) takes ever more drastic decisions in order to safeguard his community: to this reason Punta di Freccia becomes the armed wing of the New Truth.

In the last three episodes, the story centers on a newborn child who receives the prophecy. The mother and father do not understand what sin a baby may have committed to deserve a condemnation to hell by God. Thanks to the advocate Min Hye-jin and her organization Sodo, the new parents understand that that of divine condemnation is all a religious hype on the part of the New Truth. But when they realize it is already late: the members of the New Truth and the Arrowhead are aware of it and they are hunting it, otherwise the world would discover that the prophecies are not based on a divine plan and that the cult is founded. on nothing.

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After a not easy escape through the streets of Seoul, Bae Young-jae and So-hyun find themselves with their newborn in a courtyard of an apartment building when it is time for the baby to be sentenced. The three black giants appear punctual and begin to hunt down the child who is protected by the two parents with all their strength, but this is not enough to defeat the monsters that have only one goal. At one point Bae and his wife hug each other holding the baby tightly. The supernatural creatures are unable to separate them and, perhaps, also due to lack of time (they will have to kill the streamer with the orange wig after a few minutes) they burn the bodies of the two parents who protect the child, perhaps even thinking of incinerating the tiny body of the child. newborn.

The fact that monsters kill those who did not receive the prophecy is a further clue that the doctrine of the New Truth is a hoax: God in theory would not allow such a slaughter. It can be thought that creatures therefore represent demons and that what is called the angel represents another type of demon / devil, which has the task of communicating the date of death. So how was the child saved? How come the monsters don’t kill the baby? An official answer does not exist but it is legitimate to compare what happened to the child to what happened to the most famous “wizard” of all time, Harry Potter. The latter as well as the newborn from Hellbound were saved by love of their parents, who sacrificed themselves for him. This theory of mine raises the suspicion that supernatural entities are evil and that they choose to kill for fun or out of necessity (as far as is known they could feed themselves this way). So the true love of two parents for their child may have repelled the evil of demons.

The Rebirth Of Park Jungja

Another mystery is what takes place in the final scene of the sixth episode and which concerns the character of Park Jungja or one of the first victims of the prophecy. This woman, a single mother of two, had received a prophecy but it was never known whether she had committed sins or not. In light of the season finale, however, this aspect does not matter anyone can be killed by demons.

In the last scene, Park Jungja’s charred body comes back to life : Why?

  • The first hypothesis is that death at the hands of demons could have a limited duration and therefore every 4/5 years the bodies could come back to life. This is because the souls of these people probably did their job in hell
  • The second idea is that in her path to the underworld Park Junja has freed herself of her sins and is now ready to return to the earthly world.
  • The third hypothesis concerns the sacrifice of love made by Bae Young-jae and his wife for their newborn. In theory, this gesture of unconditional love could have interrupted the cycle of deaths and brought back to life those who have been to hell.
  • The fourth hypothesis concerns reincarnation: “the angel” could replace the souls of the people he calls to himself with those of others
  • The last and fifth hypothesis is that there is a good entity, which has not yet been seen, capable of saving souls from hell and returning them to Earth.
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The return to life of Park Jungja should be the great mystery that will be talked about in the second season (if Netflix puts it in production).

The Netflix horror series Hellbound takes you on an adventure that is difficult to predict. Six tense episodes later, the Korean drama is racing towards its unpredictable end in the backyards of Seoul. The series leaves fans with both a satisfactory (and unexpectedly hopeful) conclusion to the first season and a ton of unanswered questions. You can find out everything that happened in Hellbound’s season finale here.

Hellbound Season 1

Is Sohyun’s Baby Survived?

You sure weren’t the only one who stepped into the final episode of Hellbound and expected to see a baby being slaughtered by monsters. The cruelty of this Netflix series is remarkable. As we see in episode 6, Sohyun is initially ready to accept the loss of her baby, but she changes her mind at the last minute. She jumps in front of one of the attacking demon monsters, pulls her baby out of its brutal grip and saves it. She, her husband Youngjae and the lawyer Min Hyejin manage to stop the three monsters for a few moments while Kim Dongwook’s neighbors record the action.

Sohyun's Baby

Are Youngjae and Sohyun Dead?

However, they can only stop the monsters for a limited amount of time. Youngjae and Sohyun decide to protect their child Toughie by all means possible. When the monsters use their powers to burn the infant, Toughie manages to survive. Youngjae and Sohyun are killed in the fight.

Dongwook Considers Himself The Messiah

The man who took in Youngjae, Sonhyun, Hyejin and Toughie is Lee Dongwook, also known as the man with the makeup who was responsible for the Arrowhead livestreams before the time jump. Through flashbacks, we learn that Dongwook stopped broadcasting after learning that his life would end in three years.


The prophecy has shaken him, but when Toughie and Co. show up at his door, Dongwook is eager to re-enter the power-driven system that earlier defined him as a prominent member of the Arrowhead family. He summons Chairman Jeongchil and the New Truth Committee to confirm what he already believes: He is a Messiah with a special mandate from God.

With Dongwook’s prophecy only five minutes after Toughie’s prophecy, he tries to make it appear that the newborn edict video was a hoax and that he is the only one God wanted to get that day. While the strategy is tricky, it gives the New Truth leadership a clue of where to find Toughie, and it makes Dongwook feel like his life and death have a purpose that he so desires.

Dongwook then takes off his mask and immediately begins to use violence in the name of God. First he kills one of the Sodo members who want to help him set up the show. Then he goes after Youngjae, Hyejin, Sohyun and Toughie. He turns off Hyejin. After Sohyun and Youngjae have sacrificed themselves, he now wants to kill Toughie. But before he can stab the baby, Hyejin attacks him, and the demon monsters appear to kill him at the appointed time.

The Influence Of The New Truth Is Waning

Change takes time (as Hellbound’s mid-season jump showed), but the world seems ready to accept that the New Truth is a group of power-hungry tyrants after seeing Toughie survive. And if “original sin” doesn’t exist, how can a baby be sinful? How could the demon monsters murder two people who were not sentenced to death while leaving a third person alive?

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Deacon Yuji shows up too late at the prophecy to stop the broadcast and is very angry, especially after being shamed and rebuked by Chairman Kim Jeongchil for his earlier failures. Upon hearing an older man refer to the New Truth as a “pathetic crook” and “a band of liars,” he knocks him out. Society used to tolerate the New Truth and the level of brutality of the Arrowheads, but it no longer tolerates it. People are shocked, as is one of the policemen nearby.

By then, the police were ready to obey the orders of the New Truth. But not anymore. At least not this cop. He arrests Yuji for assaulting himself. Yuji cannot believe what he sees and repeats “God’s will” over and over as he is led away. As a result, the authority of the New Truth is being seriously challenged, and people are now ready to listen to the allegations made against the New Truth.

The Escape From Hyejin And The Message From Hellbound

After Sohyun and Toughie die, Hyejin grabs Toughie and escapes. Onlookers prevent the New Truth and the police from following them. Hyejin calls a taxi. By this point, so many people betrayed Hyejin when she was vulnerable and tried to protect the innocent. The elderly taxi driver remembers Hyejin and offers to take her to safety, stressing that they would take a different route to bypass a police roadblock. Then he brings up the theme of the first season: “I don’t care about God,” the taxi driver says to a tired Hyejin. “But I know one thing: this earth belongs to the people. And we should solve our own problems”.


The man – and the series itself – are making a statement about the potential danger of religion, or at least religious fanaticism. Too many people have used God to justify selfish, evil, and hurtful actions and to accumulate and / or consolidate power. Many films and television series that deal with this topic are atheistic or agnostic in the way they shape the world; however, Hellbound has built in the possibility of greater power. While we don’t know where the supernatural creatures come from or where the dead are going, the series doesn’t rule out a higher power. This strengthens the series’s thesis that we need to create fair, human institutions that both protect the innocent and give those who have been wrong the opportunity to

What Happens To People After They Die?

Nobody seems to know what is happening to them. There is indeed a chance they will go to Hell, and I think it’s good that the series doesn’t provide an answer to that problem in season one, because that’s how it is for all of us: we can’t know exactly what is going on with one Person happens after they die.

Park Jungja Comes Back To Life

While we don’t know what happens to people after they die by prophecy, the end of Hellbound season 1 offers a possible method that we can find out in season 2 in the form of Park Jungja. In the final minutes of Hellbound Season 1, the action takes place in one of the “holy places” of the New Truth, a former location that has become a tourist attraction for members of society. The death of Park Jungja by the enigmatic supernatural beasts was the first prophecy of the New Truth and thus a memorable event. It’s where we return for the final scene of Hellbound, where Jungja’s body comes back to life. Park Jungja wakes up naked and alone and begins to take oxygen into her lungs, apparently for the first time in four years.

Park Jungja

Will Cult Leader Jeong And The Others Return Too?

The return of Park Jungja raises many questions, the most important of which is: Have other victims returned? The series begins with the murder of a man in front of the Hapseong train station. Has he returned? Will he return? Will Chairman Jeong, who started the whole New Truth business, also return? Was it a result of Toughie’s survival or Sohyun and Youngjae’s unexplained death at the hands of the demon monsters? And how will the public react to the return of Park Jungjae? There are so many questions for a possible second season…

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