Hawkeye Episode 6 Ending Explained: Who Killed Fisk? Why Yelena Wants To Kill Clint? Post Credit Scene! Spoilers!

The Bishop Christmas Party, Kingpin vs Kate? The Final Battle On The Ice Rink

On the morning of 22 Disney+ welcomed Hawkeye Episode 6 of the Marvel series on Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld. Now the entire first season of this show is available for streaming on Disney+. Indeed Hawkeye episode 6 in streaming is the final episode of the first season. Let’s find out what happened during episode 6 and how Hawkeye ends: the summary and analysis of the episode. In the episode Merry Christmas to me! Clint and Kate are tested as partners, after exposing a conspiracy involving Kingpin, the leader of the Tracksuit Mafia, and Eleanor, Kate’s mother.

Hawkeye Episode 6 Ending Explained

Kingpin and Eleanor

Hawkeye episode 6 opens with Kingpin and Eleanor arguing. Here we understand that the woman worked for the mafia to pay off a debt that her deceased husband had with him. But now she wants to get out and reveals that she has copies of all of Fisk’s shady deals and is ready to frame him if he doesn’t let her go. The man goes on a rampage, and vows to fix the situation soon.

Kingpin and Eleanor

Meanwhile Maya Lopez also arrives, asking Kingpin for a few days of rest, to refresh her mind. The girl says she understands that looking for her father’s killer won’t bring him back, and that she wants to stop her hunt. Clearly this is a facade now that he has discovered that Fisk himself is behind the whole thing. Even Kingpin understands his duplicity and asks Kazi also provide for her.

Now that Kate and Clint know about Eleanor, the two prepare for the grand finale, which will take place at the Bishop Christmas Party. The pair of archers are then preparing to manufacture a series of fantastic arrows to be used against enemies, also taking advantage of the Stark and Pym technology. At this juncture, Kate reveals to Clint that she saw him during the battle of New York in 2012, and that his exploits inspired her to become who she is today.

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Hawkeye Episode 6 Ending Explained: The Bishop Christmas Party

The scene shifts to the celebration of Christmas by Eleanor which is patrolled by Tracksuit Mafia. Kingpin wants Kate, ClintEleanor and even Maya dead and awaits their arrival at the party . Clint and Kate show up together with the group of Larpers, known in previous episodes, and wear their new jumpsuits under their elegant dresses. The reenactors are there to control the situation, and to help the two archers in case of an attack.

The Bishop Christmas Party

This is not long in coming, when Kazi tries to shoot Clint from the building opposite. From here begins the final battle, which, surprisingly, Yelena also joins, who arrived at the party a few minutes earlier. Kate has rescued Eleanor and confronts her about what happened, and leaves her in a safe place with Jack, released from prison, and wearing a sword.

So the scene is divided, between Kate chasing Yelena, who wants to kill Clint, and Hawkeye who instead is preparing to defeat the Mafia tracksuit. Meanwhile, the Larpers let everyone out of the building, saving the civilians. During the fight between Yelena and Kate, the two admit that they like each other, and that they would be good friends if they weren’t fighting each other.

Yelena and Kate

The Black Widow launches herself from the building and tries to kill Clint, located a few floors below her, but fails. So Kate follows her, but Yelena has already escaped, and the archer is instead faced with a large number of members of the Mafia tracksuit. The girl manages to KO several, but Jack also comes to her rescue who with his sword makes his way through the enemies.

Meanwhile, Clint is facing other mobsters, including Kazi, who manages to stun him before launching himself from the building, landing on the Christmas tree above the huge skating rink that towers at the foot of the complex. Here the man meets a small owl hiding in the branches, but Kate disturbs the sweet encounter by dropping the tree, to help Clint down.

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The Final Battle On The Ice Rink

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