Hawkeye Episode 5 Ending Explained: Who Does The Rolex Belong To? Is Kate Bishop’s Father Really Dead?

Episode 5 brought the big reveal of this first season to the table and laid the groundwork for an exciting sixth and final episode.

On December 15, 2021, the fifth episode of the Marvel Studios Hawkeye TV series is available on Disney+. The show dedicated to Kate Bishop’s entry into the MCU has therefore reached its penultimate episode. In this article, full of spoilers, I will try to outline the path of the various characters and to understand which ending they will face.

Hawkeye Episode 5 Ending Explained

Hawkeye Episode 5 Ending Explained: The Triangle Between Valentina Allegra De La Fontaine, Yelena Belova And Eleanor Bishop

The most important part of Hawkeye’s fifth episode undoubtedly concerns the involvement of Black Widow Yelena Belova . The episode opens with a flashback that takes place at the same time the Avengers are battling Thanos in Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War). This serves to make fans understand that Yelena suffered Thanos’ Snap and then comes back to life – due to Blip – in the same place 5 years later.

When that happens, former Black Widow Ana is present along with her husband and young daughter. Ana explains what happened to Yelena, who still doesn’t know that her sister Natasha is dead. At this point, about Yelena’s story, one can imagine that she found out about Natasha’s death shortly after the Blip and that Eleanor Bishop turned to the agency run by Countess Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine to knock out Clint Barton. At this point the Countess sent Yelena to kill Hawkeye as she was certain she could leverage the Black Widow’s feeling of vengeance.

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Hawkeye Episode 5

Wilson Fisk then may have asked Eleanor to get rid of Clint Barton. The reason is almost certainly related to the past from Ronin of Hawkeye, who Fisk knows well. So much so that in the phone conversation that Clint has with his wife Laura, he tells her that things could lead to an involvement of the “big shot” or Kingpin. Then, at the end of the episode, Clint tells Kate, “He’s the man I’ve always worried about, Kingpin.”

Echo’s Situation

The fifth episode of Hawkeye highlights what has been suspected for some time or that Echo is an important hub figure for the purposes of the main plot and the developments related to the next TV series dedicated to her.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe basically what has already been written in the comics happens: Echo discovers that the man she saw as an adoptive father aka Wilson Fisk killed her father. In the TV series we talk about “uncle” and the facts are exposed in a slightly different way, namely that Wilson Fisk/Kingpin – through Kazi – let Ronin know where Echo’s father was. In this way, the masked executioner killed William Lopez doing essentially a favor to Fisk.

This whole part, from the beginning of the show, has been rather “phoned” for the fans: no surprise to discover that Maya Lopez has been manipulated by Fisk and that soon, on the show titled Echo, she will try to take revenge. It is worth highlighting Clint’s phrase addressed to Maya at the end of their fight:

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The Questions Still Unanswered

  • Who does the Rolex belong to?
  • If the watch is Laura Barton: Was she a superhero or a SHIELD agent?
  • What is Jacques Duquesne’s involvement in this whole story? Was he really framed or is his arrest just a momentary sacrifice of the Kingpin organization?
  • Is Kate Bishop’s father really dead?
  • Who bought the Avengers Tower from? Is it now Wilson Fisk?

What Could Happen In The Season Ending

The sixth episode of Hawkeye will be the last and will air on December 22, 2021 or in time for Clint Barton to return home for Christmas day. This is almost certainly the fate that awaits Hawkeye, but first the hero will have to help Kate Bishop understand her mother’s involvement in Wilson Fisk’s affairs.

In all likelihood, the villain who ends up behind bars will be Eleanor Bishop, while Kingpin will be as unassailable as ever and will get away with it. Echo, on the other hand, may play a marginal role now that she realizes that Hawkeye isn’t her main target, but she needs to figure out how to deal with her “uncle”.

Finally, we need to understand how the story between Yelena Belova and Clint Barton will end: will she still try to kill Hawkeye or will she be convinced by Clint himself that Natasha did not die because of him? However, this may not be enough for the Black Widow as she has been given a “working” mission.

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