Hawkeye Episode 3: Ending Explained! Who is Jack? Why Clint Runs Away From Home?

Hawkeye Episode 3 now is available for stream on Disney Plus! We’re halfway through the season already, but there’s still plenty of action to come, especially if Clint Barton and Kate Bishop keep up the pace of the first three episodes. Hawkeye Episode 3 seemed to go by really fast, and there wasn’t as much to digest in this episode as in the previous two when it comes to easter eggs and world-building. That’s not to say this episode didn’t live up to it, as it was rather spectacular.

Who is Jack
Who is Jack

Episode 3 has proven once again that the street-level action and storytelling is just as compelling and exciting as the intergalactic stories we’ve been steeped in for the past 12 years. We got a deeper insight into Maya Lopez and her roots, we saw the bond form deeper between Clint and Kate, and we got a major actor bombshell that has yet to be revealed. We tell you everything about the end of episode 3 of Hawkeye!

Hawkeye Episode 3 Ending Explained: Who is Jack?

When Jack confronts Clint in the ending of Hawkeye Episode 3, there is a brief moment where clint appears to be familiar with Hawkeye and vice versa. Clint moves into Eleanor’s penthouse and walks around Jack’s swords feeling like it’s no stranger to him.

At the same time, once he believes someone is in the house with them after hearing the door creak, Clint doesn’t seem so surprised that it was Jack who managed to sneak in. Even Jack’s decided to give order to Clint not to move and attack immediately could be read that they know each other before.

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In the comics, Jack and Clint have a deep-rooted bond. Clint runs away from home when he is young and quickly finds himself in a traveling circus. It was there that he met Jacques Duquesne, better known as the Swordsman. Hawkeye could also have Swordsman involved in transforming Clint into Ronin rather than his origins. The MCU hasn’t revealed where Clint originally got Ronin’s Sword, but it’s possible that Jack is responsible in some way. It might also explain why Jack was so interested in Hawkeye’s Ronin Sword at the Black Market auction, as it could have originally belonged to him.

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