Goodnight Mommy Review: A Complex Thriller, No Matter How You Guessed It! Amazon Prime Video Film

Cast: Naomi Watts, Cameron Crovetti, Nicholas Crovetti

Director: Matt Sobel

Streaming Platform: Amazon Prime Video Ratings: 3/5 (three stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

What happens, though, if the freest, most anarchic and provocative genre possibly ends up pleasing the viewer? The house of cards would collapse quickly, the game would turn into a lesson, and the child in us would leave room for a rigid and cold adult. As we will see in our review of Goodnight Mommy, a remake of the 2014 Austrian film of the same name, the film available on Prime Video starring Naomi Watts tries all ways to charm the viewer but ends up singing him a goodnight song, rocking him in full passivity of dreamless sleep. And, therefore, without cinema.

Goodnight Mommy Review

There is a primal pleasure that pushes us viewers to press Play and start watching a horror film. It is the pleasure of experiencing a thrill, of feeling helpless, of assisting through the gaze to the indescribable unhealthy side b of life. It is the desire to experience a series of sensations that make us download adrenaline, through a perverse mechanism that makes us feel enjoyment in the heartbeat. The desire to stay in tension, to let ourselves be duped by a sense of insecurity for pure play. Watching horror is perhaps the most playful action that we can try in the cinema field and, consequently, it is the most active one. When we watch a horror we react, we wake up, we participate (and, in a slightly naive world, we would be ready to give advice out loud to the protagonists of the film on what they should do and where they should not set foot).

Goodnight Mommy Review: The Story

Elias and Lukas are two identical twins. They can’t wait to go home to their mother who, we gradually discover, is a famous actress. They were separated from her for a long time, spent with her father, for unclear reasons. Once back in the large and isolated maternal home, however, they quickly discover that something is wrong. Their mother, who always keeps her head bandaged and is not visible to the children except for her eyes and lips, treats them abruptly and unfriendly, and she doesn’t seem to want to be with them any longer than is necessary. The twins, who are inseparable, soon begin to develop theories. They think the mother has been replaced, they have nightmares about her. The tension rises, and the altercations increase. The mother will prove violent towards them. The truth will come out, scarier than all theories and assumptions.

You know, mum is always mum. Or at least so believed the twins Lukas and Elias, brought by their father to their mother’s country house that they have not seen for some time. A famous actress, who has undergone surgery, the woman welcomes her children with a certain coldness, forced to wear a series of bandages that cover her face. What happened to that warm mother who kept her children’s drawings, who sang sweet nursery rhymes to them before falling asleep, who – to put it brutally – loved them? She is not the mother that Lukas and Elias remembered, so much so that an increasingly oppressive and heavy thought begins to form in them: what if the one hidden under the bandages was not their real mother, but an impostor?

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The subject of the film is interesting and, especially at the beginning, it intrigues me a lot. The ingredients to play with both the psychological thriller and the gothic horror (given the rural setting, albeit nowadays) are all there and the choice to focus almost completely on the twin protagonists, played by Cameron and Nicholas Crovetti, would give to the film an unusual point of view and particularly suitable to give chills and a growing tension. Because the feeling of not having one’s mother at home is certainly a turbid idea, which could make every single viewer uncomfortable, yet the more the film progresses, the more one realizes that something is missing that could make the story unhealthy.

Goodnight Mommy Review and analysis

Do you like to suffer? Do you like anxious and painful thrillers? Do you like to see children suffer? If so, Goodnight Mommy is the movie for you. I can’t say I liked it, but it does her job very well. It is a story of trauma and darkness, even before being a family story. A story of the unconscious, of pain management, of what the human mind can be capable of, if left to itself, of what can gurgle out if we let it go, sick and impetuous. It’s not a good story, from whichever side you look at it. Yet it sticks to the screen, overwhelms, upsets, and somehow it sticks to you. She doesn’t need to be splatter, she doesn’t need to tread the hand with horror, of which she uses the stylistic elements in a constant but all in all sober way. Naomi Watts, an unnamed mother who goes from violent to despair in the blink of an eye, is good without exaggerating.

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The twist is not the most surprising. If the purpose of this film was to be creepy, then it succeeded. Good night and sweet dreams. With the whole story twisting Both deceive people watching goodies. This review cannot describe much. The first half of the story is the plot in the trailer and the plot. about the changing mother There was an anomaly and began to put tantrums with her child. The story continues with a series of sporadic mysteries that invite us to think about what the two children start to wonder about. Who exactly is she? The audience would probably create the story according to the imagination that the story wants to take. Even if the story is not told directly whether yes or no.

But to think that we should be able to guess this is not difficult. But in the middle of the movie, we go back to the beginning again with a new perspective on the story in a psychological thriller. where we may not be sure whether we believe in the past or have misconstrued or still want to believe what we saw in the first place? This kind of feeling will be confused with a new direction. which leads us to find the answer to the matter “Anyway, I can’t guess” is not just a twist. But it’s justified with the past story, which has been hinting at us since the title. Which is considered a movie script to deceive the audience is in the punch.

In addition, the scenes in the story are done quite well. But the disadvantage is that it will go more like a horror movie because it is mostly a child’s dream scene. The audience probably knows that this is a dream since seeing the ghost scene in that it is impossible Because this is not a ghost movie. But these scenes were made too deliberately like a ghost movie. Instead of a realistic scene that would make the mood of the story seem more continuous than the shocking joke that is used too often.

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Goodnight Mommy Review: The Last Words

It’s a really good remake of the original script. Come in a thriller that leads us to think about following the story all the time. Guarantee that “it’s not good to guess”, but the thrilling scenes in the story are like pretending to be haunted by ghosts in dreams. until it looks beyond the theme of the story and who likes the younger brother who plays the son of the Homelander of the series The Boy must not miss this. Because this is a job that seems to pave him for a new role in the next season of The Boy as well.

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