Gomorrah 5: Who Lives And Who Dies? The Final Balance Of Deaths And Survivors

Shootings, alliances, betrayals and twists: the fifth season of Gomorrah - The series ended with its load of death and despair. The following is the final balance sheet: obviously, it includes big spoilers.

The promised apocalypse has arrived. The circle of death and destruction of Gomorrah 5 has closed, in an inevitable bloodbath. The epic final battle between Genny Savastano (Salvatore Esposito) and the immortal Ciro Di Marzio (Marco D’Amore) has sent everyone to hell. No martyrs, only victims: pawns of an annihilation without mercy.

It is not true that there has always been the possibility of a choice. In the world of Gomorrah there are no alternatives or rules. Everything happens and is consumed in the light of the sun, or in the darkness of the neon lights: revenge, the settling of scores, the lust for power, the slaughter to get it. It was easy to predict that no one would get out of Secondigliano and Scampia alive: the finale of the fifth season only confirms it.

The first part of the final season moved on different registers. In the first two episodes the exasperated and tragic realism of the crime drama gave way to the “bromance” between Genny and Ciro. From the third episode on, the action is back, the grandiloquent cruelty: the strategies and alliances, the tactics, the massacres, the twists and turns.

In the Shakespearean showdown of the series, all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Obviously, the possibility in which everyone could leave Naples on their own legs has never been contemplated, much less without physical and emotional scars. Even before the finale, some characters had fallen, others had their destiny already written.

‘O Maestrale and Donna Luciana

The fate of the boss of Ponticelli and his wife, played by Mimmo Borrelli and Tania Garribba, was sealed. To protect Luciana, sentenced to death for trying to convince Azzurra to betray Gennaro, Don Angelo disobeyed orders. He let her live by hiding her in a country cottage.

'O Maestrale and Donna Luciana

The only one who knew the truth was ‘O Munaciello: Genny had asked him to follow’ O Maestrale. In order to survive, the threatening criminal in the blue jacket had nothing left to do but offer Ciro essential information on the place of confinement of little Simone, the son of magistrate Walter Ruggieri seized as a bargaining chip to get to Pietrino, and the head of his boss.

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‘O Maestrale dies in the ninth episode, killed by Ciro with a gunshot to the head. Donna Luciana is killed shortly after shot by Bellebbuono while trying to escape, to the tune of You hear by Franco Ricciardi and Lucariello.

Federico ‘O Munaciello

The real strategist of this fifth and final season. Like the feared and respected spirit in the Neapolitan tradition, evoked at the same time by Paolo Sorrentino in his It was the hand of God, ‘O Munaciello (interpreted by Carmine Paternoster) constantly recalls the imminent presence of the end. He fails to make the decisive move to win his game at Risiko with the Savastano: climb the top of the organization from nowhere.

Federico 'O Munaciello

He has changed allies too many times: he is an “infamous”. ‘O Munaciello dies in the tenth episode, killed by Genny when Ciro is about to retrieve Pietrino from the foster home where he is kept in foster care. His arrogance and thirst for power have cost him dearly.

Donna Nunzia, ‘A Widow r’o Galantommo

The pain is too strong and the desire for revenge is too blinding to maintain clarity. The widow of Don Vincenzo Carignano, who was killed by Genny at the hands of the Mistral in the fourth episode and desecrated even in death, wants the head of the Savastano family: Gennaro, Azzurra and Pietrino.

Donna Nunzia

Ciro had warned her, but Nunzia (Nunzia Schiano) was in a hurry to consume her revenge. He sent a commando of trusted men to the beach to execute Genny, Azzurra and Pietro. When he arrives at the scene, the car he is traveling in is stopped by a police checkpoint. The agents are actually Ciro’s hit men. On a beautiful acoustic arrangement by Nuje vulimme ‘na hope by N’to and Lucariello, Donna Nunzia is killed in the car by a barrage of machine guns.

Sangueblu, Bellebbuono and ‘O Pitbull

Enzo (Arturo Muselli) had sacrificed himself for Ciro in the seventh episode, kidnapped by Genny’s men after the boss had discovered Luciana’s attempted betrayal against him thanks to Azzurra. Sangueblu died as a martyr: killed by Genny with kicks, punches and iron bars.

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The path of the other two loyal soldiers of the Immortal, played by Roberto Oliveri and Vincenzo Fabricino, ends in a not too different way. Bellebbuono and ‘O Pitbull die in the tenth episode, cold from machine gun shots during the final shootout on the beach.

Azzurra and Little Pietro

Azzurra (Ivana Lotito) found herself having to deal with a painful choice between her husband Gennaro and their son Pietro. The Immortal forces her to go over to his side because “if he betrays you, he who loves you hurts more”.

Signora Savastano poisons Genny and delivers him to Ciro. But Gennaro has understood her motives and has already forgiven her. The family comes first, even if women like her, Nunzia reminded her, shouldn’t have children.

Azzurra and Little Pietro


Azzurra and Pietrino are the only ones who are saved: in the end, with the complicity of Ciro, Genny pushes the motorboat with his wife and son on board. The Immortal is not like a Savastano: he has decided to spare the life of Genny and his loved ones with an act of love.

Genny Savastano

Gennaro has deluded himself that he can put the pieces of his family back together, but the incessant struggle with the looming ghost of his father Pietro has never let him go. He was recalled and seduced by his blood and came out in pieces. Betrayed, struck, and finished: he passed power over Secondi Liano into the hands of Ciro and his men.

Genny Savastano

The only thing that matters is defending Azzurra and Pietrino, guaranteeing them a different future, far from him and what he represents. “You were right: the only one you have to protect yourself from is me,” he tells his wife when she and her son leave for good at sea.

Genny dies in the series finale, hit by Donna Nunzia’s assault patrol machine gun bursts. He did this by trying to cover up the person he always loved, the Immortal.

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Ciro Di Marzio, The Immortal

On the cover of the Rolling Stone issue that anticipated the Gomorrah finale, Marco D’Amore and Salvatore Esposito say goodbye by exchanging a passionate kiss. In the series, the words of the song L’addore forte d’o mare by Ivan Granatino had anticipated it.

In the confined space of the passenger compartment of the car in which they ended up locked up, Ciro and Genny consume their “bromance”. Ever since his imprisonment in the Riga gulag, the Immortal had the aim of destroying the kingdom of the Savastano and erasing their name forever.

Ciro Di Marzio, The Immortal

He wanted to consume his revenge calmly, slowly, to kill “the king’s son at the hands of nobody’s son”. Gomorrah could only end like this, where it all began, with Ciro lowering the barrel of his gun and saving Azzurra and Pietrino because he will never put anything or anyone in front of the friendship with Genny, their union so fraternal, carnal and eternal.

The two meet their fate in a definitive ending. With Genny’s death, the Immortal is truly alone. On that dark and desolate beach, desperate and in tears, Ciro suddenly dies struck by the bullet of a hit man from Donna Nunzia . Their parable is over: after revenge, blood, despair and a strong declaration of love. There is no room for dreams of freedom: “we wanted to eat the world, but this world ate us”.

How Gomorrah Ends?

Gomorrah – The series ends in blood. They all die, one after the other: Sangueblu, ‘O Maestrale and Donna Luciana, Federico’ O Munaciello, Donna Nunzia, the widow of Galantommo, Bellebbuono and ‘O Pitbull. In the very last scene, the one that closes the series forever, Genny Savastano and Ciro Di Marzio also die, side by side, killed by the blows of Donna Nunzia’s invisible assassins sent to kill Azzurra and Pietrino. Gennaro’s wife and son are the only ones to escape: Genny and Ciro manage to get them to leave by motorboat, with false documents and a new identity, before it’s too late.

Who Dies in Gomorrah 5?

In Gomorra 5 all die: Sangueblu, Bellebbuono and ‘O Pitbull,’ O Maestrale and Donna Luciana, Federico ‘O Munaciello, Donna Nunzia (the widow of Galantommo), Genny Savastano and Ciro Di Marzio. Only Azzurra and Pietrino are saved, who fled in time by motorboat with false documents and a new identity.

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