Gomorrah 5 Ending Explained: Ciro Di Marzio And Genny Savastano Together Until The End? Beware Spoilers!

Gomorrah 5 Ending Explained: The fifth and final season of Gomorrah had opened with the meeting between Genny Savastano (Salvatore Esposito) and Ciro Di Marzio (Marco D’Amore) after the latter was believed dead. The film The Immortal, directed by Marco D’Amore himself, had revealed to the public, in fact, that Genny’s gunshot was not fatal, (Ciro at the end of the third season sacrifices himself to save him from the plots of Enzo “Sangue Blu” (Arturo Muselli) and his companions who then force Savastano to shoot his friend), and Ciro, thanks to the help of Don Aniello, had taken refuge in Latvia far from his past. Until in this last season Genny discovers from Don Aniello that Ciro is alive and is in Riga. After having lived for so long with the remorse of having been the material author of his death, Genny shocked by the news decides to reach Ciro, to have a confrontation with him. But as often happened between the two over the course of five seasons, things degenerate.

Gomorrah 5 Ending Explained

Gomorrah 5 Ending Explained: The Season Finale

It is the last battle for Genny and Ciro of a lifelong war, two existences stained with blood, violence, horror, pain, architects of their own destiny of death: Genny falls under the gunshot of one of their enemies amid the screams of Ciro who manages to kill the killer of his friend. Ciro tearfully embraces Genny’s corpse surrounded by deafening silence before he too is killed by two gunshots. Their corpses lying side by side mark the end of an era, of a series that even in this imperfect ending, far from the twists and turns and verisimilitude, one of the main and most appreciated features of the series born from an idea of ​​Roberto Saviano, is able to show us the true face of crime, the fate of these anti-heroes that has nothing epic about it. Gomorrah shows us the only possible ending for people like Ciro and Genny, and it is never a happy ending, proving once again that it is not a series that exalts evil, as it has often been unjustly accused of doing, but it tells the reality. criminal without filters, a reality where in the end only corpses remain.

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What Happens In The Gomorrah 5 Ending? The Dream Of A Normal Life For Genny, Ciro’s Revenge

The last two episodes of Gomorrah 5 available on Sky and NOW, directed respectively by Marco D’Amore and Claudio Cupellini, put an end to the eternal rivalry between the two absolute protagonists of the series, an ambiguous rivalry, a real love relationship that has alternated moments of alliance with moments of real war, as happens in this last season. In these last two chapters Genny is decided to leave, to leave the past behind, to start a new life with Azzurra (Ivana Lotito) and her son Pietro on the other side of the world. He just needs to be able to bring his son home after social workers have placed him in a foster home for his safety. But he does not know that Ciro and Nunzia, thirsty for revenge for the death of her husband, ‘O Galantommo, and for the insult of his corpse by Genny, are acting behind his back to prevent him from fulfilling his dream of a normal life and happy with his family.

Gomorra 5: Did Ciro Di Marzio And Genny Savastano Together Until The End

The situation, as Gomorrah has often accustomed us to, soon overturns and Ciro’s intentions to make Genny pay by killing in front of his eyes Azzurra and Pietrino collapse in front of his true nature. The desperation of the two parents who beg him to spare their son touches the heartstrings of the Immortal, who, even if ruthless, could never do what in the second season is done to his daughter (killed by Malammore by order of Pietro Savastano to avenge the murder of his beloved Donna Imma): This is the difference between you and me”, says Ciro to Genny“ and I wanted you to understand it, that you can continue to smell your son’s flesh”.

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And he accompanies them to the boat that will take them away from Naples and their past. But this dream will come true only for Azzurra and Pietrino: shots in the distance break the hope of that future together with Genny. Savastano in fact leaves his wife and son and remains with Ciro to face the shooting against Nunzia’s henchmen, betrayed by Ciro and killed in an ambush: “You were right, Azzurra! The only person you need to protect yourself from is me! You were right! “. These are the last words that Genny addresses to his wife as she walks away from that violent life forever.

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One Comment

  1. Both Marco and Salvatore’s characters of Ciro and Genny pretty much had me at the very beginning of the show’s series; for I could tell that they would end up developing quite the love vs hate brother-like bond throughout several seasons to come. One character wanted to belong, be loved and always feared being alone, while the other had always been left alone from birth and had experienced great loss along the way with only himself to be able to truly trust. Compared to many similar shows in the past, Gomorrah will always have my interest and emotions, because I must humbly admit “How can any film or show be great if it doesn’t catch, both, our interest and heart when it comes to a storyline and its characters.” I have had the opportunity to know so amazing people in the film industry from LA to Chicago to NYC to many EU regions around the world, and even though I have never met Marco aka Ciro or Salvatore aka Genny, I must also humbly admit that I felt a connection with their characters on them truly being brothers from their beginning right up to their very end ….and beyond #faith

    All my best from Chicago, Steven



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