Ghostbusters Afterlife: Credit Scene Explained What Happens And Who Appears In The Two Extra Post Credit Scenes

Ghostbusters: Afterlife is a great nostalgia operation for those who grew up loving the 1984 film - the two extra scenes at the end of the film make this homage even more special.

If in the 80s you consumed the videotapes with the Ghostbusters films, get ready: the two extra scenes positioned in the middle and at the end of the credits will be an attack on your heart and your tear ducts. If the film itself – as told in the dedicated review – is an almost perfect tribute to the atmosphere and lightheartedness of the first two films of the saga, Jason Reitman surpasses himself in paying homage to his father’s films and cinema, giving fans some funny and tender moments, which will be able to move and entertain.

Ghostbusters Afterlife

The intent – not too veiled – is to continue and found a new generation of Ghostbusters, at least judging by the “official” ending of the film. The extra scenes, on the other hand, are dedicated to bringing the past into the present. If you want to know what happens in them, read on, but beware of spoilers if you haven’t seen the film yet.

The Mid Credit Scene From Ghostbusters: Afterlife

The first extra scene of Ghostbusters: Afterlife is a tribute to the rigged test of Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), who starred in a famous scene in the first film of the saga. In the original scene – referred to in the film’s dialogue – Venkman tested the alleged ESP abilities of some young people by connecting them to a jolting device and asking them to guess the symbols on some playing cards. The cards were not shown to the participants, who would have to read the symbols directly from the professor’s mind. In the 1984 film, the student guesses the symbol, but Peter shocks him in favor of the beautiful student who couldn’t actually guess the card.

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This time it’s an elderly Peter – once again played by Bill Murray – taking the test and across the table is Dana Barrett, played by Sigourney Weaver. The two appear to be in the latter’s apartment and chat amiably as they undergo the experiment. Peter ends up guessing the two cards Dana shows him. However, the woman is not convinced by her psychic powers and, ignoring her attempts to flirt, gives Venkman a few warning shocks. Eventually he admits that the cards are marked and therefore the game is rigged.

The Post Credit Scene From Ghostbusters: Afterlife

The second extra scene is positioned at the end of the credits and is at the same time a tribute, an easter egg and a glimpse into the future. At the beginning of the scene we see a short clip that was not included in the original montage of the 1984 feature film. In the same, Egon receives a lucky charm from Janine before the final fight against Gozer in New York. The girl wants to give Ghostbusters her lucky coin: a special issue created during the 1964 Universal Exhibition in Flushing Meadows.

Ghostbusters Afterlife Post Credit Scene

Egon doesn’t want to accept such a precious gift, but Janine insists, saying she has an identical one at home. The first part of the sequence is therefore a tribute to the interpreter Harold Ramis, who died in 2014 indirectly the protagonist of this film. Reitman wanted to insert this deleted scene that saw him as the protagonist.

In the second part of the scene we see Janine Melnitz (Annie Potts) in the present, talking with Winston Zeddemore (Ernie Hudson), recalling the passing adventures of the Ghostbusters. In the meantime, Zeddemore made his fortune by founding a millionaire company: the luxurious office in New York where the dialogue takes place is his. From behind the scenes, the man has continued to keep the Ghostbusters Afterlife intact. Despite the expensive rents in the Big Apple, he managed to secure and preserve the historic headquarters of the Ghostbusters in New York: the former fire station.

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This is where the Ecto1 is brought, severely tested by the final battle against Gozer and by the many years it has been in Egon’s shed. We see Zeddemore stroking its hood, after saying in the final stages of the film that he would make sure to restore it to its former glory. The scene closes without clarifying if you just want to have the car repaired and restored or are you thinking of something more maybe reopen the New York headquarters of the Ghostbusters to the public?

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Is There An Extra Scene In The End Credits Of Ghostbusters: Afterlife?” answer-0=”Yes, there are two of them: one in the middle and one after the end of the film’s credits.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”What Happens In The Extra Scenes Of Ghostbusters: Afterlife?” answer-1=”In the first extra scene we see Peter and Dana redo the experiment that tests people’s ESP powers. At the end of the test Peter confesses to Dana that he has tricked the cards to always be able to guess the symbols present. In the second extra scene we see one of the scenes cut from the 1984 film (for more details, you can read the dedicated study). We discover that Winston Zeddemore made a fortune and invested part of his fortune to preserve the former firehouse, the first base of operations for the Ghostbusters in New York. This is where the Ecto1 is brought in, which Winston is eager to repair. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”Who Appears In The Extra Scenes of Ghosbusters: Afterlife?” answer-2=”The first scene stars Bill Murray and Sigourney Weaver as Peter and Dana. The second scene stars Janine Melnitz and Winston Zeddemore, played by the original actors Annie Potts and Ernie Hudson. The scene features a short clip from the original film starring the late Harold Ramis as Egon. ” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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