Game of Thrones: Two More Animated Spin-Offs Are In Development As HBO Forgoes A Prequel

HBO Max , HBO ‘s streaming video service, is focusing on animation for upcoming projects set in the Game of Thrones universe . The Hollywood Reporter reports that two more animated spin-offs of the cult series are in development. The new projects are added to a first animated series that had already been talked about a few months ago. This time, however, a few more details emerged. Meanwhile, we also learn that one of the previously announced live-action prequels (but never confirmed by HBO) will not move forward.

Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones: Work on two new animated spin-off series

According to The Hollywood Reporter , one of three animated projects currently in development would be set in a territory never seen in the original series, Yi Ti’s Golden Empire , also known simply as Yi Ti. It is a region of the continent of Essos on the southeastern edge of the known world of the series. The inhabitants of Yi Ti are among the most ancient and advanced societies of the vast fantasy kingdom born from the mind of George RR Martin and this territory is inspired by imperial China (while, as we know, Westeros is inspired by medieval Europe). In the original series, reference was made to Yi Ti only on one occasion, but we know that one of the protagonists of House of the Dragon – the first official and confirmed spin-off of GOT coming next year – that is, Lord Corlys Velaryon aka Sea Serpent is famous for reaching that territory.

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Game of Thrones: HBO forgoes the live-action series set in Flea Bottom

The live-action series that HBO has given up is instead the one known with the working title of Flea Bottom , that is the one set in Fondo delle Pulci, the poorest neighborhood of King’s Landing where in Game of Thrones Arya Stark takes refuge after being escaped from the Red Keep and meets Gendry. According to The Hollywood Reporter, this was the weakest project and also the least advanced one, which is why HBO ultimately decided not to continue development. HBO Max – which has recently shown a particular interest in adult animation by also ordering a new Batman animated series – has not commented on the news or provided further details on these latest potential series set in the universe of.Game of Thrones .

GOT: The Other Projects Still In The Pipeline

As we told you last March, the other potential Game of Thrones spin-offs currently in development would be: 10,000 Ships , a live-action prequel series about the warrior princess Nymeria, an ancestor of the Martell house who conquered and ruled Dorne; 9 Voyages ie a series focused on the travels of Lord Corlys Velaryon; Tales of Dunk and Egg , a spin-off focusing on the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall and a young Aegon V from House Targaryen, Dunk and Egg respectively, as well as of course the HBO Max animated series we were already aware of.

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