Foundation Season 1: Ending Explained! Is Gaal Daughter of Salvor? Why Gaal Arrived Gaal on Synnax?

Foundation Season 1 is available on Apple TV+!  Foundation ends with the promise of bigger things to come, with plenty of explanation from Hari Seldon, the ghost of past explanations. This whole plot works reasonably well for building an alliance.

Foundation Season 1

The Brother Dawn storyline ends without glamor, Demerzel twisting her neck and going through an existential crisis. We are now back to square one, with Twilight and Day still being the focal points of the dynasty and all the interesting developments and ideas about liberation from conformity gone.

Foundation Season 1 Ending Explained

The Foundation season 1 finale ends with Salvor revealing to Gaal that she is his daughter. She then gives the shocked Synnaxian the Hari psychohistory module, and we see them for the last time sitting on the roof of a submerged hut surrounded by water as far as the eye can see.

One of the biggest reveal of the series is that Salvor is Gaal and Raych’s daughter. Although a connection between the two women has been suggested several times, the fact that they are so closely related comes as a shock. Salvor’s mother reveals that she was conceived from the genetic material of Gaal and Raych, stored on the “slow ship” that initially brought Hari’s followers to Terminus.

At the end of Foundation season 1, Gaal arrives on Synnax after traveling for 138 years and awakens Salvor, who has been in cryogenic sleep for over 100 years after crashing into Synnax. To date, all human life on the planet appears to have been wiped out by the floods.

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Foundation Season 1 Ending

One of the most shocking moments in the series occurs when Brother Dawn is suddenly and quickly executed by Demerzel, even as she consoles him by telling him that she won’t let him get killed. His actions shock even the Galactic Emperor and his older clone, instantly ending their argument over whether Brother Dawn should be allowed to live or not.

We now see that his loyalty goes to the original Cleon. Therefore, Demerzel tends to support only perfect genetic copies of Cleon the First, and his ruthless slaughter of the genetically different Brother Aurora proves it. Interestingly, it is then revealed that even Brother Day is not a pure genetic clone.

Which means Demerzel would be just as justified in killing him. The fact that we see Demerzel collapse and rip her human face off also indicates that she knows the end is near and that she is in conflict with her identity as a longtime guardian of the Cleonic Empire.

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