Foundation Episode 7: Ending Explained What is Invictus? What Will the Anacreons Do With It?

Foundation episode 7 is available on Apple TV+! Foundation episode 7 begins at Anthor’s Belt as Salvor and Hugo observe a ruined colony. It was a mining colony, but there is nothing left. In fact, the only gravestone is our ruined ship, the “world killer” called Invictus.

We heard about this ship in the previous episode and Phara, blinded by the power, wants it for herself. Since they have an Imperial on their side, the Anacreons intend to use it to trick the ship’s computers and board. Salvor has reservations, and with a 10,000 foot jump to go, the pressure is on. Their destination is the Inner Ring, and that’s a hell of a gamble. If you want to know the explanation of the end of episode 7 of Foundation, read on!

Foundation Episode 7

Foundation Episode 7 Ending Explained

The end of Foundation Episode 7 reveals that Hari’s plan wasn’t followed, most likely because he didn’t expect Gaal to be able to see the future. According to her plan, on the night of her murder, she was supposed to be swimming. However, Gaal followed a disturbing sentiment and went to Hari’s hut instead, where she saw him being murdered. Therefore, Hari’s plan is, in fact, off track, due to Gaal’s newly discovered ability.

Remember, however, that neither Hari nor Gaal know about Salvor. The Guardian of Terminus is a similar anomaly that was not foreseen by Hari’s strategy and which could eventually negate Gaal’s deviation from the plan. While it hasn’t been clarified yet, the fact that Salvor and Gaal are both anomalies of the plan could be the reason they continue to have visions of each other.

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This episode also exposes Anacreon’s strategy in all its devastating simplicity. According to Phara, the plan is to take control of the Invictus and instantly transport it to Trantor, leaving the Galactic Empire with no time to react to the attack.

The rebels then plan to use the ship to destroy most of the planet, leaving it in a state similar to the planet Anacreon after it was attacked by Brother Dusk many years ago. Phara’s commander claims that none of them will ever leave the Invictus as they all intend to die while completing their mission to “bring the Empire to its knees.”

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