Feria: The Darkest Light Ending Explained: Who Opened Fifth Veil? Why Does Sofia Open The Door?

Feria: The Darkest Light is now available to stream on Netflix! For what it’s worth, Feria: The Darkest Light picks up on a well-established concept that we’ve seen in many literacy and media containers. And from the start, she plays it well, following sisters enjoying small-town life with their unsuspecting parents.

Feria The Darkest Light Ending Explained

The Netflix series fits into the teenage genre but hints at a rumored conspiracy after a horrific event that seems too unfathomable to be true. To find out when season 2 will be released, read this. Otherwise, we tell you everything about the end of Season 1 of Feria: The Darkest Light on Netflix!

Feria: The Darkest Light Ending Explained: Why Does Sofia Open The Door?

In the season finale, when the demonic entity Umma enters the hospital in search of Sophia, her older sister Eva experiences a surreal nightmare. Without knowing that she is hallucinating, Eva imagines meeting her father in the hospital corridor. Pablo then begins to strangle his daughter without paying attention to her cries of surprise.

Luckily, Eva eventually snaps out of her hallucination and comes back to reality. But then she realizes that Sofia has been abducted and thinks to herself that the young girl is probably taken to the temple. So the last time we saw Eva, she was still alive and on her way to the temple in the mine.

The season finale opens with the city of Feria in the dark and ominous clutches of a demonic entity called Dekta. In the temple, Sofia and Belda are confronted by a demonic entity called Umma, who kills Belda and opens a door. Realizing that she has no choice but to offer herself as the key to the door, Sofia says so to the door, thus opening the fifth veil. A massive demonic entity then appears in the dark door. The Feria Season 1 ending leaves us with Sofia staring at the creature in horror and letting out a bloodcurdling scream.

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Despite her parents’ efforts and Pablo’s explicit warning, the girl decides to complete the dark ritual and open the fifth veil, thus unlocking the door to a demonic dimension known as the “Kingdom”. However, from what we know, it looks like Sofia hasn’t died yet, but is likely facing a worse fate than that. As the “perfect being” who unlocked the door, Sofia could have special significance in the post-apocalyptic Feria. Perhaps the only ray of hope is that Sofia will finally be able to see her mother, who is trapped in the underworld after trying to stop the gate from opening many years ago.

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