Fantastic Beasts: How The Blood Pact Between Dumbledore And Grindelwald Works

Dumbledore and Grindelwald are the true protagonists of the Fantastic Beasts saga, who face each other on opposing factions. However, they cannot kill each other, despite being the two most powerful wizards of the early twentieth century, because in their youth they made a blood pact. The revelation came in the finale of Fantastic Beasts – The Crimes of Grindelwald, when Pickett, the little Bowtruckles friend of Newt, manages to steal a silver pendant from Grindelwald’s pocket while Grindelwald is busy stirring up the wizarding world against the Muggle one.

The Blood Pact Between Dumbledore And Grindelwald

The pendant contains the blood that seals the blood pact between Dumbledore and Grindelwald, a spell that makes it impossible for them to fight each other. From the story of Grindelwald told in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, however, we know that Silente will defeat Grindelwald in an epic duel that will make him the owner of the Wand of Sanbuco, one of the three deathly hallows. This guide is up to date with the events of Fantastic Beasts: Dumbledore’s Secrets.

All About The Blood Pact Between Dumbledore And Grindelwald

  • How the blood pact between Dumbledore and Grindelwald works
  • When Dumbledore and Grindelwald made the blood pact
  • Ties to Voldermort and the Deathly Hallows
  • How the blood pact between Dumbledore and Grindelwald is dissolved
  • The blood pact and the duel between Dumbledore and Grindelwald
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What The Blood Pact Between Dumbledore And Grindelwald Is And How It Works

The pact of blood is a spell that can be struck between two wizards and that establishes mutual non-aggression: Dumbledore cannot kill Grindelwald and vice versa. Grindelwald always carried the ampoule tied to the spell with him, holding it close to his chest, as he reveals to Dumbledore in their encounter at the beginning of Dumbledore’s Secrets. After stealing it from her, Dumbledore keeps it curled around her arm instead.

During the third film, Dumbledore shows Newt and Theseus how the pact works: when even he thinks he is attacking or hurting Gellert, the ampoule makes it impossible for him to even hold the wand. The pact is unbreakable: it cannot be overruled or dissolved. On the other hand, it was Grindelwald who cast the spell, who was already a gifted and very powerful wizard at a young age.

When The Blood Pact Was Made Between Dumbledore And Grindelwald

In the finale of Fantastic Beasts – The Crimes of Grindelwald we witness a flashback that reveals when and how the blood pact was created between young Albus and Grindelwald. The two teenagers injured their hand with their wand, crossed their hands and melted their blood. Thanks to Grindelwald’s magical talents, a drop of their molten blood was imprisoned in a silver vial. It is likely that the pact was made in the summer in which Albus met Dumbledore, which ended with the tragic death of his sister Ariana and with the escape of Gellert.

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Ties to Voldemort and the Deathly Hallows

But readers with good memories know that, in one way or another, the pact will have to be dissolved. In fact, Gellert Grindelwald makes a small but crucial appearance in the Harry Potter saga as well. Tracking him is Lord Voldemort, determined to recover all three of the Deathly Hallows and convinced that the wizard is in possession of the legendary Elder Wand.

After torturing him, he will discover that the wand passed into the hands of Dumbledore, when the latter defeated him in the most famous magic duel of the twentieth century. A duel that cannot be held if Albus and Gellert are united by the blood pact.

How The Blood Pact Between Dumbledore And Grindelwald Is Dissolved

The blood pact between Dumbledore and Grindelwald is dissolved at the end of Fantastic Beasts – Dumbledore’s Secrets. When Grindelwald casts a spell to kill Credence, Dumbledore and his brother cast two for protection. This conflict between the will to kill and protect and the interference of three powerful spells breaks the vial. For this reason Dumbledore and Grindelwald can face each other in the final duel, which will end in substantial equality.

The Blood Pact and Fantastic Beasts Ending

Now that the blood pact is broken, Dumbledore and Grindelwald can kill each other. But Gellert told Albus that he didn’t see him as an enemy – now or ever – and even Dumbledore doesn’t seem intent on hurting him. We know that the Fantastic Beasts saga should end with the historic duel between the two, from which Dumbledore will be the winner. Gellert Grindelwald is expected to spend the decades following World War II in prison, until Voldemort kills him.

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