Ezra Miller Apologizes, Is The Flash Movie Safe? Here is What We Know So Far!

Is The Flash Safe? The long and criminal telenovela that saw the American star attract media attention to himself, for reasons unfortunately far from his work as an actor, could only end like this, with Ezra Miller who apologizes publicly and announces that he has embarked on a long rehabilitation path to resolve the complex psychological disorders that have emerged in recent months. The alternative could only be a life spent in hiding, with the constant fear of being recognized as the police tirelessly followed in his footsteps (a possibility that narrowly vanished, because Ezra Miller was on the run armed. and with a bulletproof vest).

Ezra Miller

Setting aside for the moment the issues strictly related to his figure – but if you prefer to focus on him we refer you to the predictions on Ezra Miller’s career – let’s analyze how the latest developments could change the fate of the unfortunate The Flash: the film was destined to arrive on large screens during this year but, for issues that we can imagine to be connected also (if not only) to the vicissitudes of Ezra Miller, it was postponed to 2023 just as in Warner a corporate earthquake led to the cancellation of numerous titles already widely in processing.

Is The Flash Safe? The Unexpected Help of Time

Various rumors have bounced around the film dedicated to the fastest man in the world, but it could not be otherwise given the bloody guillotine built at the top of Warner, which led the company to get rid of numerous projects in development and a practically finished film like Batgirl. At the time The Flash had already entered the final stages of production and the fans’ expectation around the title was almost spasmodic, which is why the work of Muschietti and associates was saved despite the financial troubles and the whirling hurricane. around the name of its protagonist. The ability to mercilessly download Ezra Miller and find another Flash was discarded regardless, because by now all the lightning hero scenes had been shot and it would have been crazy to start shooting from scratch, but in Warner they couldn’t even afford to release a movie cost 200 million dollars in a period where every day a new accusation arose against their star.

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Miller’s admission of guilt greatly facilitates the future distribution of the title, because in 2023 the current problems will be only a pale memory, following the impeccable tradition that will see the tabloid newspapers forget the actor to focus on someone else, Someone will never forgive him for the follies that have become public domain, for others, Ezra Miller has already become a meme, but for the moment the only certainty is that the actor’s professional seriousness has disappeared and this will affect the box office receipts.

Will It Be Enough To Save A Cursed Movie?

The issue of The Flash, however, does not only concern the figure of its protagonist, because the project linked to the DC character was already in a bad state before the crimes involving Miller. Since the film was conceived, in the sparkling and above all very distant 80s, a disproportionate number of directors, screenwriters and actors have succeeded in the leadership roles, each of whom has in some way shaped the film through their vision and ended up distorting the initial ideas of production.

From the first attempts cut short in the bud, we arrived at the most recent ones, with the inclusion of the film within the shared universe of DC and the declared goal of bringing the film adaptation of the Flashpoint series to the screen, but the director Andy Muschietti has already stated that the inspiration coming from the comic books will be limited to the appearance of several heroes from other realities, while the story of the film will be original. The DC-themed Warner proposals have often proved disappointing, despite some isolated peaks of magnificence mostly related to Batman, and the confusing state of The Flash production can only worry given a film that has barely avoided cancellation, while the possible distribution in streaming (decidedly more secure and contained from the marketing point of view) has been set aside only to leave a window towards an unlikely success in the cinema.

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It, therefore, seems very plausible that, driven by the wind of public apology from Ezra Miller, The Flash will see the light of the big screens next year, but the impression revealed in the last few weeks of rumors is that Warner would be well prepared to collect the product if by doing so it did not burn the 200 million dollars it has already cost it, especially in this delicate moment of corporate restructuring. Barry Allen fans will therefore have their coveted film within a few months, but the result will not necessarily satisfy them.

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