Euphoria Season 2 Ending Explained: Questions and Theories for Season 3 How Long Will Rue’s Sobriety Last?

Is Ashtray Really Dead? What Will Happen To Fez? The Truth Is In That USB?

Euphoria Season 2 was more extreme than the first, we saw Rue have one of her worst relapses (and fall for a woman who threatened to sell her), Cassie Howard lost her mind, especially after her sister presented the play of theater where he was secretly working for months, Cal Jacobs gave the craziest monologue on television and his son, Nate, threatened his ex-girlfriend with a gun in one of the most disturbing scenes of the series. But none of that prepared us for that ending.

Euphoria Season 2 Ending Explained

Episode 7 not only had one of the most epic moments of the entire series (that dance scene while the song “I Need a Hero” was playing), but it left everything ready to explode… and that was precisely what happened. In the end, Cassie and Nate didn’t kill anyone, but Ashtray did, and while everyone was watching the end of the school play (where there was a “little” riot), chaos broke out at Fezco’s house and he ended up with her. a wound in the side and arrested. Many questions were left unanswered (although some wounds began to heal) and that means Season 3 of the series, which is already confirmed, has a lot to tell us.

And it all has to do with Lexi Howard, with the fact that she dared to blame everyone for her worst moments, her sadness, traumas and the pain they have gone through, while she herself was left without knowing why Fez never showed up. What awaits us for Euphoria season 3? There are some questions and theories that come to mind.

Euphoria Season 2 Ending Explained: Is Ashtray Really Dead?

During the raid on Fez’s house, Ashtray decided to arm himself to the teeth and start shooting like a degenerate, which led the police to respond with violence (regardless of the fact that it was a child) and the last time we saw him was in the bathroom, with a red dot slowly inching towards her forehead.

After that, only a shot is heard, but we really don’t know where it fell. It is possible that Ashtray was killed during the confrontation, but there is also the possibility, however remote, that the shot was not to his head and was aimed at a shoulder or arm to stop him.

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Nate and Cassie

After fighting in front of the entire school, Cassie and Maddy reunite in the bathroom, where she confesses to her old friends that Nate dumped her just before she was to go onstage and confront her sister. Maddy knows that this is part of the cycle with Nate and that it doesn’t necessarily mean that she really left Cassie, so she could get even more trapped by the toxic dynamic of that relationship. Maddy was hanged and a gun was pointed at her, and that just means that if Cassie and Nate are still together, her life is in danger.

What Will Happen To Fez?

It is clear Fezco is going to spend a long time in jail, the question is how long and what are the charges that are going to hang him. It may be that if Ashtray is dead, a lot of the charges will go to the psycho kid, but if he is alive, Fezco will surely take the blame for a lot of them, in an attempt to save his brother and prevent it from happening. the rest of his life behind bars.

The Truth Is In That USB?

What exactly is it that Nate saved on that USB? It definitely has to have some of the videos where Cal has sex with underage girls and prostitutes, but is there also something about her mysterious third child? One of the theories says that Cal abused the boy in the photo and it is possible that this is part of what Nate has against his father. We still don’t know what happened to the third Jacobs brother, but it couldn’t have been anything good and Cal clearly knows more than he’s letting on.

How Long Will Rue’s Sobriety Last?

During her closing narration, Rue says she stayed sober for the rest of the school year and felt fine, but she didn’t know how long that would last. She seems intent on staying away from drugs, but we can’t forget that she still owes Laurie money and that she still has many triggers that can lead her to fall again. Laurie won’t mind that Rue is off drugs, she wants her money back and may try to make good on her threat to sell her to get it.

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Euphoria Season 2: The Explanation Of The Ending

In the latest episode of Euphoria, while Lexi’s show is taking place at school, Custer is at Fezco’s house. He starts asking him questions about the death of Mouse (who, remember, was killed with a hammer by Ashtray) with the clear intention of setting him up. Faye warns him of the possible interception, but Fez is unable to stop Ash, who stabs Custer in the throat, who bleeds to death. Fez throws Custer’s phone into a soda to try to interrupt the wiretapping, but the scene is interrupted by an adorable montage that tells the blossoming of the relationship between him and Lexi, who is waiting for him at school.

Meanwhile, Lexi’s show continues, but Cassie has lost her mind. Humiliated by her sister’s show and abandoned by Nate, she decides to take the stage to deal with the situation. She interrupts the play and drags Lexi onto her stage accusing her of exaggerating their relationship and deciding to live in her shadow of her. They are joined by her mother, who tries to calm her down, but Maddie intervenes from her audience and adds meat to her fire by giving her little good.

The straw that breaks the camel’s back, however, comes when the show depicts the moment when Cassie masturbated on the carousel at the carnival under the influence of drugs. She attacks the actress who plays her, but she is also attacked by Maddie (the real one of her) who chases her around the stage and along the corridors of the school. Meanwhile, we see Rue in a flashback from a few days earlier. She goes to see Elliot, she forgives him for spying on his drug use, but she forgives him and thanks him for saving her life; the two, however, decide that their friendship should not continue.

Euphoria Season 2 Ends In Violence And Pain

In the meantime, however, the Show must go on. Lexi returns to the stage, propelled by an ovation initiated by Rue, and dedicates her show to Fez which, however, is still dealing with the consequences of Custer’s killing. She decides to take responsibility for what happened, clearing Ash, but the boy has no intention of giving up. Meanwhile, Nate visits his father with a gun. he finds him in the middle of a party. The two finally confront each other about what happened, but Nate wants revenge: he has reported Cal to the authorities.

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Meanwhile, the police raided the apartment in Fez. Ash has barricaded himself in the bathroom armed to the teeth and a SWAT shootout begins. Fez is wounded in the crossfire and covered in blood, on the ground, watching as the one he considers his brother is killed by agents.

Ash’s death overlaps with the vigil for Rue’s father – between flashbacks and theatrical reconstruction -, with Lexi visiting her father in the hospital after the accident and Rue after the overdose. Levinson forces us to a symphony of hugs and pain, all different, but always the same. Fez is taken away by the police and his letter to Lexi, the one that accompanied the bouquet of flowers that he would have given her at the end of the show, is trampled by the heavy boots of the agents: the life they dreamed of together, that perfect relationship made of houses in campaigns and diligent children, vanishes.

Lexi’s show ends with an argument between her and Rue that takes place in a limbo between reality and fiction, but the return to the real world is abrupt: Cassie is bleeding in the school bathroom with her Kat and Maddie, who warns her that her toxic relationship with Nate is only just beginning. Meanwhile, in the audience, Jules tells Rue he loves her, but in exchange for her he receives only a kiss on her forehead. Rue walks through the corridors of the school and then down the street, hopeful about her future, ready for a new chapter in her life.

Euphoria: Looking Forward To The Third Season

We can’t help but think that the second season of the series will not win prizes. Any jury, in fact, would be foolish not to reward Zendaya’s skill, but also the writing of Levinson himself or the beautiful soundtrack of Labrinth. The awards, however, often leave the time they find. It is likely that Euphoria ‘s cast and crew will be satisfied with the enormous affection received in recent weeks, during which the series was the most discussed topic on social media. Every single piece was showered with compliments, especially the characters of Lexi and Fez, who represented a breath of normalcy in the midst of the absurd relationships that Levinson has accustomed us to. Too bad they haven’t had a happy ending for now. We can’t wait to see how Euphoria season 3 will go, ready to be drawn into the HBO teenage drama of sequins, hallucinogenic trips, but lots of sweetness.

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