Echo: Unveiled The Timeline Of The Marvel Series! Here Where Marvel Series Fits In MCU Timeline

Among the many Marvel titles coming in the immediate and near future, there is also the TV series Echo centered on Maya Lopez; a character who first appeared in Hawkeye, the miniseries with Clint Burton aka Hawkeye. Echo is indeed a Hawkeye spin-off, where in addition to giving more prominence to this new female figure, she will see some welcome returns among the protagonists: Vincent D’Onofrio’s Kingpin (already appeared in Hawkeye) and Charlie Cox’s Daredevil.

Echo First Look

Echo: Here Where Marvel Series Fits In MCU Timeline

Echo is an alias of Maya Lopez, played by Alaqua Cox. During the D23 Expo event at which she was present along with the cast of Echo, the actress spoke to ComicBook microphones about the series and her character:

All I can say is that Maya’s actions are leading her to Oklahoma to reconnect to her indigenous roots and find a sense of family and community. But we don’t know about Kingpin yet, I can’t really say anything.

Alaqua’s words refer to the path that his character takes, after what was shown in the Hawkeye ending with the alleged death of Kingpin; and of which for obvious reasons, he cannot anticipate anything (under penalty of legal consequences with Marvel!). Considering that the Hawkeye series is set at Christmas 2024, from the statements of Alaqua it is deduced that Echo will continue the timeline and will therefore be set in 2025. But the actress also commented on her experience in what for her is an absolute novelty, as well as a great emotion as reflected in her words:

It’s crazy that I got my own series after Hawkeye. It was like my first acting role, ever. I don’t know why they are giving me this opportunity, but I’m just grateful. I am thrilled with the support and the opportunity to support the deaf community. We want to have that kind of equality to get more people involved. I am just so grateful for all the opportunities that have been given to me. 

Alaqua is a native woman, deaf from birth and with a prosthesis in place of her right leg that was amputated when she was a teenager. (Here is our detailed study on the actress). With the character of Maya Lopez, the actress plays herself, because she has been able to maintain her own characteristics of real life. This is one of the main reasons why Alaqua feels truly grateful for the opportunity she has been given, as she herself says, she can be a point of reference for the whole deaf community, but also for the native people whom she can pose on the screen.

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Another reason why the actress is really surprised in the positive regards the work in general: first Hawkeye and then Echo, they give Alaqua the opportunity to take the first steps in the world of entertainment as an actress; her employment that she started doing almost by chance, after having rolled up her sleeves for years with many other jobs away from the spotlight.

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