Doc Nelle Tue Mani 2: Ending Explained How Does Alba Die? Why Alba Death Important For The Third Season?

In the final episode Doc Nelle Tue Mani 2 brought with it a sensational twist that left the spectators breathless. A functional twist to a third season of the series, apparently already in the writing phase. But how did Doc Nelle Tue Mani 2 end up and why could the death of that all-important character be key in Doc 3? The advice is to continue reading only if you are even with the episodes, available in streaming on Rai Play.

Doc Nelle Tue Mani 2

Just when Andrea Fanti is one step away from becoming primary, Umberto Caruso reveals to the whole hospital that it is Doc who is responsible for the death of Lorenzo Lazzarini. The news upsets Fanti’s colleagues, primarily Giulia and Carolina. The latter begs her father to reveal how things really went, but Fanti is adamant. He is then suspended and investigated for manslaughter. But the situation worsened further as soon as a patient infected with a strain of Klebsiella Penumoniae (KPC) resistant to the latest generation of antibiotics arrives at the polyclinic. The ward was isolated on the orders of the infectious specialist Cecilia Tedeschi, but Alba and Riccardo were both infected by the dangerous bacterium.

Doc Nelle Tue Mani 2: Ending Explained How Does Alba Die And Why Could Her Death Matter To Doc 3? 

Alba suffers the worst consequences and, to try to save both her and the other infected patients, Andrea Fanti proposes to administer an old drug with a good percentage of effectiveness but with potentially very serious side effects, especially on the liver . The administration actually manages to eradicate the bacterium even in Dr. Patrizi who, however, reports severe liver poisoning. There is nothing more to do and Alba dies surrounded by her friends, colleagues of hers and with Riccardo at her side Di lei. And this is how the troubled love story between Alba and Riccardo ends, with the famous emotional finale announced by Silvia Mazzieri. some weeks ago. It is therefore easy to hypothesize that Alba’s death will have important repercussions in Doc 3. It could mark a stop in the approach and understanding between Riccardo and Carolina Fanti or Doc’s daughter could get even closer to Dr. Bonvegna.

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Alba’s death wasn’t the only twist in the final episode of Doc Nelle Tue Mani 2. Doctor Fanti is relieved of all charges and prepares to welcome a new group of trainees, while Gabriel and Elisa get married after her proposal.

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