Dexter New Blood Episode 2: Ending Explained! Who Is Kurt and What Happened To Hannah

Dexter News Blood is available on Canal+ and Voot! If you want to know the explanation of the end of Episode 2 of Dexter New Blood, read on! For a guy who’s supposed to keep a low profile, living under a false identity to avoid being recognized, caught and convicted as a prolific serial killer, Dexter Morgan has chosen one hell of a love interest. As if it wasn’t enough that the old, always clumsy blood analyst had become encrusted in the town to the point that even the natives of the neighboring reserve know the name “Jim”, Dexter also had to squabble with him. a police chief who has already proven himself to be way smarter than the inane Miami Metro employees.

Dexter New Blood Episode 2

Dexter’s closeness to Angela and the Iron Lake Police Department may have its advantages, but it’s risky behavior for a man who should be a little more low-key. Joining the local bowling team and scoring 300 is the opposite of “under the radar”. This is how Harrison, Dexter’s son, finds him. After Hannah’s death from pancreatic cancer that left Harrison tossed from foster home to foster home, the former blueberry pancake lover set out in search of his father faded away. Through a trip to Oregon and searching the internet, Harrison has tracked down Dexter and now wants answers. We tell you everything about the end of episode 2 of Dexter New Blood!

Dexter New Blood Episode 2: Ending Explained?

Kurt Caldwell is Matt’s father. Dexter having discovered his mistakes before anyone else, he uses his forensic skills to make it appear that Matt fled the city after killing a white male on the Seneca People’s Reservation. Her cunning is so convincing that she even cheats on Angela, who is revealed to be an outstanding police officer during this episode. However, as the police and volunteers are about to leave, Kurt shows up, demanding to know why the search has been halted. He claims Matt would never run away, even if he committed a crime. His first reaction will be to call his father.

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Kurt is an influential man in the community, and unlike petrochemical billionaire Edward Olsen, the people of Iron Lake seem to genuinely appreciate him. He gives a passionate speech to the locals, reminding them of how he has helped them and asking them to help him through difficult times. His words have the desired effect and the research resumes. However, what no one knows except Dexter is that he hid Matt’s remains under the fire pit outside his cabin.

Where Has Dexter Been Since His Fake Death?

Dexter was in Oregon for a while, working as a lumberjack, before he left. He probably traveled all over the place, always staying away from Florida until he found his way to Iron Lake. Harrison claims he was brought back to Miami after Hannah’s death and placed in foster care, where his experience was terrible.

He found the letter Dexter sent after Hannah’s death and ultimately decided to search for him. The return address led him to the Oregon town where Dexter used to live, but the latter was already missing. Dexter chose the name Jim Lindsay because there were too many people with that name, which gave him what he wanted most at the time, anonymity. As a result, it was nearly impossible for Harrison to find him. Eventually, he saw his father’s photo on Instagram, posted by one of his bowling teammates. This ultimately led him to Iron Lake.a

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