Dexter New Blood Ending Explained: Who Killed Dexter? Is Dexter Died At The End?

Dexter New Blood finale has proven to be very exciting for fans of the show. After the original show ended, this show brings back Right-Handed, played by Michael C Lounge. He doesn’t live in Miami anymore. Currently, he is staying in a snowy town in New York. iron lake. Since he had faked his death there in Miami, he had not killed anyone and spent his days in town. working in a fish and game store. We see that the Dark Passenger returns when he meets Matt Caldwell in this series Matt seemed to be the perfect match for the actions that led to his killing. He finally kills Matt one night.

Dexter New Blood Ending Explained

Very surprisingly, on that very night, we see Dexter Harrison’s son, played by Jack Alcott, have found him in the village. He had left his son in Miami, but now he has finally come for his father. As the series progresses, Dexter receives a clue that his son has inherited the Dark Passenger. We even see him fight with Kurt, Matt’s father to stay alive. Towards the end of the series, we see that Angela Bishop, Dexter’s girlfriend comes to know his true identity and activities. If you are interested in learning more about the Dexter New Blood Ending in full detail, continue reading the article.

A Quick Recap Of The Ending Of Dexter New Blood

The title has been given to the new Dexter Blood end is Sins of the Father. The ending begins with Angela listening to the recordings made by Molly. These recordings were meant to be those of Matt and Iron Lake. Angela hadn’t heard from the girl for over 72 hours so she pulled out a search and capture warrant on her. The scene changes to Dexter standing in front of his house, which has been reduced to ashes. He sees all his neighbors doing their best to help him. This reminds you of your decision to move to Iron Lake because of the good people here.

Angela says it was arson that burned down her entire cabin. Harrison comes up with the perfect cover up at the time. He says it must have been the actions of the children who had attacked him earlier for breaking their friend’s arm. Angela finds out Matt’s screw in the burned ruins of Dexter’s house. Dexter had kept it for himself after killing Matt. Angela returns home and dispatches Harrison and Audrey before arresting Dexter with the help of Logan.

Dexter had stopped killing people for over a decade. This break had affected his game of staying clean. now he was prone to various mistakes. However, what has remained in him is his keen intellect. Dexter knew that the evidence Angela was holding was not enough to put him in jail. Angela then calls Batista Angel and sends her Dexter’s photo. Upon seeing the image, Ángel receives the scare of his life. He understood that his ex-wife was right all this time. Dexter Morgan was alive and living under the identity of Jim Lindsay in Iron Lake.

We see Angela questioning Dexter at another time. This time he informed her that he had understood that Dexter is the Butcher of Bay Harbor. Ángel Batista also heads to Iron Lake to identify him. Dexter realized now that he was on the brink. Dexter’s last move in the Dexter New Blood ending is to tell Angela to turn off the camera. Then he tells her about kurt caldwell and all the people he had murdered. He also reported how he had preserved all of their bodies for the past 25 years.

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Before the end of Dexter New Blood was released we were already clear about what was going to happen with the character of Dexter (Michael C. Hall). And I’m not saying this because it had to be different from Dexter’s other ending (there weren’t many other options). Nor is it because another ending was not necessary. If it had not been clear to you in episode 8 of Dexter New Blood how Jim Lindsay, aka Dexter, was going to end up, it had to be clear to you in episode 9 what was the future of the dark passenger and his Cabify driver. If you are a big fan of the series, you will already know very well that Clyde Phillips, the showrunner of Dexter New Blood, creator of the original television series, a series that he abandoned after four seasons, was very clear about the character’s end: his death by lethal injection in a luminous prison in the United States.

It was clear that Dexter had to die. Not because he died in the books of Jeff Lindsay, creator of the character, but because it was the impeccable logic towards which the character was heading at the same moment in which he stopped killing only murderers: Doakes (Erik King), LaGuerta (Luna Lauren Velez), subsidiarily Deb (Jennifer Carpenter) … It was also clear that the fact that the series risked winning back Harrison (Jack Alcott) and shake a subplot of adolescent stink was an unequivocal sign that the son would end. with the father. What no one knew was how.

Clyde Phillips told me that there is always some theory on an Internet forum that gets it right with what the end of a series is going to be. On Reddit, four months before the series was released, when it became known that Harrison was part of the plot, on Reddit there were several threads with the headline: Harrison is going to kill Dexter in New Blood, with and without question marks. It is also true that on Reddit there was another thread with another theory that claimed that Trinity was Harrison’s dark passenger and that he was going to kill everyone in this series with great joy. When we discussed it with Phillips in his day, the screenwriter burst out laughing. Normal. But going back to the end-end, Harrison serves, after all, to demonstrate what we have always known: Dexter is a murderer who enjoys killing.

Yes, he kills criminals, but is that a defense if it causes him pleasure? That for one thing. On the other hand, at the moment in which the code is broken … that is already murder with A in cold blood. In the end, Harrison helps Dexter see himself for the villain that he really is. That is why he said that the ending was implicit in episode 9 when they kill Kurt and Harrison realizes what his father really is: that gustirrinín after stabbing him was not normal.

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In that scene of episode 9 the end of the spin-off and the entire series was contained. That’s Dexter let’s not kid ourselves. The grace of the series was to show us someone creepy as someone cookie-cuqui-fetén, which is not. “Open your eyes and see what you’ve done,” Harrison tells his father, and that’s where the core of the series is distilled. Yes, Dexter later says in a voiceover about “I’ve never felt real love until now”, but the key is in the other sentence. “You did well,” he says. It is clear that Harrison has a passenger, what we do not know is how light or dark you are, hence the possibility that there is a season 2, as Clyde Phillips guesses.

So regardless of whether or not you liked this new ending, if you ask why Harrison kills his father, you have several answers: because it is very prosaic for the son to end a murderer who turns out to be his father; because since they were going to kill him, it would be better if the act itself had more interest than a bullet fired by a stranger and, finally, because it would not have made sense for anyone else to have killed him. Can you imagine Batista shooting? Please! Angela (Julia Jones)? No man no. And, beware, Harrison has not accounted for and has not realized that Trinity killed his mother because of his father’s fondness for killing other (evil) human beings, that if not, he had shot him twice and once the shots would have gone straight to the nacasones.

Then there’s the other big question at the end: Why does Angela let Harrison go free? Apart from the fact that she is shocked by the fact that a) her ex was a serial killer and she could have been a victim in the Laguerta plan, b) a member of her community was a serial killer who killed her best friend already all the women who had spent his entire career investigating and turning them into Famosa dolls, but without going to the portal, c) his likeable partner Logan (Alano Miller) dies without much grace or dramatic sense other than to justify that Dexter skips the code (and reason the final shot) and e) that in that town it is tremendously cold, we do not know. Phillips has an explanation for you: “I think Angela’s decision to let Harrison go was born out of the horror she had just witnessed. His whole life he has just been a missing persons board and now all these women are dead. She needed humanity and perhaps that the maternal instinct would take charge of justice, only in this unique moment of grace “, according to has counted in a promotional interview. There you have it.

Is Dexter’s New Ending A Satisfying Ending?

You have to tell me that, fan of the series. I’ve been tempted to title this article: What the new Dexter ending says about viewers in the 21st century, but because I wanted to have readers and save myself from the usual haters, I preferred to ignore it. I think the right question is: Is this ending a more satisfying ending than the original? And the answer is yes. Dexter had to die for everything I have discussed above and all that led to him escaping from rositas was lengthening the inevitable. But the question you really have to ask yourself is: Is the ending satisfying for you?

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Both this end and the end of season 8 are consistent for what they have told us, one, obviously, better than the other, but only you as a viewer have a satisfactory answer to that. Criticism of this new ending has already begun to spill over the Internet. There is a small group that feels annoyed by the use of Logan as a vehicle to justify the death of Dexter (if he had killed Angela it would have been another story), others that if they have not been convinced by Harrison as a character … I would add a third Question: Was it worth having a new ending for the character?

It is clear that it is a good ending for the spin-off, but was it necessary to put all this together for that new ending? If there is season 2 and continuation of the franchise with Harrison, it is clear that the question is answered by itself, but if you realize it is necessary what is said necessary was not from a plot point of view. And that brings us to the headline I wanted to put on the article: Have we forgotten that this is serialized television fiction? Neither the end of Lost was bad, nor was it the end of Game of Thrones. They had to end somehow, and maybe what bothers us, what we don’t like, is that they end. Dexter, we’re going to miss you, but we’d rather miss you than have you in Frankenstein mode. Harrison is a Dexter for a new generation.

Dexter New Blood Ending Explained: How Does Dexter Die And Why?

After Angela leaves, Dexter tries his best to shoot down Logan to escape his cell. However, Logan reaches for his gun and we see that Dexter ends up killing him. He calls Harrison and asks him to rush to meet him in his truck. Dexter had killed Kurt and his house had also been burned down. He realized what a mess he had gotten himself into. He realized that it would be better to leave Iron Lake to protect him and his son.

Harrison didn’t like this plan as all of his friends and Audrey lived in Iron Lake. However, after seeing Dexter arrested and his house burned down, he knew it was no longer safe for them to stay there. When Harrison learns that Dexter has killed Sergeant Logan, he cannot take it. Sergeant Logan was an innocent man. Harrison feels that his father has strayed from the code he once mentioned that he had always followed. The public has always considered Dexter a vigilante, an anti-villain who has his actions controlled by a few pros and cons. When Dexter killed Logan to return to his son, he violated that code.

Dexter New Blood

When Harrison refuses to leave Iron Lake, Dexter tells him that he will leave the place no matter what. Then Harrison does the most surprising thing: he points the rifle Dexter had given it to Dexter. He accuses Dexter of being responsible for the deaths of Rita and Deb. The end of the Dexter New Blood finale turns out to be the series’ most emotional moment when Dexter finally passes the proverbial baton to Harrison, his son. He becomes the same as all the assassins he had killed. After Harrison kills him, he becomes the next Dexter Morgan with his father as his first victim.

After finding out everything, Angela arrives at the place and tells Harrison to leave and never go back there. Harrison thus leaves town, carrying the Dark Passenger in him and with it his father’s legacy.

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