Daisy Jones & The Six Ending Explained: Why Daisy Jones and The Six break Up? What Happens Between Daisy and Billy?

It’s called Rock’n’Roll Suicide, like a song by David Bowie, the last episode of the series, and the explanation of the finale of Daisy Jones & The Six, the Prime Video series that accompanied us throughout March, can only start from here. In reality, they had already announced the ending to us from the first episode, and superimposed writing tells us again at the beginning of episode 10. The end is known, then. On October 4, 1977, Daisy Jones & The Six performed a sold-out concert at Soldier Field in Chicago, Illinois. It was their last performance. The final act of the beautiful Prime Video series begins right after that concert. From that ” you regret me, and I regret you”, with which they open the concert and which seems to mean a lot about the stories of Billy and Daisy.

As we told you in the Daisy Jones & The Six review, the series is built like a rockumentary, and the actors appear, between one scene and another, as if they were giving interviews, many years later, in the role of real musicians. The bands broke up and recited the title of an album by Luca Carboni. And Daisy Jones & The Six have disbanded. Like the Beatles, like the Police, like so many great bands. Daisy Jones & The Six never existed. But the Prime Video series is so well written and filmed that it feels like they were a real band. A band we are now fans of. And for this reason, the ending of Daisy Jones & The Six is ​​a farewell to a story that we would continue to follow forever.

Daisy Jones & The Six: The Story Plot

If you’ve read Taylor Jenkins Reid’s best seller, you better or worse know what to expect from the limited series Daisy Jones & The Six. A biopic about the birth, rise, and fall of a 1970s rock band, with interviews, testimonials, images, and archive videos, as already happened in Pistol on Disney+. With the typical rhythm of a series halfway between documentary and fictional, sometimes slow, sometimes fast and fun, the band’s songs as a soundtrack, and a good cast chosen to interpret the original characters. So far so good, right? In the sense: if you like the genre, you will like Daisy Jones & The Six, there is no doubt. But there is a bit: because looking at it, you must be willing to make a gigantic compromise in this case. Because everything you’ll see is a figment of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s imagination, because Daisy Jones never existed, as well as the Dunne brothers or Karen Sirko, the members of the fictitious band at the center of the story. A story that has nothing true and takes inspiration and inspiration here and there in the history of music and rock of the seventies.

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Daisy Jones & The Six
Daisy Jones & The Six

Based on the novel by Taylor Jenkins Reid, Daisy Jones & The Six chronicles the rise and precipitous fall of a famous, fictional, rock band. In 1977, Daisy Jones & The Six are on top of the world. The merit of the two leaders, two charismatic singers. Daisy Jones (Riley Keough) was a girl in love with rock and a rock star who treated her indelicately. So she decided that she would never be the same again. She chose a name for herself, and she decided that she would take her destiny into her own hands, pick up a guitar and start writing songs. Billy Dunne (Sam Claflin) has always played with his band, The Dunne Brothers and then The Six. The two roads are destined to meet. And so, the new band came out of obscurity and became extremely successful. But, after a sold-out concert at Chicago’s Soldier Field, he disappears.

Daisy Jones & The Six Ending Explained: The Last Concert The Last Day

Daisy Jones moves sinuously, in one of those wide-sleeved dresses that look like a cape, or wings. Daisy looks like a mermaid or a figure from a fantasy movie. Her eye makeup is smudged, there’s something different. The last, masterful episode of Daisy Jones & The Six recounts that last concert, filmed as if it had taken place and, in parallel, reconstructs with a series of flashbacks, hour by hour, with a sort of countdown, the long, very long day before the concert. So, we’ll see what happened between Billy (Sam Claflin), his wife Camila (Camila Morrone) and Daisy (Riley Keough). And how things went between Karen (Suki Waterhouse) and Will (Graham Dunne). It is one showdown after another. Three chords and the truth said, Bob Dylan. And the truth finally comes out.

Do Daisy and Billy Fall in Love?

Turn around, look me in the eye”. “Turn around and look me in the eyes”, sing Daisy Jones & The Six on that stage. And while they are doing it, Billy and Daisy look into each other’s eyes: complicity, chemistry, and empathy are what the two frontmen release when they are on stage. And maybe even love. The originality of Daisy Jones & The Six, however, is that of not making the most obvious choice in terms of history, that of making Daisy and Billy fall in love. It would have been a much more classic, more dramatic development. Billy’s betrayal of Camila, the successful man who leaves his wife for his new flame. But no, the authors have written about a particular character, who chooses to do the right thing and stay with his wife and daughter. And not out of a sense of duty, but really out of love.

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Daisy Jones & The Six Amazon
Daisy Jones & The Six Amazon

And looking at Camila (Camila Morrone), her beauty and sweetness, you really can’t blame him. Just as it is not obvious that Daisy, the superstar, the stage animal, can have the world except for the two things she wants: the man she loves, and the love of her mother who, despite her success, continues to treat it sufficiently. Following these stories, we identify with many of the characters. Like Billy, we would like to stay next to the wonderful Camila. Yet also to protect, even before loving, the bewildered and fragile Daisy. That she, even on top of the world, she’s still that little girl who’s been abused by an older man and continually belittled by her parents.

What Happens Between Daisy and Billy?

Let me down easy”, and “if you will disappoint me, do it kindly” reads one of the most intense songs by Daisy Jones & The Six. And, after all, the story of the band is just that. A series of people who let other people down, all the time. But that’s how it is when you love without hesitation: the risk is to be disappointed. Billy passionately kisses Daisy when he thinks the affair with Camila is over. “Life has torn us apart. For this, we must be together. We will be apart but together” he says to Daisy. “I don’t want to be broken”, she replies. As we told you, it is an ending that cannot be taken for granted. And this is where, in theory, the story stops. But, as in those writings that are done at the end of the biopics, we will tell you how the story ends. Because while the concert, and the story of the band, close with the famous Look at Us Now, the song that started it all, life goes on. “How did we get here? How do we get out? What we are doing is not working. Baby looks at us now. We risk making a beautiful thing ugly”.

Songs Like the “chorus” of The Greek Theater

One of the great things about Daisy Jones & The Six was the use of the songs, not just a moment to show that the band was making great music. But a real ” chorus ” (intense like the chorus of the Greek theatre), with the texts, continuously commenting, and integrating, underlining what the characters were experiencing. Those words, and that music, have always been the way for Billy and Daisy to converse, to express their feelings, to sublimate their attraction to art.

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Who is Interviewing Billy, Daisy and the Others?

But the surprise and it’s truly remarkable, takes place 50 minutes into the last episode. Yes, when we thought it was all over. Those famous interviews, with the characters talking into machines to tell their stories after years, finally have a reverse shot. To interview Billy, and then also the others, is Julia, his daughter. So, what appears to be simple journalistic interviews become something else, a dialogue between father and daughter, an exchange of memories and feelings. It’s Julia who’s shooting the documentary about the band. She does it not only for journalistic intent but to recover the relationship with her father and leave the memory of her mother to posterity. And she will be the deus ex machina of the story, of what will happen next.

How Did it Go For Karen, Will, Eddie and Warren?

I wanted to be a rock’n’roll star”, says Karen Sirko in the interview. And we had imagined it. Throughout the series, in interviews, she has appeared with platinum-blonde hair, a white shirt and tight black tie, leather jacket. She’s a perfect Debbie Harry-esque pop star embarking on a solo career, and she nailed it. The montage switches between her life after The Six for a moment. Thus, we see the video clip of the hit Solitude, sung under the stage name of Candy Floss, in an MTV video and an all-female band inspired by Robert Palmer’s video Addicted To Love.

Daisy Jones & The Six Prime Video
Daisy Jones & The Six Prime Video

Her former love, Will, has instead returned home, fallen in love and started a family. She says she has Karen to thank for being honest with him, but Karen, further interviewed, she admits that when she told him she didn’t love him, she wasn’t being honest. Eddie started his band, and he still plays gigs, albeit in small venues. Warren has been a session worker for several years and married Lisa, the movie star he met on Saturday Night Live.

How Did it Turn Out Between Billy and Daisy?

Teddy, their historic producer, died in 1983, they found him lying on a mixer after a night’s work: he died doing what he loved. Daisy, we get it, made it big as a singer and even had a daughter. Billy checked into rehab and didn’t miss a moment of his daughter Julia’s life. But he had to say goodbye to his wife Camila, who died following an illness. But here’s her surprise: Julia shows Daisy a video of Camila, recorded before her death. “Just tell her I’m happy for her. That I’ve always been a fan of hers“. But most of all she says, “Tell your father to call her”. It is a kind of blessing, a legacy. Camila has had a life that she has lived to the fullest. Now that it’s time to leave her, she tries to bring the two closers together. “Tell Daisy Jones to answer, because those two still owe me a song”. Thus ends the series. At the door of Daisy’s house. A huge smile is what she greets Billy with. The camera stops like this, leaving us to imagine what could happen. While Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones sing “May the good Lord shine a light on you”, “May the good Lord shine a light on you”.


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