Control Z Season 3 Review: The Mexican Series Completely Deflates In Its Final Season!

Starring: Ana Valeria Becerril, Michael Ronda, Yankel Stevan

Creators: Miguel García Moreno, Carlos Quintanilla Sakar, Adriana Pelusi

Streaming Platform: Netflix (click to watch) Ratings: 3/5 (three stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

The third season of the popular Mexican series Control Z Season 3 has already arrived on Netflix, and we analyze it for you. Is it worth continuing to watch? On Wednesday, July 6, the Netflix streaming platform launched the eight episodes that makeup Control Z Season 3, the Mexican series that explores the relationship between young people and new technologies.

Control Z Season 3

Since its first season, it has been shown as a series with a certain level of cheek when it comes to addressing issues such as sex, social position, or the future aspirations of a group of students from the National College, given that one of the most relevant factors it is that they saw their secrets exposed without their consent by an unknown identity. The series has nothing to do with others with a strong social denunciation such as Intimacy but is more about entertainment and suspense. In the cocktail shaker, therefore, we found something from V for VendettaI Know What You Did Last Summer or Elite, not to go too far, all seasoned with many overlays to be aware of mobile communications between the protagonists.

Control Z Season 3 Review: The Story

The formula was funny at first because it introduced some important messages in the process such as denouncing bullying, self-affirmation in adolescence or diversity, but the third season clicks and stamps noisily because it does nothing more than go around in circles, leaving a record of the exhaustion of the plot and the little or no coherence of the characters. Control Z Season 3 adds something new in a very clumsy way: the Escape Room concept, which of course is one of the strengths of Sofi, the main character.

She, played competently by actress Ana Valeria Becerril, was perhaps the one who gave this series a different feeling as she was a lonely and distant girl with the ability to see through people. Challenging her to compose a puzzle was what enthralled us most in this series and it was common to hear her thoughts, often satirical of her. However, inexplicably, the new story that they bring us lacks strength and on top of that, it brings filler by the handful. In truth, out of the eight episodes, only three of them might give you the information you need, the rest is bullshit.

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The editing is one of its main disadvantages: the cuts are abrupt, the information barely falls apart as it unfolds, and the plot lurches make it easy to get off the story. As it was already sown at the end of season 2, the death of the director Susana led the group to meet before her body and make a drastic decision to save her future. And, to the glory of the writers, they ended up abandoning her and sealing a pact between them not to reveal what happened (very original).

Control Z Season 3 Review And Analysis

Of course, no matter how hard they try to leave all this behind and focus on their projects, fifteen months later the past returns to the students, who are preparing for their graduation. Quintanilla asks that they be recorded talking about their aspirations in life, the career they will study and what they have learned at the National College. These recordings will be intercepted and manipulated to reveal her involvement in the events that took place on the day of Susana’s death.

Control Z Season 3 Review

And everything explodes, of course, in the final episode, when the happy recording appears with everything adorned. Go ahead that not even the level of production goes far: any Elite party (of the many there are per season) must have the budget of a complete season of Control Z, but since here we are supposed to be in the high point of the series, the outcome not only of this batch of episodes but of the entire series, is especially bloody.

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Control Z Season 3 Review: The Last Words

In short, Control Z 3 has been completely deflated because it has not been able to grow and has been trivialized. Of the characters that were introduced just two years ago, you can’t get more, so either they present us with something different in the future, or all the fish is already sold. The third season of Control Z is very unsatisfactory: it is repeated in many aspects and loses focus and depth. A missed opportunity to grow history.

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