Control Z Season 2: Story Recap and Ending Explained! Who Is The Avenger?

Control Z is back on Netflix! If you want to know everything about the explanation of the end of season 2, keep reading! If you thought your high school was complicated, you haven’t seen anything yet. In Control Z season 2, the students from the first season are shocked after discovering the identity of a hacker who made a big deal out of spreading all his secrets.

As well as the small, related case of the death of a colleague and the shooting of another. To further complicate matters, a mysterious character known as “The Avenger” seeks revenge on those believed to be responsible for Luis’ death. Find out all the information about season 3 here.

Control Z Season 2

Given that the drama has spread from social media to the real world, the stakes are certainly higher this season, so let’s take a look at what happened, why, and what the series’ sequel could be if it does. does to be renewed. If you have any questions about the Control Z season 2 finale, read on!

Control Z Season 2 Ending Explained

Sofia soon becomes the target of the Avenger, who exchanges the pills in her bottle. It is then revealed that she did not actually swallow the pills and did so just to fool the mysterious torturer. It is finally revealed that the Avenger is Alex, who blackmails Gerry and Raúl into entering the school building at night, where he forces Gerry to post an apology video. Seeing the messages online, Sofia and Javier rush to the roof of the school and try to calm Alex down.

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While the situation is tense on the roof, María and her friend break into Luis’s locker, where they are informed that the attacker hid the money stolen from Raúl. The principal is surprised to see the dangerous face-to-face action taking place on top of the school building and tries to control the situation.

However, a fight soon breaks out over the money bag, and Susana and the money bag fall from the ceiling. The season ends when Pablo comes across the seriously injured body of the school principal. He rushes to pick up the bag full of money that has fallen beside him and grabs it, leaving it bleeding on the sidewalk.

Thus, the avenger who has tormented the school’s students since Luis’s death is finally revealed as Alex. Her main goal, by tormenting and hurting students and teachers, was to make them feel as bad as she did and not just go about their lives carefree without acknowledging the tragedy. She was also a fan of Luis’s art, which is why she probably based her attacks on his drawings.

Even when Alex has the opportunity to kill Gerry, the boy directly responsible for Luis’s death, she does not do it and conducts an online survey so that the student body as a whole can decide their fate. When an overwhelming majority of students vote in favor of killing Gerry, she still does not kill him, but threatens to shoot him if he does not jump out of the school building. So Alex is not the vicious psychopath that people expect from the Avenger, but simply a student who finds no way out of his overwhelming pain and guilt.

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What Happened To Sofia’s Father?

It turns out that Sofía’s father pretended to be dead so that his wife Nora could collect the insurance money and live comfortably with their daughter Sofía. Although he is on the run and Sofía is carefully keeping it a secret, even from his mother, Raúl’s escape ends up making public the fact that he is alive. Later, the police raided Nora and Sofia’s home and confiscated much of their personal belongings.

In a truly heartbreaking twist, an embittered Nora gets her ex-husband to reveal himself and then arrests him. Therefore, at present, Sofía’s father is in prison for insurance fraud.

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