Citadel Review Episode 1-2: Amazon Prime Video Spy Story with A Blockbuster Soul
Cast: Richard Madden, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Stanley Tucci, Lesley Manville, Ashleigh Cummings, Roland Møller, Osy Ikhile, Caolinn Springall
Director: David Weil
Streaming Platform: Amazon Prime Video Ratings: 3.5/5 (three and a half stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Citadel is everything you’d expect, for better or for worse. For good because, effectively, the show among the Amazon Prime Video series of April 2023 (don’t miss the Amazon Prime Video films of April 2023) is the demonstration of how much a streaming service can invest today in very high-budget productions – something that same online window had also demonstrated with The Rings of Power. In the bad because it is evident, from the choice of the cast to the goliardic soul of the show that debuts on April 28 on Jeff Bezos’ platform, how easy it is for such a story to end up risking not being able to keep together the enormity of the production, of creative ideation and economic commitment, pouring the weight into episodes that contain both the high ambition, as well as the possible – how ruinous – fall.

Action, spy, thriller. This is how the Citadel project was defined and announced by Prime Video. This description has helped to ignite the curiosity of fans of the genre about this new TV series which will be aired on April 28th. To bring viewers into the story in a fairly comprehensive way, the Amazon streaming platform has decided to make the first two episodes available. Subsequently, the appointment with Citadel will be marked by a single weekly release. Produced by AGBO of the Russo Brothers and showrunner David Weil, the series also marks the debut of a global franchise. The following series cross the world with interconnected stories. Currently, Citadel is already in production in Italy where it will be played by Matilda De Angelis. The current cast, however, includes Richard Madden and Priyanka Chopra Jonas, with Stanley Tucci and Lesley Manville. At this point, all that remains is to discover some of the most interesting features of the project through the Citadel review.
Citadel Review Episode 1-2: The Story Plot
Citadel is a mythological reality. A sort of place shrouded in fog and asleep for millennia. For awakening, however, there is absolutely a need for someone to remember her and her function in the world. Behind his name, lies the story of one of the most powerful independent spy agencies whose purpose has always been to protect society. Without any kind of exclusion or interest. Too bad, however, that his fame seems to have practically vanished for eight long years. Its agents hide behind fictitious identities so as not to be found by Manticore, an association that manipulates the world and which is the cause of the end of Citadel. But nothing should be taken for granted. Former agent Bernard Orlick, played by Stanley Tucci, goes in search of his colleague Mason Kane (Richard Madden) and Nadia Sinh (Priyanka Chopra Jonas).
The goal is to stop Manticore who is trying to control and enslave the world. For this reason, therefore, the action begins with Mason and Nadia on a train, engaged in a secret mission. What they will discover, however, will be destined to completely change the fate of their path. This is exactly the mood in the first two installments of Citadel: a great production that shows all its money for burning trains and unpredictable explosions, against the backdrop of a spy narrative complete with the removal of memories and the return to a life which you didn’t know you belonged to. Like that of Mason Kane, played by Richard Madden, who after wondering so much about the scars on his body, will discover that they are the result of his secret missions and constant fighting.

A network of agents and spies, the one Mason was part of, was so well-trained and widespread that it had to be stopped. Politics and power get in the way of trying to stop a lethal and dangerous organization, one of which Mason will become aware, although he is not at all sure he wants to embrace that life again. An existence before that of a married man and a loving father who has been leading for eight years, which he will retrace together with his former adventure partner Nadia (Priyanka Chopra), increasing the confusion between who he was and whom he became. To win over as many audiences as possible, entrusting (semi-) well-known faces with the task of attracting viewers and seeking a story that is as clear and simple as possible, Citadel is a show that does not seek refinement, but presents itself like this, rough and raw.
Not traits of his personality, but a rough result which, however, can be incredibly useful, especially for those who love action and shootings. Elements that immerse themselves in the subterfuge and duplicity that these stories often reserve, having the impression of being faced with the most exciting espionage intrigue accomplished, when in truth everything has already been telephoned. Yet, precisely because of this desire to be modest, and essential, the series could attract the attention of the public, which could even remain entangled in the implications of the episodes.
Citadel Review Episode 1-2 and Analysis
Hope that can be placed in Anthony and Joe Russo, executive producers of the Prime Video series. Attention to a project that has global aspirations, wanting to build a sprawling serial, connecting various versions of Citadel, each set in a different country. A process that started in India and is imminent also here in Italy with the participation of Matilda De Angelis, and of which one perceives the mammoth scope with which the Russos wish to proceed, however sometimes forgetting that quality too should become part of the priorities of the production plan. In the meantime, therefore, let’s see how the protagonists of Citadel continue, despite the actions of both Madden and Chopra so far not being up to par – unlike above all an unpredictable Stanley Tucci. This is a mission that Amazon Prime Video must try to complete, leaving the audience satisfied. Because otherwise, there won’t be any memory clear vial to appeal to.
Judging a large and structured project like Citadel through just two episodes is practically impossible. From the very first images, the series could present many different plot twists and changes of pace to be able to transform into something completely different. Despite this, however, from the very beginning, he clearly showed narrative elements that define his personality. These refer precisely to the action and spy genre, which from Citadel are raised to the nth degree in a sort of constant homage. In this way, therefore, the references to the great classics such as the adventures of James Bond are clear, especially that of the pre-Craig phase. Other iconic titles of the genre referred to are Jason Bourne and the inevitable Mission: Impossible. In this game of homages, however, the series produced by the Russo brothers manages to escape the danger of emulation. A fundamental detail to define the value of the series is due precisely to the global structure of the narrative. This provides for the creation of parallel stories to be connected and which could lead the viewer to unexplored places.

The first two episodes manage to convince and, above all, ignite the essential spark of interest thanks to a very high narrative pace. The same guarantees well-constructed action scenes that overwhelm the viewer without giving him too much time to understand the nature of the product. A technique, this, certainly studied and wanted to go to cover or, at least, not immediately reveal some weak points of the product. One of these, for example, could be the total and most faithful adherence to the spy style. Citadel reproduces the formula in an almost academic way without even posing the problem of deconstructing or going to evolve it. A choice that guarantees the application of the positive elements but, at the same time, also of the negative ones. Thus, in the face of a super-agent who wants everything and can do everything like the one played by Richard Madden; some aspects that are not exactly effective are also highlighted.
Among these, narrative forcing, impossible rescues and, above all, the characterization of villains that are too much and incomprehensibly evil appear evident. To this are also added the long explanations provided by the various protagonists regarding their plans. All were revealed in detail and detail. In this sense, therefore, we can say that the Russo brothers have not fully learned the lessons of Hitchcock’s suspense. Or it was not their intention to apply this form within the script. To conclude, therefore, Citadel certainly presents itself as an interesting product to observe, even if to understand its direction it is essential to wait for the unfolding of the story and the subsequent episodes.

All told, our appreciation of Citadel has been halved by overly basic writing. Madden and Chopra Jonas do their best, but they don’t fully give us back the complexity of their characters as much as the world in which they live. Fortunately, the action scenes act as a counterpart, accelerating the vision of the episodes and their fluidity. Forty minutes fly by peacefully, they are eaten in one bite, but are we hooked by the desire to find out what will happen? Yes, but not as much as the creators hoped. Some of the mysteries are revealed early on, and the Manticore’s motivations are so standardized that we don’t wonder what their real purpose is. Paraphrasing Alessandro Borghese, only the next few episodes will be able to confirm or overturn our judgment.
Citadel is an ambitious series, let’s think about the cost and the chosen interpreters. However, the investment seems to be seen only in form and not in content. As much as it is a different genre, the same fate befell Rings of Power. In our opinion, it is like going to a well-known restaurant, complete with a magnificent view and professional waiters dressed to the nines, but when the dish arrives, we realize that the steak is overcooked, and the vegetables are not in season. Maybe the dessert and the amaro at the end of the meal will make us change our minds, and that’s why we postpone our real judgment until the end of the season.
Citadel Review Episode 1-2: The Last Words
With Citadel, the Russo brothers and showrunner David Weil have created a TV series that is both innovative and traditional. What makes it new is the global formula that interprets it as a sort of franchise. The tradition, however, is found in the faithful application of the narrative module of the spy story. In this context, the genre finds a place of total admiration and veneration so much so that the rules and dictates are followed with great accuracy. In this sense, therefore, we can say that Citadel is a clear declaration of love for the genre. Whether this could be a value or a limitation will only be discovered with subsequent episodes.