Chosen Season 1 Review: Netflix’s Danish Series Small-Scale Sci-Fi Success Formula

Starring: Malaika Berenth Mosendane, Andrea Heick Gadeberg, Andreas Dittmer

Creators: Jannik Tai Mosholt, Christian Potalivo

Streaming Platform: Netflix (click to watch) Ratings: 3/5 (three star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Chosen, a Danish teen sci-fi Netflix series 6 Season Finale, takes place in a mysterious city where aliens have long been lurking. Before this secret is revealed by a group of teenagers who are hunting for the truth. This sci-fi series from Denmark is a small country with a population of just 5.8 million, so we don’t often see animated series from this nation on Netflix. And given that Denmark is a very peaceful country, much of this story is rustic in spite of the massive alien sci-fi plot. It’s something strange to watch as well.

Chosen Season 1 Review

Chosen Season 1 Review: The Story Plot

Middelbo, a small Danish seaside town whose selling point was the city that was struck by a meteorite 17 years ago, has become a popular tourist destination. A group of five teenagers who suspected events 17 years ago might not have been a meteorite that fell. but rather an alien spaceship that fell to Earth So try to find out the truth in this matter. While the townspeople try to hide what happened.

A mysterious meteorite that fell on the village emporium seventeen years earlier, making it a tourist attraction. A group of boys convinced that a plot is underway, hatched by the survivors of the crash and in which even the aliens would be involved. These are the elements of Chosen, Netflix series in six episodes arriving in January. A product that from Denmark is ready to conquer teen audiences all over the world, thanks to a plot conceived for the use and consumption of a teen audience. The streaming platform, therefore, continues to fill its catalog with projects suitable for a specific target, which replicate a consolidated formula by adding more or less necessary elements from time to time.

Chosen Season 1 Review and Analysis

COCOON, or a slightly more modernized version of SUPER 8 and Stranger Things, where a small town secret plot involving extraterrestrial beings or another dimension has been very popular in the olden days until today. itself is still considered to be made out continuously Because, according to the formula, it is a low-budget movie on a small scale that binds the big story within itself. exciting Make the audience interested in following the secrets of the story. which this story has almost nothing to tear apart from the past at all But that doesn’t mean the story is bad. because in the low-cost work of this The most commendable thing is the CG effects. That can be seen through it, which CG in the story has both aliens in a battle suit A spaceship shaped like a strange creature. Alien skills used in the world A real scary looking alien nest scene. The alien warp scene looks amazing. Called that the team who thought of doing this series would have intended to close this weakness as well.

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Even in the story, you can still see the low cost of saving the story in a narrow scale. But what this story might be off of the formula that has been mentioned a bit is that the characters in this story are not young children like other stories. But being a teenager, Teen Age is a little older. and was in the age of confusion, searching for himself Which, according to the Netflix style, is inevitable about gender identity. The story takes Emma, ​​the main heroine of the story, to be bisexual. is to be in love with any gender which the plot of 6 episodes of this story has the love story of the heroine intervened throughout the story.

There is a scene that has a little rating by tying the love story to the people in her group Between a man who believes in her everything and a nerdy girl at school is constantly bullied for telling everyone that she is a vampire who doesn’t eat blood. Until she gets along well with Emma because Emma herself can’t get along with anyone as well from her personal character who constantly invites anyone to fight. which the love story of this story is tied to look a bit important to the story Because both are the people who help her investigate the city. But overall, it’s still seen as more of a stuffing in the Netflix formula than the current trend of gay or LGBTQ characters. It’s not much of a necessity. But it’s nice that there isn’t so much content in this section that it drowns out the main sci-fi storyline of the story.

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Chosen Season 1

As for the main menu of this story, as I said, the whole storyline is quite a success formula. It begins with the mystery of whether the aliens actually landed on Earth or not. and appeared in no time. before the characters start investigating the truth The protagonist team is divided into two factions: The protagonist has two lovers to support. Too coincidental, she was trying to find a mysterious story in the city that was connected to her. On the other side is Mads, the team leader who investigated the story long before Emma. He was a young man with crippled legs sitting in a wheelchair tied to various stories. put together into a colossal conspiracy theory and tried to find evidence to support which he was the one who invited the heroine to join the team but then rejects the story of her encounters with aliens until it became a conflict which the story puts Mads as a character who will go with the villain of the story later which is a giant company that set up a shipyard factory in a small town.

In addition, the story also divides more factions into aliens who have descended to Earth and the aliens who follow those who have descended to Earth. By Emma will get to know Lucas, an alien detective who is gradually looking for those who come to this planet. by allowing her to help find them by saying that these are aliens who have come down to take over the human form that his home planet. The story of the relationship between the two seems to be friends of different ages who have good friendships with each other. But as for the aliens Lucas is looking for, it’s a mysterious group of people that Mads used to keep track of. which this faction was made to look like a mysterious and frightening group Some people are also related to the heroine’s close acquaintances. This makes the story seem confusing as to which alien faction is the villain of the story. But with the script being quite a very successful formula, anything that was intended to turn the corner in the story when the answer came out was just as expected.

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The worst part of the series is probably that the scripts are quite scrappy and don’t connect very well. Is the storyline laid out according to this formula should look smooth. But the plot cuts the interspersed life of a teenager with a sci-fi character that doesn’t fit, like the heroine suddenly has something to do with her friends, suddenly inserted when she is going on a sci-fi story, or suddenly there is a love moment. intervened in the middle of the way without making sense Including the character Mads who is the main character of the story with disabilities, it looks like he’s ruthlessly controlling everything without a crab, causing us to know why, why he came to investigate this story himself.

The story opens suddenly. already have this group Plus, the story is as deep as a government spy. without background support to understand at all. And the story is quite laid out to go on to Season 2 too clearly. because many problems remain There is also a plot hole that makes no sense how the heroine escapes in the end despite the villain’s abilities. Make this series look loose. Many things are enough.

Chosen Season 1 Review: The Last Words

It is a series that is enjoyable enough because this kind of story is a recipe for success that most viewers like. But overall, the story has some problems. Leaving a lot of knots So it’s not a good series to recommend watching and probably not going to continue Season 2 is possible.

3 ratings Filmyhype

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