Chhello Show Review: It Will Make You Feel All The Feelings That You Have Felt Before | The Last Film Show Movie Review

Cast: Bhavin Rabari, Richa Meena, Deepen Raval, Bhavesh Shrimali

Director: Pan Nalin Ratings: 4/5 (four stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Chhello means the last in Gujarati, hence the name Chhello Show (The Last Film Show). This story is about a nine-year-old child who wants to know how movies are played with a projector in the theatre. Due to this thinking and passion, with the help of the children of the village, he tries to prepare a projector by collecting bicycle wheels, electric bulbs, and many other things. The film has been sent as India’s official entry to next year’s Oscar awards ceremony. Controversy over the fact that this film is not a film made by an Indian producer. Not only this but there is also a serious allegation that the film was inspired by a foreign film and was released last year. The film has reached theaters amidst complaints from the Indian government for interfering in this entire process.

Chhello Show Review

Due to the new technology of cinema, there has been a lot of technological change in the livelihood of cinema. Due to this, thousands of people have got employment and many people have lost their livelihood due to the changes in the technology of cinema. Earlier in cinema halls, movies were played through projectors and reels of films were delivered to every cinema hall. Today, through digital, films reach thousands of cinema halls in one place. Fazal, who runs the projector in the film Chhello Show, loses his job because he has not updated himself with the new technology. He is sorry that he is not very educated and if he knew English, he might not have lost his job. With the advent of new technology, all the work is done in English. The movie Chhello Show tells us that if we give more than half of our life to one work and then start another work from zero, then life becomes so complicated.

Chhello Show Review: The Story

In the year 2010, Chalala village of Gujarat. One day some unique incident happens there. Time’s father comes home to the nine-year-old child. It is said that today we all will go to the cinema. This had never happened before in this house. Why is this happening now? On asking this, the answer is received that the film ‘Jai Mahakali’ has been installed in the city. The whole family reaches the single-screen cinema hall. Seeing the movie going on screen, people are applauding with devotion. But till the end of the film, the real devotee becomes only time. A devotee of cinema. Somehow wants to be close to that light coming out of the projector. Here comes his work Fazal. Who is the projectionist in that cinema hall? Fazal lets her sit in the projection room and watch movies. Let’s understand how the light comes out of the big machine and reaches the screen. Time changes the world. At the same time, the world of cinema, which he loved, changed. Chhello Show is an intimate story of a cinema lover and his love for cinema. It is a story of the power of cinema.

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Chhello Show

Story Projector making film Chhello Show revolves around a nine-year-old child Samay, living in Chalala, a village in Saurashtra, Gujarat state, who loves to watch cinema. At the time in which the story is set, the cinema was watched through a projector. This small child enters the projection booth of a hall by bribing a cinema projector technician named Fazal. Similarly, it watches many movies. While watching movies, there is a desire in his mind to know how movies play through a projector. In his way, he makes projectors with the help of village children and steals reels, and watches movies in a ruin near the village with his techniques. But, he is still in search of such a technique, which can be heard along with the visuals of the film.   

Chhello Show Review and Analysis

The film Chhello Show is also a story of mutual trust and dialogue and trust between generations as per the fast-changing times in the country. Parents want their children to become capable of this by reading and writing. The boy is also beaten up for going against his wishes, but when he sees that his son is collecting things from the junk and making a projector, and playing movies on it, he becomes very emotional. He understands what his son wants to do and sends him to Ahmedabad for his studies. But, Earlier, when the time came to know that due to the advent of digital technology, projectors and reels of cinema halls are being sold as junk, he is very sad. Utensils are made by melting the projector and colorful bangles are made by melting the reels. Time sees all the big stars of Bollywood in those colorful bangles. He understands that change is the law of the world. Old technology ends and new technology brings a lot of new opportunities.

Combining hope and innocence, director Pan Nalin has old celluloid Hindi films and also has technicians running projectors to keep the film as close to reality as possible. The story of the film Chhello Show revolves around a childhood full of innocence. The character of Samay is played by Bhavin Rabari in the film. Apart from Bhavin, other kids have also done a great job. Apart from this, most of the cast of the film is new. But everyone’s acting seems like that of a seasoned artist. The story of the film is made of such a combination of hope and innocence, which one would love to see. Pan Nalin has put in a good effort as a director. The cinematography by Swapnil Sonawane and editing by Shreyas Beltangday and Praveen Bhatt are fine. Cyril Maureen’s music doesn’t leave much of an impact but the visual effects and background music of the film are impressive.

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The bonding of time and fuzz is a need. Time is needed to watch movies. He will do anything for her. The school will bunk. The orthodox will even kill his father with a stick. Then comes Fazal. His need is very simple. Time is hungry for cinema and Fazal is hungry for good food. Time brings food from its home. Fazal eats it and in return lets him watch movies. On one hand, time is watching movies tearfully. On the other hand, Fazal is eating his food. Licking fingers. Food is a character in itself in this film. We are living in the world of time. This food becomes the most important step to reaching his cinema. Food was the bridge between time and Fazal. There was a bridge between time and cinema.

That beautiful thing that took the time to the cinema. The food in the film has been shot equally beautifully. From stuffing the masala to the bhindi to the shots of frying it in a kadhai, everything looks beautiful. Swapnil Sonawane as a cinematographer has done a wonderful job here. Colors have been used in the film in such a way that the eyes just keep looking stuck. Frames filled with the same colors. Which makes the world of time truly magical. Along with the cinematography of the film, it is also important to mention the editing here. The transitions between the two scenes are such that they add something to the narrative and the character’s mood. Like there is a scene where time is sitting on the train. Trying to catch the light with his hands. The immediate next shot is a long take. Where we see that train running on the track from afar.

The Last Film Show

Being taken so close to time and light, we have immediately turned away from it. As if trying to show that even though time has taken to reach the light. But his destination is still far away. Chhello Show is based on several incidents from the life of its director Pan Nalin. In one of his interviews, he had said one thing about Bhavin Rabari, who became time. That this boy saved my film. While watching the film, this seems true to a great extent. Many incidents add up to make this film. Time was the center of every event. His actions were affecting the rest of the characters.

Bhavin does not act in the role of time. Nor try to act. It seems that he is just living that character. Recently Nawazuddin Siddiqui came to our studio. He shared an incident from his theater days. When the acting coach asked his students to bring the needle kept on the table. Many students kept pretending to find the needle around the table. Then reach for the needle. This was the wrong way. The right way was when you know that the needle is on the table, go and pick it up. What’s the need for so much drama? Similarly, Bhavin doesn’t pretend to find the needle, he just picks it up.

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Bhavesh Shrimali has played the role of Fazal. Like time, Fazal also loves cinema. Imitates the dialogues of Amitabh Bachchan. I saw that time in Fazal which simply chose another path. Like time, he also loved cinema. He just could not make his love fully meaningful. The friend who was needed at the time, Bhavesh becomes a friend just like that. Dipen Rawal played the role of Samay’s father. At first glance, he seems completely conservative. But then the reason behind doing this is understood. There is a scene in the film, where Samay’s father realizes that his son can do anything for cinema. There is no dialogue between the characters in that scene. Although that scene itself is very strong, its center becomes Dipen.

A father, who finally understands that his son will never be like him. This feeling is intimidating and also liberating. Dipen can place both these expressions on his face. Richa Meena has become the mother of time in the film. There are very few dialogues in his film. But his presence keeps you focused on his character. Nine-year-olds In this world of time there is innocence, mischief, and a lot of humor.

Questions arise in the mind at some places in the film. When time tries to build its theatre. His friends are busy helping him. The question is how the family members of these children do not know where they are. And secondly, based on jugaad, these children solve every problem immediately. But perhaps passion is also the name of this bird. Who brings out your hidden potential in such a way? That you and the people around you will be stunned. If you have any kind of connection through cinema, then you will like this film. Some scenes will arouse curiosity. Some scenes will be heavy on the heart. But overall a lot will be felt inside the heart.

Chhello Show Review: The Last Words

A personal suggestion in the concluding paragraph. We Indians liked the film. Then it turns out that it is going for the Oscars. Immediately we start looking for flaws in it. That man is good but not so good either. Do not watch Chhello Show with this impression. It will make you feel all the feelings that you have felt before. But the manner and intention with which it does so matters.

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