Chapelwaite Ending Explained: Why Didn’t Killing Jakub And Stephen End The Curse?

Chapelwaite is available on Amazon Prime Video! If you want to know the explanation of the end of Season 1 of Chapelwaite, read on! Stephen King Chapelwaite’s adaptation ended in a brutally tragic climax, but what does the horror miniseries’ dark ending mean? While the Chapelwaite miniseries wasn’t a critical flop, the Stephen King adaptation suffered from an unfortunate case of timing and being on a much smaller streaming platform with Epix.

Starring the always underrated Adrien Brody as troubled widower Charles Boone, Chapelwaite follows Charles’s move to the small town of Preacher’s Corners, Maine, after his wife’s death. As this is an adaptation of Stephen King, the community is not as calm and harmless as it initially seems, and soon Charles and his three children are caught up in a battle against the dead- alive that lasts for generations.

Chapelwaite Ending Explained

Shortly after arriving at Preacher’s Corners, Charles’ supposedly dead cousin Stephen, who was resurrected as a vampire, reveals he brought the heartbroken captain to the small town to hunt a long-lost book. , De Vermis Mysteriis. In a plot inspired by ‘Jerusalem’s Lot’, a short story from Stephen King’s Night Shift, Chapelwaite reveals that the Boone family has been cursed for generations and that it takes a living Boone to find De Vermis Mysteriis to raise the curse.

Unfortunately for Charles, the monstrous vampire Jakub also wanted the book to summon Eternal Darkness and condemn humanity to hell on Earth. Thus, Charles and his family were thrown into a centuries-old battle between good and evil which, in Chapelwaite’s tragic end, claimed the lives of many of them. We tell you all about Chapelwaite’s end on Amazon Prime Video!

Chapelwaite Ending Explained: Is Charles Chapelwaite’s Only Surviving Vampire?

In Episode 7, when Charles finally found De Vermis Mysteriis, the Book of the Living Dead escalated its hereditary madness. Charles tried to destroy the book, but it was indestructible. It couldn’t be burnt or tampered with. Seeing her delusional state, Rebecca forcibly took the book and tied it to Mary Dennison’s body. Mary was an undead vampire, and the book was of their kind. As soon as the book found its roots, it silenced Charles’ madness. Through this trip, Charles understood that the book had to stay with the living dead to keep the curse away from its lineage.

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At the end of Episode 10, Charles decided to become the personal keeper of the book. He didn’t want to leave it to the undead Loa because he knew people like Jakub would come and get him. Charles couldn’t trust anyone but himself, and so he decided to sacrifice his soul, his humanity, for the future of his children. Charles got Loa, Tane, and Honor together and asked Loa to let him drink his blood.

Later, Loa killed his father, and in his unconscious moment Doctor Guilford sewed De Vermis Mysteriis into Charles’ chest. The book was returned to the undead Charles, and thus Tane and Honor were freed from the hereditary curse. Doctor Guilford prepared a fake death certificate for Charles Boone, and Able dug a grave for him outside the mansion. Charles had died for humanity, but a new vampire awoke. Charles bids his children a final farewell and leaves Tane, Honor and Loa under Rebecca’s protection.

The whaler who came to seek peace in Maine unfortunately had to leave without a soul. Charles Boone sailed to an unknown land in an unpredictable future, promising to always watch over his children. The children have lost their father, and Rebecca has lost her only lover. They saw Charles return to the sea, the place to which he had always belonged. In the end, it was Charles’ love for his children that overcame evil. And what he left behind were seeds rising from their ashes, in search of a better future.

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