Bullet Train Movie Review: David Leitch’s New Prank Full Of Action And Humor With A Devilish Rhythm

Cast: Brad Pitt, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Brian Tyree Henry, Joey King, Andrew Koji

Director: David Leitch

Filmyhype.com Ratings: 3.5/5 (three and half stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Bullet Train is the newest film by director David Leitch (Deadpool 2). The film has an incredible cast that can only be compared to the cast of a Marvel movie. Actors like Brad PittJoey KingAaron Taylor JohnsonBrian Tyree Henry, and Logan Lerman make Bullet Train one of the funniest and most curious movies of the year. With a montage that gives space for all the characters in the film to shine, the director throws tips throughout the first minute of the plot, and as the film unfolds, he assembles before our eyes a puzzle that has been in our eyes all the time. front.

Bullet Train Movie Review

We’re kicking off the month of August at full speed thanks to Bullet Train, the new premiere brought to the Spanish billboard by Sony Pictures Spain. It is, in fact, one of the most outstanding films of the summer and we wanted to sink our teeth into it for obvious reasons. The first one, which is endorsed by David Leitch’s label, has performed wonderfully with titles like Atomica, Deadpool 2, or the Fast & Furious spin-off focused on Hobbs & Shaw. He is a great specialist in shooting action scenes and here is a golden opportunity to show off his skills.

Bullet Train Movie Review: The Story

Bullet Train introduces us to a murderer who begins to think about giving his life a change. His code name is Ladybug, and his mission is to get on the bullet train, swipe a briefcase with unknown contents, and get out of there without causing too much of a stir. However, a streak of bad luck seems to have him doomed: after several jobs that have been derailed resoundingly, he is convinced that he has a moral duty to finish his task peacefully, but that is going to be complicated considering that they are accompanying him on his journey.

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The professional assassins Limón and Mandarina and some adversaries are considered the deadliest on the planet. Ladybug is still not aware of this situation so, before stepping on the bullet train, she decides to supply herself with non-lethal and unconventional weapons such as sleeping pills and avoids keeping a revolver that she will end up missing a lot…

In Bullet Train, Ladybug (Brad Pitt) is an unlucky assassin, determined to do his job peacefully after too many missions go off the rails. Nearly giving up on his career, he is recruited by Maria Beetle (Sandra Bullock) to collect a suitcase on a bullet train going from Tokyo to Morioka. Fate, however, may have other plans, as Ladybug’s latest mission puts him on a collision course with lethal adversaries from around the world – all with connected but conflicting objectives.

Bullet Train Movie Review and Analysis

If you like action movies that give importance to setting and physical comedy (like the one Jackie Chan has been doing for years), Bullet Train is going to be delicious for you. It’s highly imaginative, agile, and full of memorable characters with extraordinary moments. The wildest whiplash, yes, is reserved for the last third of the film when all the conflicts hatch, and the plot goes completely crazy using all the baits that had been launched previously: from poisonous snakes to great revelations.

There is action, yes, but there is also suspense, some drama, and black humor that makes this film Deadpool’s first cousin (without so much eschatology). Additionally, we have the characters “bottled” in a limited space and on a journey of a specific duration so that, except for the explanatory flashbacks, almost the entire footage takes place in mandatory confinement. This is not an obstacle for Bullet Train to use its imagination to create amazing set pieces, fully exploiting the dramatic, spatial, and lighting possibilities of a train of the latest generation: there is fun with the silent car, jokes with the prohibitive snacks that the staff sells of the company and even slaps in the cafeteria.

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The shooting in the studio has allowed for a meticulous control of the production design, the artistic direction, and the photography in which there is no lack of neon lights and calls to traditional and current Japanese culture, more as an aesthetic framework than as a plot background.

While we’ve introduced to the plot through Ladybug’s (Brad Pitt) eyes, the film’s development offers its characters plenty of opportunities to grow, and it does so brilliantly. The unlucky Ladybug gets on the train in Tokyo with a simple mission, pick up a suitcase at one station and get off at the next. But he only has one problem: 5 other hired assassins have the same mission. One of the things that makes David Leitch such a great director is his inventiveness when putting together a feature. As in Deadpool 2, the fun of the feature comes not only from the clueless scenes that will make you laugh for minutes but also from how the director manages to tell countless plots in the same feature while making them all intersect.

Setting almost entirely inside the bullet train, the director presents us with countless plots that culminate in that place. With absurd stories and breathtaking flashbacks, Bullet Train presents us with a not-so-usual facet of Brad Pitt, honest and absurd humor seen in The Lost City (2022), Deadpool 2 (2018) and War Machine (2017). In addition to being inventive, Trem-Bal stands out for its curious and fun script. With a story that makes sure not to leave any loose ends, Trem-Bla ties each of the plots presented throughout its three arcs in ways that are as atypical as they are exceptional.

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Bullet Train is great fun and deserves to be watched with your suspension of disbelief at its most. Not just for its breathtaking sequences, but for the scenes in which the unlucky Ladybug tries to carry out his simple mission. Brad Pitt, Aaron Taylor Johnson, and Brian Tyree Henry are some of the biggest highlights of the film. And I have to tell you: the film could easily get spin-offs based on each of the killers, so rich are their stories.

Bullet Train Movie Review: The Last Words

In short, Bullet Train is light entertainment but very ingenious and fun: a success for the summer season. Saving some character whose presence is somewhat inflated and weighs down the first impasses of the film, the rest of the sequences flow at full speed towards a hilarious and throbbing ending of surprises, encounters, and fringes. Everything is well spun! Leitch takes advantage of an infallible formula for the summer: action, humor, and a cast in a state of grace in which Brad Pitt, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Hiroyuki Sanada and Michael Shannon are out.

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