Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Review: About Independent Women and Not Just Perfect Wives

Cast: Nicola Coughlan, Luke Newton, Adjoa Andoh, Jonathan Bailey, Luke Thompson, Ruth Gemmell

Created By: Chris Van Dusen

Streaming Platform: Netflix Ratings: 4/5 (four stars)

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 has just arrived on Netflix and is ready to close the circle on the love story between Colin and Penelope. Four highly anticipated new episodes which proved to be nothing short of superior to the first part of the season both in terms of quality of narration and quality of content. And if the beginning of Bridgerton Season 3 was a sort of introduction to the story, we can well say that the continuation of this season pleasantly surprised us. An unexpected twist has arrived in the themes addressed, a new point of view on the characters and a very interesting argumentative focus especially for the female audience – the target of the series – on the eternal dilemma: is it better to be faithful to oneself or betray oneself to be faithful wives?

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Review
Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Review (Image Credit: Netflix)

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2, the second half of the season which arrived on Netflix a month after the first, is entirely dedicated to the resolution of a particular narrative point: what will happen once Penelope’s double identity, which is also the much hated /beloved Lady Whistledown, will it come to light? Will Colin, although in love with her, accept her? But above all, will Penelope have to give up her dreams and inclinations to start a new life as a married woman? Once again, the series created by Chris Van Dusen finds a way to entertain its audience lightly and at the same time reflect on important themes, on the role of women in society (that of the time but also that of today), on the importance of finding and accepting oneself, not erasing oneself for the sake of others. Bridgerton Season 3 is a delightful journey into Penelope’s self-realization, as a woman, as a writer, as a wife, and as a friend, and, having reached the end, we can only affirm how young Miss Featherington (now Mrs. Bridgerton) was one of the best protagonists of the series so far. Courageous, empathetic, and kind, watching her blossom on screen was a real pleasure.

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Review: The Story Plot

The first four episodes of the third season ended with the sudden engagement between Colin (Luke Newton) and Penelope (Nicola Coughlan), finally aware of the feelings they have for each other and ready to spend their lives together. What Colin doesn’t know is that his future wife is hiding a secret, a secret that could jeopardize their future together. If it were discovered that Penelope is also Lady Whistledown, the entire London society could exclude and banish her, so as not to think about what the Queen would do, determined to unmask her with every means at her disposal. What worries the girl most, however, is not so much the opinion of the rest of “respectable society”, but that of her beloved Colin, who has declared on several occasions, and with a certain vehemence, that he hates the mysterious writer of gossip.

For the rest of the Bridgerton family, things proceed with ups and downs: Eloise is not happy with the relationship between her brother and her (ex) friend Penelope and would like her secret to be revealed; Benedict has undertaken a sexual relationship with Lady Tilly (a relationship which however will lead him to open his horizons even further from various points of view…); Anthony and Kate return to the city and have good news to give to the whole family and, finally, Lady Violet is increasingly attracted to a certain gentleman who has just arrived in the city, an interest which, however, is not looked upon favorably by her older sister. he, Lady Danbury (Adjoa Andoh).

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2
Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 (Image Credit: Netflix)

The first part of Bridgerton Season 3 gives us a rapprochement between Colin and Penelope, culminating in one of the most talked about scenes of the series, as well as “memed” on social media – as is common practice and also desirable, these days, because such a practice still brings the show to the center of attention, generating new trends and strong engagement from the audience – and to a turning point in their relationship. The brilliant Penelope, used to acting as “wallpaper” for the events of the ‘Ton, and to being a simple spectator (at most narrator, and sometimes even “weaver”) of other people’s passionate love stories, is now experimenting first-hand person what it means to be the protagonist, and it would seem that she too, at this point, can dream of a happy ending. But every rose, even the most beautiful, has its thorns, and it matters little if the wedding flowers par excellence are orange ones…

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The next step in history as the rules of narration predict, will bring with it a whirlwind of emotions: from the joy for the most recent events to the fears and anxieties for what could instead come out, those hidden truths that have not yet we are ready to reveal and share, which we try to disguise so as not to collapse that house of cards which, however, will never have the stability of stone if they do not ultimately come to the surface. This is how the rhythm of the new episodes is marked by a sense of anticipation that constantly accompanies the viewer, takes him by the hand, and leads him towards a season finale waiting to be discovered (although, also thanks to the books by Julia Quinn and to the structure of the series itself, we know it will never be far from happy).

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Review and Analysis

It must be said that Bridgerton is a series that, since its debut, has shown itself as a light, romantic, spicy entertainment for the public, a perfect guilty pleasure to not think too much and immerse yourself in an atmosphere of times gone by among elegant costumes, pomp, palace intrigue and a lot of passion. After all, let’s not forget that this series is taken from a saga of romance novels written by Julia Quinn and set in Regency London which Shonda Rhimes then decided to adapt for the small screen with the dream of making a series for each book. Being a romance and costume story, Bridgerton has focused over the years on all the characteristics of this type of story and the era in which the story is set. The first two seasons of the series were more like soap operas disguised as drama series than anything else, but it was precisely this narrative scheme that won over audiences all over the world. And then came the first spin-off of the saga, Queen Charlotte, and here was the first turning point in the saga.

Bridgerton Season 3 Vol 2
Bridgerton Season 3 Vol 2 (Image Credit: Netflix)

This prequel has far surpassed, in terms of story quality and themes covered, all the seasons of Bridgerton made so far, managing to make a leap in quality that the Shondaland saga has not yet made, at least so far. But something seems to have changed after seeing the first three episodes of the second part of Bridgerton Season 3. The story has taken on greater depth and has shifted the spotlight from the classic portrait of damsels looking for a husband to that of independent women looking for themselves, and it was about time. The switch that Bridgerton makes in the second part of its third season is beautiful and, specifically, the change of direction of the character of Penelope who seemed to have lost a bit of her most interesting identity, that of being the provocative Lady Whistledown, to become a damsel to conquer a man. But she is much more than that.

There is a very strong phrase in Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 that symbolizes the exact moment in which the series goes from being a pure moment of entertainment to becoming a means of sending important messages. It is pronounced by Penelope’s mother, in the sixth episode of the third season of the series: “Women don’t have dreams, they only have husbands”. And it is precisely this declaration that is so “backward” for our society and, therefore, so impactful that marks a clear change of direction in the series and the soul of its protagonist. Penelope is put at a crossroads and when she is asked to give up her greatest passion, writing, and the identity of Lady Whistledown in order not to lose Colin’s love, she begins to falter and realizes that a woman she should never lose herself for a man and no relationship based on the cancellation of her own identity would ever have meaning or a possibility of a future. So, we finally see that sparkle in Penelope’s eyes again, the story becomes deeper, and more emotional and reminds us that there is nothing more important and satisfying in life than being true to oneself, even if this can make us risk losing a boyfriend.

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Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Netflix
Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Netflix (Image Credit: Netflix)

Well done Shonda Rhimes, you finally gave Bridgerton and Penelope the depth they deserved. As we anticipated at the beginning, the central narrative point of this second part of the season is Penelope’s secret, and what would happen if it came out. The double identity of the protagonist as Lady Whistledown and the risk that this will be discovered serve to develop, in the last episodes, a very important theme: a woman – whether she is looking for a husband, engaged or already married – can have dreams? Can she find her dimension that goes beyond the “world” of her husband? Lady Whistledown for Penelope has always been the way to find a voice, to have power, to be “seen”, even if in secret. To give free rein to her talent as a writer that she otherwise would not have had any other way to express. Now that she has found love (and not with just anyone, but with the object of her desire since she was a child) will she have to give up the one thing that truly made her happy? The one thing that has always made her feel truly herself.

The series intelligently shifts the focus from the fulfillment of love to the personal fulfillment of the protagonist, because in the case of these two characters the two things coincide. In fact, not only Penelope will find herself, but also Colin, who will be encouraged by his future wife to follow his own inclinations, to continue that memoir that he had decided to put aside. Colin and Penelope’s goal is not to get married, but to start a journey together in which each of them can cultivate their passions: and there could not have been a better path (and ending) for the protagonist, who will finally be accepted in every way for everything from the person he loves, even his dark sides and his secrets. One thing that Bridgerton has always done particularly well is to also put together a series of intriguing secondary stories, stories that will end at the end of the current season or which will be carried forward into the next ones, when the protagonists will be other members of the titular family.

In this Bridgerton Season 3, the focus was on Francesca and her love for Lord Sterling (with a final twist that, as readers of the novels, we really didn’t expect!); about Benedict and his relationship with Lady Tilly; on Eloise, on her friendship with Penelope and with Cressida but also on his need to finally find his way to her. Finally, another surprise of this season was Lady Violet’s new love interest, who finally seems to be able to overcome the mourning of the loss of her beloved husband with the brother of her dear friend Lady Danbury. Not all these storylines captured us in the same way, but they expertly laid the foundations for the next season (of which we can’t wait to find out who the protagonist will be… but we already have our hypotheses!), confirming how the series was born from the collaboration between Netflix and Shondaland will be able to capture and retain its audience, who will return promptly when the fourth season arrives on the platform to follow the adventures of the Bridgerton.

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Spoilers
Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Spoilers (Image Credit: Netflix)

Bridgerton, as we have repeated over and over again, is the guilty pleasure par excellence: it is a series capable of giving us emotions, and smiles and also – between sequins and delightfully rearranged songs – of conveying to the viewer the necessary message on the importance of achievement feminine, of sisterhood and of following one’s dreams at all costs. Around Penelope and Colin, there are the other characters, the stories of Eloise and Francesca (Hannah Dodd) are certainly interesting. Eloise will also be put to the test and will begin to understand a lot about the world, she, so rigid and intransigent, will understand that nuances also exist, not just black and white. It will be the time to come to terms, to talk to people and not remain rigidly stuck in your own space, or rather in the space in which she relegated herself after the events of last season. Francesca could become the new “diamond of the season”, the most desired and favored girl by Queen Charlotte. Unlike her sister Daphne, Francesca Bridgerton is not happy to be the center of attention, yet, everyone thinks she will meet someone who will turn her life upside down. The Queen had decided on a husband for her, but she meets John Stirling at a reception, and they recognize her.

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The man is silent, just like Francesca, he loves music just like the young woman and they spend their time talking but also being silent. John doesn’t try to change Francesca and the two are always good together. Francesca discovers a gentle and calm love without those earthquakes that the other Bridgertons have experienced. Love is also care and security, protection, and welcome. These are Francesca and John. Bridgerton is above all a story of female figures, young women who find their place and who in one way or another manage to find their own happy place. All the young women in this series rebel against some type of cliché, led by the mature figures who accompany them. Each is destined for a journey; a path and the narrative will take them where they need to arrive. Bridgerton Season 3 manages to talk very simply about being a woman, about relationships with the opposite sex.

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Penelope
Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Penelope (Image Credit: Netflix)

Through the story of Penelope and Colin, the series can discuss personal growth and growth as a couple, and how complicated it is to know what you want and what you are willing to give up to be happy. Once again Bridgerton hits the mark thanks to two characters who catalyze attention and gaze, thanks to their journey from the suburbs to the center Penelope and Colin are the protagonists of choice for those who watch and think that the revolution of those not blessed by fortune it is the most beautiful journey. Not that it hasn’t always been one of the show’s underlying threads, but trying to balance your happiness with that of your partner or family continues to be a mainstay of Bridgerton and will be prominent this time around too. And with the variety of personalities we have at our disposal, it is always quite interesting to admire the different declinations of a similar concept, and the ramifications of everyone’s decisions once the fateful moment arrives: from Cressida (Jessica Madsen) to Eloise (Claudia Jessie ), from Francesca (Hannah Dodd) to the matron of the house Bridgerton (Ruth Gemmell), head and heart will be constantly in conflict, to different degrees and for different reasons, but all inevitably to be discovered and understood. Strictly, binge-watching.

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Review: The Last Words

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 gives us the perfect conclusion to Penelope and Colin’s story arc. The personal realization of the protagonist is the true heart of these last four episodes and the sweet ending really moved us. Our review of the second part of Bridgerton Season 3, which imagines a non-stop race towards another viewing success for the Netflix show, also considers the production’s ability to keep the attention span high and maintain a somewhat constant quality of content which, having reached this point, could instead have diminished to the point of obtaining almost total indifference from the spectators. Of course, popularity is not necessarily synonymous with actual value, but we reserve the right to wait for the season finale to be able to judge everything with greater knowledge of the facts.

4 ratings Filmyhype

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 Review: About Independent Women and Not Just Perfect Wives | Filmyhype

Director: Chris Van Dusen

Date Created: 2024-06-13 19:25

Editor's Rating:


  • Penelope's personal realization and her narrative arc
  • The narrative development of the entire season
  • The development of secondary characters
  • The plot is very engaging.
  • The characters are well constructed and in-depth, especially the female ones.
  • The numerous food for thought, especially regarding the role of women both today and at the time, that it offers.
  • The splendid costumes created by Ellen Mirojnick.


  • Not all secondary storylines captivate in the same way
  • Unfortunately, the male characters remain a bit in the background.
  • The discussion on the differences between social classes is not properly developed.
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