Bodies Series Ending Explained: Does Elias Mannix Change The Course Of Destiny? Time Travel and The Time Loop Explained?

Avid fans of police mysteries have a new puzzle to solve with the Netflix series, Bodies. In this article, we will unravel the enigmatic ending of the series. Bodies is an adaptation of a graphic novel written by Si Spencer, with a talented cast led by Stephen Graham. The secret to understanding the outcome of Bodies lies in the series’ four distinct timelines and their relevance. There are four detectives in different periods: DI Hillinghead in 1890, DCI Whiteman in 1941, DS Hasan in 2023, and DC Maplewood in 2053. Each life in their own time, but a mysterious parallel connection seems to unite them. These detectives manage to communicate by leaving notes and marks over time, while two of them, Hasan and Maplewood, end up meeting and working together. Now, let’s explore how the plot of Bodies unfolds, but be careful, spoilers are ahead!

Bodies Season 1
Bodies Season 1 (Image Credit: Netflix)

It has just been released on Netflix but it has captured the public’s attention for some time with its gripping plot and that atmosphere full of mysteries and twists that a dystopian thriller can offer. Let’s talk about Bodies, the Netflix series based on the graphic novel by Si Spencer which arrives on the catalog of the streaming platform, bringing to the small screen a story that unfolds in four different timelines and which has four detectives and a corpse as its protagonists. But if you have already seen Bodies and can’t wait to understand more about its shocking ending, here is the explanation of the ending of Bodies.

Bodies Netflix Series: The Story Plot

Based on Si Spencer’s unsettling graphic novel, Bodies is a detective series full of twists and turns. When the same body is discovered on Longharvest Lane in London’s East End in 1890, 1941, 2023, and 2053, a detective from each period must investigate. As they search for connections across decades, detectives soon discover that the investigations are related, and an enigmatic political leader named Elias Mannix (Stephen Graham) takes on an increasingly important role. Did he have anything to do with the murder? Or maybe it’s something even more disturbing? To solve the mystery, the four detectives will have to find a way to work together and unravel a conspiracy that has lasted over 150 years.

Bodies begin in 2023, following Detective Sergeant Shahara Hasan, a single mother who works at the London Metropolitan Police. Her daily life changes drastically when she encounters a mysterious man at an extremist demonstration. Her pursuit of her leads her to Longharvest Lane, where she finds a naked, bloody body. The mysterious man escapes, triggering a complex investigation. We are transported to 1941, at the height of the Second World War, where Detective Sergeant Karl Whiteman works in secret for an unknown figure. He is tasked with moving a body from Longharvest Lane. In 1890, Police Inspector Edmond Hillinghead found the same mysterious body in the same location. And finally, in 2053, Detective Constable Iris Maplewood comes across the same body in a futuristic and technologically advanced London. The victim’s identity remains an enigma in 1890 and 2023 but is finally revealed in 2053 as Gabriel Defoe, a professor of quantum gravity theory. The series unfolds the mystery behind his murder and the connections between detectives from different eras.

Bodies Series Ending Explained: Does Elias Mannix Change The Course Of Destiny?

The latest episode of Bodies puts together the cards of a puzzle that has remained unsolved for 150 years. Detective Iris Maplewood, in 2053, is “framed” by Professor Gabriel – the man with the bullet in the eye who appears in the four eras of the series, 1890, 1941, 2023, and 2053 – and by her neighbor to reveal her the truth about time travel. In the vault where she is taken, she meets the future version of Shahara Hasan who, after the bomb explosion, where she lost her son, is doing everything to interrupt the time loop created by Elias Mannix, now head of the London police and Iris’s superior. Maplewood is initially incredulous and for this reason, she calls for reinforcements by having Mannix arrive right in Hasan and the professor’s hideout where there is also the gap, studied by Gabriel, which allows you to go back in time. So Mannix enters the gap, returns to the past to relive his life, and ensures that every event goes back to being as it should but who follows him is the professor who throws himself back in time, but it is Maplewood himself who shoots him in the eye.

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The girl immediately understands that she has made a mistake, and she understands that Gabriel has indeed traveled to the past but also to the future so she will find her body four days later in the London alley and right here she will save him. Once the professor is saved, Iris decides to use time travel to return to 1890 and exploit Mannix’s only weakness, that is, guilt and loneliness, to save the world. So she, having returned to Detective Hillinghead’s time, reaches him and reveals the truth about the future. He will be the one to instill in Elias a sense of guilt that will change his future forever. This inner doubt of Elias will make him live an unhappy life and precisely to preserve his wife and himself from eternal unhappiness he will decide to change the fate of the world himself by recording a record where he tells his young self not to detonate the bomb which would have blown up all of London in 2023.

Bodies Netflix
Bodies Netflix (Image Credit: Netflix)

She does so and asks Agent Whiteman to hide the disk and get it to Agent Hasan. Then, she shoots herself. Thus, Whiteman hides the disc with Elias’ recording in a painting in a London bar and leaves a message on a brick in the corner of the city where the professor’s body was found. The Shahara of the future finds the clue, goes back to 2023, finds the record, and plays it to the young Elias who thus decides not to detonate the bomb. At this point, the loop is interrupted and the city is saved, as are the million people who had died in the parallel universe where Elias had detonated the bomb. The lives of each of the detectives return to how they were supposed to be, they return to normality and Elias will disappear forever. The last scene of the series sees Detective Hasan in a taxi in London saying she always has the impression that the city is ready to overflow like a volcano. The taxi driver agrees with her and it is none other than Iris Maplewood.

The Enigma of Bodies Ending: Timelines Hold the Answers?

Each detective comes across an unidentified body on the same East London Street, but from that point on, their fates take different paths. In 1890, Hillinghead comes across a young journalist who has accidentally photographed a man who may be the prime suspect. An immediate attraction arises between them, however, Hillinghead holds him with trepidation. Eventually, they discover that the man in the photo is Julian Harker, the richest man in town. Harker discovers Hillinghead’s interest and blackmails him with compromising photos to keep him under control. In the end, Hillinghead falsely confesses to the murder, only to be killed by Harker on the way to prison. In 1941, Whiteman works for a suspicious woman and is tasked with disposing of the same unidentified body following a telephone call. What unfolds involves the death of an anti-Semitic classmate and a disturbing twist with a young Yiddish woman who tries to blackmail him. In the end, Whiteman ends up killing Polly, Hillinghead’s daughter, and Harker, seeking revenge, kills Polly too.

Hasan and Maplewood in the Plot?

In 2023, Hasan found a young suspect standing next to the same body, claiming that he did not kill him. After a search, Hasan arrives at Elias Mannix, a troubled teenager. The investigation reveals that people are controlling him. Eventually, Elias is involved in a terrorist attack that changes the country forever. In 2053, Maplewood finds the body in an isolated area and discovers that she works alongside Commander Mannix, who took control of the country after the 2023 attack. The investigation leads her to a man named Gabriel Dafoe, who is alive and working as a teacher. Dafoe reveals the truth to Maplewood and together they try to correct the past by creating a form of time travel.

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Bodies Series
Bodies Series (Image Credit: Netflix)

Shocking Revelations: Julian Harker is Elias Mannix?

The detectives come across the phrase “know you are loved,” which is the name of Mannix’s cult in 2053. They discover The Throat, the time travel machine used by Mannix to establish his rule since 1890, when he took over Julian Harker’s identity successfully. He convinced Lady Agatha Harker that he was his son, married Polly after killing Hillinghead, and had a son named Hayden. When Polly discovered the truth, she accepted it and played a key role in the KYAL cult. Dafoe’s original plan was to use The Throat to stop Mannix, but Maplewood stops him before he can succeed. Remorseful, she discovers Dafoe’s notes and deduces that he will return to the current timeline in four days. Hasan and Maplewood wait and intercept Elias, leading to a final confrontation.

The Twist: Elias Mannix Changes his Destiny?

Finally, Elias Mannix changes his mind, which is crucial to the outcome of the series. Maplewood travels back to 1890 and convinces Hillinghead to confront Mannix, who is about to kill him. Hillinghead plants a seed of doubt in Mannix’s mind, making him question his desire for love and predict a lonely fate. This affects the way Polly loves him and the birth of Hayden. From then on, Polly also discovers that Mannix killed her father. In 1941, Polly wishes she had killed him herself, but still believes that the future must take its course. Mannix, no longer convinced by his dream of love, leaves a secret message for Elias before being confronted by Whiteman.

Elias is tasked with hiding the recording, which will be found by Hasan in 2023. The confrontation between Mannix and Whiteman culminates in Whiteman’s death. In 2053, Hasan monitors the success of time and discovers that each detective has left their mark on the street where Dafoe was found. She travels back to 2023, finds the recording, and shows it to Elias before the attack. Elias changes his mind and reunites with his mother. Elias and the Hasan of 2053 disappear into thin air, altering the entire course of events after the original attack.

A Bittersweet Ending: Life Takes Its Course?

In the end, the series reveals a world where life continues according to its original course. Hillinghead still meets with his journalist, Whiteman with the young girl he tried to save and Hasan continues his life in 2023, with his son safe. While heading to his father’s birthday party, Hasan takes a taxi with a driver named Maplewood. The KYAL logo seen in 2053 lights up, suggesting the cult has found a way to persist. In short, Bodies is a captivating mystery series that combines elements of science fiction and crime thriller. The surprising outcome demonstrates how time travel can change the course of history, with complex characters and exciting twists. If you are a fan of enigmas and intricate narratives, Bodies is a series worth watching. The Bodies series is available on Netflix from October 19th. Get ready for a fascinating journey through time and the mystery of this story.

Bodies: Time Travel and The Time Loop Explained

Bodies is a series that involves us in an intricate network of time travel and temporal ties, where the past and the future intertwine. The journey of Elias Mannix and his antagonists, along with the intervention of Iris Maplewood, creates a fascinating narrative. The series reminds us that our choices can shape the course of events and that sometimes a small change can have a big impact. The exploration of these complex themes and the web of relationships between the characters make Bodies an enriching experience worthy of in-depth analysis.

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How Did Elias Mannix Return to 2053?

After the bomb explosion in 2023, Mannix rose through the ranks and became the commander of the New World. With power in hand, he discovered the time machine “The Throat” created by Gabriel Defoe. Defoe was aware of the consequences of messing with time, informed by Hasan and other survivors about the chaos caused by Mannix in 2023. Together with the Chapel Perilous, he hid the time machine in an underground hideout while investigating the role of Iris Maplewood. in the plot. However, Mannix managed to use the machine and traveled back to 1889 with Iris’ help. Afterward, Iris regretted her mistake and tried to correct the events.

How Did Mannix Start His Cult in 1890?

In 1890, Mannix took three significant actions: he created a community of followers committed to his cause, murdered DI Edmond Hillinghead, and married his daughter, Polly. During this period, Mannix became known for holding séances for society’s elite, raising funds to open his bank. An intriguing fact occurred when Mannix, coming from 2053, assumed the identity of Julian Harker, a war veteran. He became close to Lady Agatha Harker, Julian’s mother, who was initially suspicious of his true identity. However, Mannix influenced her, promising to fill the void left by his son and restore the glory of the Harker name.

The Confrontation Between Whiteman and Mannix in 1941?

It was DS Charlie Whiteman, whose real name was Karl Wiessman, who found Defoe’s body in this timeline. He was tasked by Polly with taking the body to a specific location. However, Whiteman was followed by Officer Farrell, who suspected him of being an informant on the police force. Polly and Mannix discovered compromising secrets involving Whiteman’s gambling debts and illegal activities. They used this leverage to force him to do their bidding.

The situation changed when Whiteman met Esther Jankovosky, who witnessed his presence with Defoe’s body. Polly and Mannix realized that the girl could reveal her secret and ordered Whiteman to kill her. Although corrupt, his conscience did not allow him to murder the girl. He had previously killed a man named Lee Cozens for the sake of murder but decided not to carry out the orders of these hidden figures. Whiteman tried to escape with Esther, but Polly outmaneuvered him and killed the girl. In the end, Whiteman killed Polly and Mannix and was later captured by CI Hayden, Mannix’s son, and sentenced to death.

How Did Elias Mannix Complete the Lasso in 2023?

Although Julian Harker and Polly were killed by Whiteman in 1941, their heirs survived and continued his legacy until the birth of Elias Mannix in the 2000s. Mannix was adopted by Andrew and Elaine Morley, members of the secret society created by Julian Harker in 1890. Hasan, after interacting with young Mannix in “Bodies,” realized that the boy longed for love and did not want to detonate the bomb, causing the deaths of so many people. She knew that if she could get Mannix to find his mother, Sarah, he might realize that he wasn’t alone in the world and that there were people who cared about him. However, Sarah refused to leave at the last moment, prompting Mannix to trigger the bomb and complete a cycle.

Did Elias Mannix Detonate the Bomb in 2023?

The events mentioned above occurred in the original timeline before Iris Maplewood went back in time and talked to Hillinghead, altering the course of events. Iris went back to 1890 and made sure Hillinghead knew who Julian Harker was and what he was up to. Before being killed by Whiteman in the new reality, Mannix recorded a message trying to convince his younger self not to detonate the bomb. Years later, this tape, hidden in a cafe called “The Silk,” was acquired by Hasan in 2023, traveling from the future of 2053 to meet his younger self in 2023. A series of paradoxes occurred when Future Hasan made Mannix listen to the recording made by him in 1941.

Young Elias Mannix changed his mind and did not detonate the bomb. Characters from the past and future were affected by this change. In 1890, with no body found, Hillinghead and Ashe did not speak, but they felt a connection. In 1941, Whiteman met with Esther, who was still alive, and she did not blackmail him, as Gabriel Defoe’s body never turned up. In 2023, Syed Tahir, the boy pursued by Shahara Hasan, never appeared, and the Chapel Perilous was probably never created, as Hasan was not overcome with revenge for his son’s death. Therefore, the bomb did not explode, bringing normalcy to the world, but the presence of Maplewood in 2023, as revealed at the end of Bodies indicates that the peace may be disturbed again in the future.

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