Black Crab Review: Exotic War On Ice Thrilling And Exciting From Start To End | Svart Krabba Film Review

Starring: Noomi Rapace, Jakob Oftebro, Erik Enge

Director: Adam Berg

Streaming Platform: Netflix (click to watch) Ratings: 3.5/5 (three and half star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Black Crab (Svart Krabba)  the Netflix Swedish post-apocalyptic action film follows six soldiers on a secret mission that can decide the outcome of the war by having to transport a mysterious package across the frozen islands Starring Numi Rapace.

Black Crab Review

Black Crab Movie Review: The Story

Iidh (played by Noomi Rapace) a single mother, her only daughter who becomes a female soldier. After a sudden war she is tasked with delivering a mysterious package known as the Black Crab mission that can stop this war. But he travels on ice skating through the sea with five other soldiers to reach a destination more than 100 nautical miles away, with the sole purpose of finding a missing child.

Black Crab Movie Review: And Analysis

A Swedish action thriller set in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by war through an ice skating journey that is unprecedented in a war. Movie like never before that uses the ice scene as the main location usually in war movies we will see the explosion scene. The ground explodes, fire, all these things that immediately make you think about what it would be like to put a story on fragile ice. It’s a very challenging question and this movie was able to make it come out in a new and exciting way throughout the story.

Based on the famous novel by writer Jerker Virdborg, its predecessor gives it a much deeper story than a typical Netflix movie. And what is surprising is that the director Adam Berg (Adam Berg) looks from the past work that he had directed only two short films. Other than that, it’s a music video. This is his first full-length film work. And also get famous stars such as Numi Rapace to star with a large production event It’s not unusual for a movie made on Netflix.

The highlight of the story is the war scene through the use of ice skating in the frozen sea known as the sale of a very strange action war scene on the ice surface. Starting from skating, avoiding various enemy attacks. Which in the story is almost complete, it’s better from firearms, machine guns, snipers, or even rocket-launching warheads. but not directly on the ice But it’s the big opening scene before it hits the ice that shows that the production work, including CG, is not small at all.

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As for who thinks that shots like that and the ice surface doesn’t break? In the story, there may be some point that looks overbearing, but many scenes make us believe it. And then there were the ice-breaking accidents from the trip included. Including the scene to go underwater which all dangers to the ice in this story are all there including those scenes of the world of disaster in the sea of ​​ice like a passenger ship half frozen cemetery under ice The film is described as the first time in 37 years that the sea has completely frozen but did not tell the reason. But it is likely caused by the effects of the war in this regard. In addition, the vast view in the middle of the sea ice in the story also looks strangely beautiful until I wonder how it can be filmed without using CG, which is so smooth that it’s really indistinguishable.

Black Crab

The effect in this regard is not limited to sea ice but in this story also includes the ground, which is full of coldness which sometimes the protagonist has to go up to the ground. But there wasn’t really a break at all, because in this story, every time there was a break, there would always be a shooting scene. It is a film that diligently put together shooting scenes with almost no breaks at all. Answer the question of war movie fans for sure. And all the characters of the story are involved in all the battles. Not focusing on the heroine alone. Everyone plays a role in the plot, helping both combat and delivering drama. Of course, someone must die. The story will gradually cut less and less characters. But everyone plays a role when death is a depressing drama scene with enough of the story. (Except the first one, who may be a little sudden), which the movie reflects the brutality of the war well.

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In addition, the story also has a main crux that makes it suspicious at first. What’s in this mission? Why can you decide to win the war? which this crux is driven along with the heroine’s goal, who wants to meet her daughter in a determined destination for her life Until making the decision of the heroine sometimes looks bad because she doesn’t think about other people in the team at all. All of which will have their origins. At the opening of the story, we will see the scene at the beginning of the war on the first day of terrorism and may cause her to lose her daughter that day But in a dream during a short break Every time the story flashes back to how she and her children lived during the war. This clue is kept secret throughout the story as to how the events actually happened in the opening episode. Both of these clues will be solved at the end and can also push the story further in the last body it’s not just the end of the mission at the beginning. Which in the last part, the story is turned into another genre that is not a shooting scene in the war but it’s the final mission scene from the decision of the surviving characters how to end this war. Which helps clear the story of the heroine’s child along with the mission to stop the war quite well. Although there is some doubt as to what will happen next. But that doesn’t use the main point. Because at the heart of the story is a mother’s love for her child that has driven the whole story to this point.

Numi Rapace herself is also suitable for this kind of action role that she is probably very good at playing often. In the story, she wasn’t just a skater who became a soldier. But it can almost be a female hero character at all. Because since the opening of the story, there was a scene where she suddenly survived from the gang. There is a shooting scene where she has a skill to use weapons very proficiently. The sniper size is still available immediately which may look cheesy. Some with the war movie genre, what kind of person would be this good at? But these scenes of her are so fun and exciting that the audience shouldn’t be addicted to these things.

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As for the disadvantages of the story, there are a few. For example, some scenes look bragging. It’s a bit too much that why they shoot each other like that, why doesn’t the ice break? With the story of the war that the story hardly let us know who Sweden was going to war with. But looking at the enemy dressed in white, it’s probably a Russian soldier. The background of the war in the story is so small that we do not know how it happened. But here, it’s like the creator doesn’t want to emphasize. So it can be overlooked, but really, there should be a short story enough to understand the structure of the world in matters a bit because it plays an important role in the things that are mission-critical in the direct story that is fighting to use this thing to stop this war.

Black Crab Review: The Last Words

A semi-sci-fi war movie in a catastrophic world set against a backdrop of strange, vast, beautiful and terrifying sea ice. The scenes of shooting fights on the ice in the story are very well done. And still wear it continuously there is almost no break in the story. Considered to answer the question of war movie fans, can shoot for sure, especially Numi Rapace herself, showing off the best female hero style. Every scene shot together looks fun and exciting. In addition, the main crux of the story has a secret that is worth following and inserting the love story of a mother into the heart of the story perfectly.

3.5 ratings Filmyhype

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