Better Call Saul 6 Episode 3 Review: Manages To Combine Writing That Is Always Faithful To The Characters

Stars: Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks, Rhea Seehorn, Patrick Fabian, Michael Mando, Tony Dalton, Giancarlo Esposito

Director: Michael Morris, Vince Gilligan

Streaming PlatformAMC and Netflix Ratings: 4.5/5 (four and half stars) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Better Call Saul 6 Episode 3 Review: There was a weird vibe at the start of Better Call Saul 6 on Netflix, the feeling of decay and resignation in witnessing the confiscation and destruction of Saul Goodman’s assets by the feds. During all this, as for the Fourth Estate sled, the tequila cap emerged, symbolizing the actual unmasking of Jimmy McGill in the eyes of Kim (but it’s worth reading the review of the first 2 episodes of Better Call Saul 6). Well, the beginning of this third installment is in line with that of the best Breaking Bad episodes: a cryptic but meaningful teaser; a meaning that, of course, will emerge once the vision is over, revealing the symbolism of the images. Details that confirm why we love Better Call Saul.

Better Call Saul 6 Episode 3 Review

Better Call Saul 6 Episode 3 Review: The Story

The goal was to kill Lalo Salamanca, but we all know how it went. The attack failed and now Hector’s nephew will find his way to revenge. Nacho is also alive, but the one who opened the gate to the commando exterminated by Lalo is now on the run between two fires, because the possibility of an open war between cartels depends on the safety of the principal, Gus Fring, which will only be guaranteed with the death of the former criminal in the service of Tuco. We are thus witnessing the retreat of Nacho, hunted by the fearsome twins, who will use all the expedients to reach the United States and find an exit from what has turned out to be a nightmare from which it seems impossible to escape.

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On the other hand we find Jimmy , who continues to weave his plots with Kim, but who also has to deal with the fact that many are asking themselves several questions about his work ; are connecting the dots, so to speak, and what comes out is a gradual and steady defense of some members of the Cartel, from small fish to Tuco and, icing on the cake, Lalo Salamanca, presented in court under a false name by Saul and fled to Mexico after paying the stratospheric $7 million bail in cash, now reported dead. There are no elements to accuse Saul Goodman, but the ground under his feet risks becoming quite crumbly.

Better Call Saul 6 Episode 3 Review and Analysis

Just a week ago we were singing the praises of the Better Call Saul writing room for how it always managed to convincingly paint its antagonists, with reference to Lalo Salamanca, who should represent in all respects the villain of this last season of the spin- off of Breaking Bad. His total absence in this episode therefore further confirms the writers’ ability to create bonds not only between the characters on the screen, but also between the latter and the spectators (and we are not yet close to the return of Walt and Jesse in Better Call Saul), because we are facing the apex of some dynamics which, in their being in reality a single indispensable cog of the narrative machine that will then be incorporated by Vince Gilligan’s creature, represent in all respects a very important act of the conflict between Gus Fring and Hector Salamanca.

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Therefore, Saul’s storyline is marinated with passing elements among which there are however existential questions about the figure of Goodman and his work. And it is above all the human characters that emerge from this story of blood and revenge, of the struggle for power. Thus, it is the introspections of the individual characters that give more value to the whole, from Nacho’s relationship with his father – the first call after an escape to the last breath is precisely for him and is one where you want to say everything, but you can’t (and you can’t) say anything other than a resigned awareness of one’s destiny – to Mike’s tough but caring attitude. It is precisely the link between the latter and Nachoto emerge in a game of diegetic subtexts, which fully reflect the introversion of the old man and the complicity with the young criminal, who has seen during the events the true nature of the man behind the gun.

Better Call Saul 6 Episode 3

All this is accompanied, once again, by a staging that together with the writing dances a dramaturgical choreography that is never satisfied with resting on the laurels of its consolidated experience, but experiments by emphasizing the writing, breaking the action with the hand-held camera, jump cuts and timelapses; privileging perspectives and peculiar disclosures where anyone would have fallen back on the ordinary. And it is this legacy of Breaking Bad production that further embellishes spin-off that has given and will continue to give great joys, because it has all the passion and desire to tell the story of Saul and his companions in his own way, what we like.

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Better Call Saul 6 Episode 3 Review The Last Words

This week Better Call Saul gives us a heart-pounding episode, because it manages to combine writing that is always faithful to the characters with an active and creative staging, which even after years is not satisfied with the ordinary, but always looks at the material with curiosity. narrative that he has in his hands to make the most of it. Rock and Hard Place is an episode that is difficult to forget because it is the inevitable closure of a fundamental act of the Breaking Bad spin-off, which, like the progenitor, managed to get its characters into our hearts and leaves us with the heart and the mind crumpled every time we have to part with it forever.

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