Beau Is Afraid: The First Poster of The New Film by Ari Aster with Joaquin Phoenix
A24 has just released the first cryptic poster for Ari Aster’s new film, titled Beau Is Afraid, even though the film was originally supposed to be called Disappointment Blvd. At the center of the poster is a teenage boy, closely resembling the youthful version of Joaquin Phoenix. The protagonist of the film is the Oscar winner Joaquin Phoenix, who however does not appear in the poster: in his place, the close-up of a little boy, with incredibly similar features to those of the Joker interpreter. Further details on the film are not known, but it is reasonable to think that the plot could include two versions of the same character, one in youth, and the other in adulthood.
Now it is not even clear which genre the film should belong to, although it is equally reasonable to imagine a work with horror veins, given the director’s previous works, Hereditary (2018) and Midsommar (2021), both produced by A24. Founded in 2012, the New York-based distribution and production company A24 quickly established itself as the place of choice for independent American auteur cinema, becoming in recent years a name also recognized by the general public, and considerably increasing the number of internally produced films.
Beau Is Afraid: The First Poster of Joaquin Phoenix

Among the films produced and/or distributed in Tusk by Kevin Smith (2014), Ex Machina by Alex Garland (2015), The Witch (2016) and The Lighthouse (2019) by Robert Eggers, The Lobster by Yorgos Lànthimos (2016). In this 2022, A24 has attracted further attention with a highly anticipated triptych of films, which cultivates legitimate hopes of receiving important awards: The Whale, by Darren Aronofsky, with Brendan Fraser, in Italian cinemas from February 2023, Everything, Everywhere, All At Once, by Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, released in our cinemas on October 6, 2022, as well as Causeway, a psychological drama with Jennifer Lawrence, winner of the Best Debut Film Award at the Rome Film Festival, now available in global streaming on Apple Tv+ after a limited theatrical release, starting from last October 28th.