Bad Vegan Review: The Story Of A Famous Vegan Woman Who Was Deceived Into Bankruptcy And Went To Prison

Director: Chris Smith

Streaming Platform: Netflix (click to watch) Ratings: 2.5/5 (two and half star) [yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Bad Vegan: Fame. Fraud. Fugitives together on Netflix Like the documentary The Tinder Swindler, which is a romance scam, tricked into making love and taking money from women. which this story comes in a similar line but made into a four-part series, over 50 minutes each, which tells the story of Sarma Melingailis, a vegan woman (who eats only vegetables, doesn’t touch meat, or uses any animal products) who runs a vegan restaurant to make a brand. own until famous all over the world Later, she met a young man through Twitter and bonded. until becoming a married couple but then her life gradually turned Collapsed when she was under his control who tricked her into believing that would make her and her dog immortal!

Bad Vegan Review

Bad Vegan Review: The Story

This documentary has a great cost credit for being promoted as the creator of Netflix’s hottest Tiger King documentary and also use the tagline about the plot overwhelmed. A villain story will make her dog immortal. which it sounds like it’s crazy but those who hear this will want to try and see how it goes. How is it possible for a world-famous girl to be deceived by such a thing? That’s what looks very interesting.

But in reality, the series rarely tells a story about immortalizing a dog. That is, there are very few, just telling a short story. Complementing the story only The rest is all about telling the beginnings of who Sarma is. How did you come to open this vegan restaurant? How did she climb to become world famous? Prepare to have a franchise to many countries like that Which at this point is a good story. It’s like we’ve seen a woman fight for her life, doing a business similar to a startup in a certain way. in bringing vegan food to become a global trend with a pretty face serious work The shop is famous for gathering famous celebrities. Have a profile that likes to help people in need Especially the homeless who became a true friend. These backgrounds are the narratives of good business practices. Which would be great if the creators didn’t choose to promote in a flashy way by using the story of the immortal dog as a highlight. But the truth is, there is almost no story here that can be touched at all. That is, even though we already know it’s a lie But the documentary returned to focus on a small part. In this story came up for sale. Does not answer the question of people who come to see because of this really And there is still no conclusion so we can feel that it is the core of the story.

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Bad Vegan Review And Analysis

As for the cheating of the young man Sarma was dating until he got married, it was a trick for a simple love. More like a scourge of women than a real thug in the Tinder documentary. Or worse, there are many. which the pattern pattern is not very strange claim to be rich Claims to have money and diamonds from being a spy for the American government. Before she believed and took the plunge Getting borrowed money and not returning it, then gradually came to know later that I was taken to gamble. At this point, the audience might be more curious than how she could be deceived with this kind of intelligence. which referred to trying to answer others to understand She was in control of her life. which it is believable But many things really show that then she might join him in committing crimes.

The only thing that came to light in the media was when employees protested in front of the store for not being paid by her and her missing husband. Before being caught ordering pizza to eat in a hidden city, police were able to track down his credit card. Which the media took to this point to play that she was vegan but ordered pizza. Became famous news later, but overall, almost the whole story in the part of the scam until the moment of being caught, there is nothing very special compared to the previous documentaries. This is Netflix itself The Puppet Master, who came a month before Tinder. And it’s a line to deceive young women as well, it’s also much more insidious. (Even being a villain to many countries), but in this story, she is the main victim who deceives love to copy only one person. called very small scale but that’s big news because she’s only a famous vegan before.

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The documentary itself seems to know that there is nothing special about it. So I try to make some things look twisted in the middle of the story. But the viewers are still indifferent. Because it’s not very new to these crooks. And what is important is that the documentary itself is incomplete because it is a one-sided narrative from Sarma. with a recording of a conversation with her husband to open for listening sometimes Her husband herself did not agree to be interviewed. The so-called documentary attempted to blackmail him by stealing a chicken for Sarma to call her current husband when making the documentary to record it. But it’s not that important. And the case itself has a very light sentence, just over a year’s imprisonment, because it’s actually a story of two people who have problems borrowing money, attaching money to each other and then affecting the business more. The documentary itself tries to make the audience think whether or not Sarma is actually the one who is wrong in this regard. But it doesn’t listen to any flags, it’s just trying to link the hypothesis that it’s possible.

It’s a documentary that’s passable. But the story is not exactly as advertised on the cover. In content, the establishment of a vegan shop looks good. But in this crooked cheat section, this is very weak. I didn’t feel any fun and excitement about the story at all.

Bad Vegan Review: The Last Words

A documentary that exposes scammers and spoofs of famous women in the vegan world. by pretending to make her dog immortal but the real content I didn’t focus on this at all. It turned out to be not exactly as advertised on the cover. Although the contents of the establishment of a vegan shop look good Able to see in the formation of a business but as for cheating, this crook is very weak. I didn’t feel any fun and excitement about the story at all.

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2.5 ratings Filmyhype

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