Attack on Titan: Is Not Over Yet! When We Will See Season 4 Part 3 And Last Part Of The Final Season

Unlike what was announced, Attack on Titan did not end with the last episode of the second part of the final season. We will have to wait another year to see the conclusion of the story.

Attack on Titan is in its final season, but it hasn’t finished telling the story of Eren and the inhabitants of Paradis and Marley yet. Unlike what has been announced in recent months, the second part of the final season will not be the last. Episode 87 is therefore not the series finale and ends with a laconic to be continued, much to the bewilderment of the fans.

After the episode aired, with a surprise announcement, a very short promotional video arrived that changed the cards. The third block of the final season (what should be the actual finale of the series) will arrive in 2023! The Japanese broadcaster NHK will host the final part of the season, whatever the format.

Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2

In the movie we see in detail the image of the poster of the third part of the final season. Armin, Mikasa, Levi, the survivors of Paradis and the new allies of Marley are seen from above. The group is inside a gigantic footprint, left by one of the imposing giants of the roar of the earth. The poster alludes to the fact that the group was created to try to stop the advance of the roar, trying to convince (or kill) Eren.

What Do We Know About Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 3

The only certain fact so far is that there will be a third part of the final season, the fourth season of Attack on Titan anime. On other issues, however, everything remains nebulous. For example, we do not know if the latest episodes will be normal half-hour episodes of the anime or real animated films.

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In fact, in recent months, a rumor had leaked according to which the finale would be animated in a film for the big screen or in several special episodes of an hour (perhaps three), in which to collect the final arc of the story. It is therefore not clear how many final episodes will be, nor in what format. We do not know when, in 2023, we will see the finale of Attack on Titan: a very prestigious first programming block is the winter one, but it could also be postponed to spring or end of the year.

A useful data to try to give some hypotheses is provided by the manga: there are still 9 chapters to animate. In the last part of the season, MAP has maintained a fairly precise rhythm of 1 chapter adapted for each episode. This suggests that the final season could be made up of a variable number of episodes from 8 to 10, to be able to cover an entire block of seasonal programming. Many fans point out, however, that the manga in its final parts is sometimes a bit essential, almost sparse, so there could be space for MAPPA to expand some passages, perhaps obtaining an episode or two more. Waiting to know more about it, we can console ourselves with what we already know, or what was revealed in the season finale on the roar of the earth and on Eren’s plan.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Is Attack on Titan Over?” answer-0=”No, the anime stops at the second part of the final season, episode 87. The third and final part is scheduled for 2023.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”When The Final Episodes Of Attack On Titan Arrive” answer-1=”The third and final part of the anime has been announced for 2023.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”How Many Episodes Are Missing From Attack on Titan” answer-2=”The third and final part of the anime has been announced for 2023: it is not known how many episodes will be composed, but nine chapters of the manga are still missing to adapt.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”Where has Attack on Titan Anime Reached Compared to The Manga?” answer-3=”Episode 87 closes when there are still nine chapters of the Isayama manga to adapt.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h2″ question-4=”Will Attack On Titan Finale Be A Movie?” answer-4=”There have been many rumors about it, but nothing specific is known yet except that the final block will air on the Japanese broadcaster NHK.” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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