Attack On Titan 4 Part 3: What Will Part 3 Of The Final Season Be Like? Here What We Know

Attack On Titan 4 Part 3: With the 87th episode of Attack on Titan, the anime currently covers up to chapter 130 of the manga, with the official start of Eren’s attack on humanity and the revelation of the form of its Founding Titan. What surprised however was the revelation that the series will continue not in film form, as most fans expected, but with a third cour of this Final Season, which will be broadcast in 2023. Let’s analyze what this implies. decision and what can be expected for the future.

Attack On Titan 4 Part 3

Attack On Titan 4 Part 3: Why Not A Movie?

The choice of adapting the Attack on Titan ending as a movie seemed to make sense. Over the last few years we have witnessed a real boom in films based on shonen series, with Demons Slayer: the Mugen train and, more recently, Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Both works depart from the classic Shonen manga feature film approach, as they do not invent original stories, but faithfully adapt a manga story arc with a higher budget than one might expect from a television anime.

This approach has been widely praised by fans, as both films have been immensely successful both at home and abroad, and Jujutsu Kaisen 0 has even earned the title of highest-grossing film in Japan of 2021. At this point it is natural to ask why MAPPA has not tried again, given that it is the studio behind Jujutsu Kaisen. Unfortunately, there are no definite answers to this question, as Mappa has not made any official statements. It could be a choice of necessity, or a precise commercial strategy. However, it must be said that this new season of Attack on Titan starts with some interesting premises.

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Space to Learn More

In the 27 episodes that currently make up the final season of Attack on Titan, roughly forty chapters have been covered, for an average of one and a half chapters per episode. Considering that a television season in Japan consists of at least twelve episodes and that there are just nine chapters to adapt, this leaves several chapters to adapt for Attack on Titan Final Season. In general, when the material to adapt is scarce in the anime, we resort to practices such as those of filler episodes, but that is highly unlikely to be Mappa’s intention. The studio is well aware of the enormous responsibility that this adaptation entails, and how demanding the fans are. They are still fresh in the memorialheavy criticism for the first part of the Final Season, especially as regards the 3D models of the giants. But, even under pressure, Mappa has been able to correct the shot, presenting a second part that has nothing to envy to the original material or to the work of the Witt studio.

What this new season represents is an opportunity for the studio to outdo itself, creating a definitive version of the story that corrects the weaker parts of the series finale. Now, it should be pointed out that Attack on Titan didn’t suffer from a mundane ending, like many shonen series do. But, given the author’s desire to close the series exactly at chapter 139, some passages are unclear, or even confusing. The animated series will instead have the time to dedicate to all the right time, creating, hopefully, a version of the epilogue that everyone agrees.

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Attack On Titan 4 Part 3: A New Ending?

When chapter 139 was released last April, fans were very divided by the series finale. While many found it all in all adequate to the unfolding of history, there were also those who considered it unworthy. Then there were those who went even further, creating their own alternative version of the ending. And the concept of an alternate ending has been a topic of great discussion within the fandom, with many hoping for a completely different ending for the anime.

Mappa has neither confirmed nor denied these rumors. But it is enough to think for a moment to understand that an alternate ending is extremely unlikely, but it is not excluded that Isayama is working with Map to create original additions for the anime, but nothing that will change the sense of the series.

One thing is certain: the fulcrum of the whole epilogue is Eren’s profound inner contrast and reflections on his feelings. This dichotomy is the true meaning of the ending of Attack on Titan, and the hope is that Mappa will be able to tell this story even better than Isayama did, without distorting the source material, but improving it. For now, we just have to wait impatiently for 2023.

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